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Kobe "home discount is crap"


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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The issue is not whether he should take the money. He has that right.

The issue is his wishes that he could be surrounded with talent for many years as He stated makes him jealous of Tim Duncan and dirk. Yet he knows well to get that they gave up lots of,salary to put the best around them.

Which does he want. Championships or money . He gave his answer, so don't complain because those better teams and players had different values.

I think if he just stops complaining about the advantage of others this quiets down. He is not trying to win rings.

No reason why he shouldn't have both. The next CBA will be better for the players. Good for players like Lebron and Melo for taking max contracts. Players shouldn't have to suppress their salaries while the owners are signing huge TV deals and selling their franchises for billions of dollars.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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I wonder what Lakers fans would say if the shoe was on the other foot... My guess is they'd go on and on about how bad said Owners are.

I have no problem with players maximizing their earnings potential while the owners are reaping profits off the backs of said players.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Rarely can u have both. Heat stars and their rings came from taking less, as did the spurs rings


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Apr 17, 2013
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Still trying to find someone to agree with you about "The Decision". I admire the tenacity.:lol:

I have yet to find anyone who would disagree about accepting millions of dollars for simply sitting in a chair for 90 minutes, regardless of why (unless its the electric chair).

Was it a good PR move? Of course not. It was a business decision.

Was Kobe taking 48M/2 a good lets try for a 6th ring decision? Of course not. It was a business decision.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I wonder what Lakers fans would say if the shoe was on the other foot... My guess is they'd go on and on about how bad said Owners are.

And you'd be wrong. I haven't seen any Lakers fans criticize Lebron for saying he's done signing long term deals and done with taking less than max money. Haven't seen anyone criticizing 'Melo for taking every penny he could get with the Knicks.

Whether we, as fans, like it or not, players are starting to get smart about the business side of basketball and more and more of them are refusing to take less while owners sign lucrative t.v. deals to make even more money or sell their franchises for 3-4 times their actual value.

Lebron comes out and says he's not taking less anymore which limits what Cleveland can put around him after adding K. Love, 'Melo decides he's going to stay in New York on max deal which limits what a Knicks team that isn't much or any better off than the Lakers, yet Kobe's the bad guy for taking what the Lakers offered him while still leaving plenty of cap space for a top FA and a solid mid-tier FA.

There are really only 2 explanations for the extreme lack of business sense in this thread. Either it's just fans who are trying to get their shots in on a franchise and player that has been kicking their collective asses for decades or it's just extreme stupidity.

In many ways, the Spurs provide a great template for the owners on how to run a franchise. However, they provide a terrible template for how players should conduct their business. I will be mildly surprised if the Spurs model continues to work once Tim Duncan retires. It has been Duncan's willingness to take less that has been the key to their ability to sustain their success. I'm not sure that players they get in the future will be so willing to do that given where things seem to be heading.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I have yet to find anyone who would disagree about accepting millions of dollars for simply sitting in a chair for 90 minutes, regardless of why (unless its the electric chair).

Was it a good PR move? Of course not. It was a business decision.

Was Kobe taking 48M/2 a good lets try for a 6th ring decision? Of course not. It was a business decision.

Well, at least you finally admit that it was about what ESPN was paying him and had nothing to do with the kids.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, at least you finally admit that it was about what ESPN was paying him and had nothing to do with the kids.

You know how I feel about James, but despite all of his (my perception) shortcomings, he has always been charitable.

I still believe part if his motivation was to help the kids and bring awareness to their cause.

Would he have done it for free to JUST help them? No way.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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You know how I feel about James, but despite all of his (my perception) shortcomings, he has always been charitable.

I still believe part if his motivation was to help the kids and bring awareness to their cause.

Would he have done it for free to JUST help them? No way.

Truth to tell, while I think The Decision was completely ridiculous and always will. Money going to children's charities is never a bad thing, imo.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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All of us would also take millions of dollars to go on ESPN for 90 minutes to announce where we are going to work next year ( if given the opportunity) like James did, yet some of the same people that crucified James are defending Kobe.

They both did the correct thing, which was taking what was offered.

That horseshit spectacle has nothing to do with basketball. Its downright embarrassing. Lebron has set an awful precedent.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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Truth to tell, while I think The Decision was completely ridiculous and always will. Money going to children's charities is never a bad thing, imo.

I saw that merely as a way to justify it. The hype this generated for the Lebron brand was priceless for them. If i had the energy i could compile a list of 50 things i could bash lebron about from just the last 6 months, this guy gives room for fodder and a half.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I saw that merely as a way to justify it. The hype this generated for the Lebron brand was priceless for them. If i had the energy i could compile a list of 50 things i could bash lebron about from just the last 6 months, this guy gives room for fodder and a half.

