Disagree about Kurt and Linda Rambis. Unless you know something about what's going on in the front office that us mere mortals haven't heard about - you have nothing to base that on.
Disagree somewhat about Jeanie - I think she should establish herself as the top dog like the Late Dr Jerry Buss did and be involved like he was. Don't need a V.P. of operations. One hell of a general manager.
but his fault when they lost, right?Cracks me up when they talk about Ty Lue being a championship coach. That dude didn't coach that team, Lebron James did.
but his fault when they lost, right?
I don't doubt that will be the narrative. win and it's Lebron, lose and it's Lue.Unfortunately for Lue, probably. At least that's the likely narrative because of the way that he became a head coach.
For all any of us know, he may be a very good coach. However, the fact that he appeared to be handpicked by Lebron and was fired 6 games into the season after Lebron left, just feeds the narrative that he was a Lebron puppet.
The Lakers sure as hell didn't help that perception when they offered him a contract that was set to end at the same time as Lebron's.
Unless and until he gets an opportunity to be a head coach for a team without Lebron and has success, he'll always be looked at as someone who's only success was because of Lebron.
On the subject of Rambis, you're right that we haven't seen what Rambis has done for the Lakers, but that could be because we haven't been in the front office to see what has been going on. Just because no one has told you or the trolls like Wiggy anything Does not mean he hasnt done anything.As much as I hate to agree with Wiggy....he's right.
What has Kurt Rambis done to show that he knows how to run a front office other than fail as a head coach?
Linda Rambis has been around the Lakers for years and has been in charge of special projects. How does that qualify her to have a say in basketball decisions?
The problem is that what you say she should do is what she appears to be doing and that is NOT how Dr. Buss ran things. Dr. Buss hired the best basketball people he could find and then got the hell out of the way. He would only step in as a closer when the Lakers were looking to bring in a new coach or FA and as final say on the money on contract negotiations.
That is what Jeanie needs to do. The business side is and always has been her area of expertise and that side of the Lakers is one of the best run in professional sports.
The Lakers have literally become a "How To" book on running the business side of a professional sports organization and a "How NOT To" book on the basketball side.
She needs to hire a credible PBO, if that means backing up the Brinks truck to bring in a guy like Ujiri, then so be it.
Assuming she does something like that, she needs to then get herself, the Rambis' and every other sibling besides Jesse, the hell away from the basketball side.
I thought Lue did a good job and I saw a lot of good coaching in Clevelans and I think he deserves some credit.but his fault when they lost, right?
So now your questioning magic's intelligence. Magic is a very successful business man. A lot smater then some of you keyboard idiots.Magic simply does not have the work ethic or brains for the job. These GM jobs are for guys that are really really smart that work long long hours
not that Magic isnst smart---- but Magic isnt sitting there studying the cap and analystics etc....
its one of the very weak parts about the Lakers- they still think they can just rely on the Laker name- their analystics department etc. is very weak.
On the subject of Rambis, you're right that we haven't seen what Rambis has done for the Lakers, but that could be because we haven't been in the front office to see what has been going on. Just because no one has told you or the trolls like Wiggy anything Does not mean he hasnt done anything.
ON THE TOPIC OF JEANIE, I figured it would take some time for her to figure things out, but the free agency doesnt start for over a month, shouldn't we at least wait until she has failed in free agency before we piss on her? Do you dump on your kids before they fail a test at school?
So now your questioning magic's intelligence. Magic is a very successful business man. A lot smater then some of you keyboard idiots.
No. It was all on James. he was running things in Cleveland. It was hilarious watching Lue give instructions to the team in a timeout and James was off complaining to the ref about something that happened 10 minutes before.but his fault when they lost, right?
The news media knows many things, but they dont know everything and they dont know what's happening behind those closed doors. They could be wrong. We really won't know until after free agency has hitLiterally everyone who covers the Lakers and everyone who covers the NBA are questioning this.
Look, Kurt Rambis may be a great PBO. But we don't know that because he's never been one. He's never even been a GM.
The Lakers are entering what is arguably the most important off-season since after the '95 season when they got Shaq and Kobe and they don't have a coach, the don't have a PBO and they are relying on people with no FO experience to guide them through the process.
That might be fine, if they didn't have an inexperienced GM that, according to reports, some in the league don't even want to talk to, let alone do business with.
So, in your estimation, the Lakers and Jeanie looking stupid, doing things backwards and everyone laughing at them is just them being smarter than everyone else? Linda Rambis is being referred to as the Lakers "shadow owner."
As bad as things look, the Lakers aren't that far from being back to contender status. Lebron has apparently been recruiting, if he can convince one to come to the Lakers, then things suddenly start looking better.
If the Cowherd report that they already have the PBO, he's with a current playoff team are true, things will look even better.
However, as of now, it looks like the Lakers are just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.
Mike Vogel??
Vogel agrees to coach Lakers, sources say
Not a Lakers fan....but I didn't see that one coming.
I never thought I'd see the day where the Lakers FO would become more dysfunctional than that of the Knicks.
Frank Vogel