Whether it was done to justify it (which I tend to agree on) or not. There was still money donated to a children's charity and that's still a good thing.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
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Trojan can you please explain to me how Kobes contract made it so we couldnt go after Carmelo (like we ever had a chance at Lebron), or any other free agents this offseason? Cause some guys still believe that and im just like where are they getting this from? I honestly dont get it. Do they know something i dont?


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
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This is why I laugh at his whole diatribe about not taking less. Don't say you have cap space to sign guys when the reality is you don't. And - he also states that the new NBAPA player rep will do something about it in the next CBA negotiation. This is the same woman who says owners like Cuban don't matter.

Any Laker fan (and for that matter any Laker player) worth their weight knows owners matter. They had the best one in the NBA and possibly the best one in sports for damn near 40 years.

Where are you getting this dont have money to sign guys thing? What guys? We went after everyone we wanted? Where are these guys we didnt have money for?

Also. You know what happened when Kobe signed that contract? All the owners did this :doh:, and all the players did this :hammer:. Take a wild guess as to why? Take a guess why she said that about Cuban?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Trojan can you please explain to me how Kobes contract made it so we couldnt go after Carmelo (like we ever had a chance at Lebron), or any other free agents this offseason? Cause some guys still believe that and im just like where are they getting this from? I honestly dont get it. Do they know something i dont?

I really don't have an answer for that. 'Melo was offered the maximim amount that the Lakers were allowed to offer him under the current CBA and still would have had cap space for another mid-tier FA. They likely would have had to go over the cap to re-sign the guys that they intended to keep from last years team, but the FO has never balked at going over the cap for a contender.

'Melo chose to stay in NY because, the Knicks, as the team he was with, could pay him more under the current CBA and LaLa wanted to be in NY. More money and a happy, hot wife. Seems like 'Melo did okay for himself.:lol:
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Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
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This will soon fade into history, leaving the Lakers with multiple losing seasons in a row, an empty roster, & cap space to sign the fabled "next great Laker". Once Kobe is gone & that money starts drying up, what are Lakers fans, many of whom are casual fans, going to do? Will celebrities still show up to games or will they complete their migration over to the Clippers? Lakers fans don't see the bigger picture of what is happening to their franchise.

I find it hilarious that some Lakers fans are this delusional about the state of their team & Kobe's impact on that state.

"And he rears back.....and.....a swing and a miss"

Hearye hearye, no wait, hearsay hearsay!


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
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I really don't have an answer for that. 'Melo was offered the maximim amount that the Lakers were allowed to offer him under the current CBA and still would have had cap space for another mid-tier FA. They likely would have had to go over the cap to re-sign the guys that they intended to keep from last years team, but the FO has never balked at going over the cap for a contender.

'Melo chose to stay in NY because, as the team he was with, the current CBA allowed them to pay him more and LaLa wanted to be in NY. More money and a happy, hot wife. Seems like 'Melo did okay for himself.:lol:

Yeah how is it that they keep throwing this out there? Our salary cap is going up and the Lakers knew this too. The guys we did resign might not have gotten contracts anyway. I followed FA closely and never at any point did the Lakers go after the mid level guys. I remember many Laker fans wondering why but the Lakers were thinking long term. Many of those guys took contracts days into FA with the only real hold outs were the guys who would make close or near the max. This offseason there would be more money, assuming we signed Melo the Lakers would have gone into it with a shitload of cap room to sign those mid level pieces. ????? I guess i could just chalk it up too people hate kobe. Thats cool. But dont act like your retarded flawed misinformed logic presents some kind of point. Cover your fucking bases haters! :pound:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That horseshit spectacle has nothing to do with basketball. Its downright embarrassing. Lebron has set an awful precedent.


You have these (mostly) punks in high school going on ESPN with 3 different college caps and pretending to choose one school only to choose another.

At least James got paid, raised money for kids, and hurt nobody but himself.

The Cavs fans who hated him would have hated him ANY way he had left.

Its funny how those who were so offended in Cleveland are now so forgiving.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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You have these (mostly) punks in high school going on ESPN with 3 different college caps and pretending to choose one school only to choose another.

At least James got paid, raised money for kids, and hurt nobody but himself.

The Cavs fans who hated him would have hated him ANY way he had left.

Its funny how those who were so offended in Cleveland are now so forgiving.

GAWD do I ever hate that. It was played out after about the 3rd time a kid did it. :gaah:

Can't really blame the kids too much though. If ESPN is going to televise it, the kids are gonna be kids. I wish some of the adults around them would step up and say "Just announce it and sign your damn LOI."


I am the Lizard King
Jul 27, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
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The Lakers are almost worth what the Mavs and Spurs are worth combined.

Lakers: 1.1 billion
Mavs and Spurs 1.2 billion

Most likely it would be much more, the Clippers sold for $2 billion. If the Lakers were to sale, I assume it would be double that.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Kobe was voted to the All-Star game in a season where he played 6 games, that's pretty marketable if you ask me. I look at a team like Philly who has nothing to lose and everything to gain by signing Bryant to the same deal, if not more.