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Kobe "home discount is crap"

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Trojan if you read the posts you would note that I defended both arguments.

Some players want and deserve as much as they can get, and some players instead take less for other reasons such as what Duncan and Dirk and Ray did which was centered around improving chances to win.

Like I said before tho, to after the fact, to have a Duncan or Dirk now complain about money, knowing they took less inorder to be well staffed around them would be wrong. In many ways Brady has had the reasons to complain as some times the Patriots did not fully use their space.

And as I said, to take the max, and then wonder or be jealous of teams like the spurs or mavs who,sum players made the alternative decision is what seems illogical.

I don't think I can agree with that in bold because human nature pretty much is the driving force behind all people and all of these players with a few exceptions are greedy and they want everything they can get regardless of what they deserve. One thing being overlooked is that the NBA is a business and in every business, the owner is the one that makes the dollars and the employees are the ones that do the hard work. These players including the scrubs get compensated very well and are normally set for the rest of their lives other than making some sound investments and not wasting all of it. I just cannot find it in myself to feel sympathetic to any of them - the players or the owners because either way they are going to stick it to the fans with higher cable tv bills to watch the games, high prices in tickets, high prices in parking and food at the venues

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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On the subject of Kobe, most people would have understood a 15 to 18 m salary, especially being old and Achilles . Why they rushed that deal we will never know. It's not rational. The same now for Rondo. There is no way he is a max player from what I see so far. He as well cannot suck up 33 percent of the cap, or they won't be able to keep young players signed and get that one or two star players.

:agree: Kobe is a max player and playing at a max level though but.... Then you need to defend a max player and under the new CBA 15 to 18 million is a max player. 24 million per season is an insane figure and completely out of the ball park and there's is the rub. The Lakers rushed in and offered the max based on the old cba rules and honestly neither side really took the time to think about it in my opinion. I am guessing that Jeannie Buss was surprised at the backlash about Kobe being over-paid. This new ownership simply does not have the expertise and wisdom their father had. Remember the mentality of Jerry Buss when he refused to pay Shaq more mone(about $25 millions) because he felt Shaq was declining and that was bad for the organization.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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TLF I actually think there are many players who take less than the max if it serves them such as heading home or staying in a good situation. We see it all the time with Patriots and that's what Malone and others did when they went to LA. It just depends what is ones priorities.

Trojan good point on 2 year vs 5 year. I will trade rondo for your draft pick this year, and maybe shaggy p


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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TLF I actually think there are many players who take less than the max if it serves them such as heading home or staying in a good situation. We see it all the time with Patriots and that's what Malone and others did when they went to LA. It just depends what is ones priorities.

Trojan good point on 2 year vs 5 year. I will trade rondo for your draft pick this year, and maybe shaggy p

Haven't seen much of Rondo this year, but I can't imagine he wouldn't be an upgrade over what we've had for the past several years, especially defensively. However, Swaggy P is untouchable because he's my favorite current Laker.:lol:
Jan 13, 2010
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Kobe doesn't take a home town discount... That is why the Spurs continue to win and the Lakers are where they are. Amirite?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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That Spurs team has been together a very long time much like the 80s Bulls and the 60s Celtics. Those teams kept their core together year on year. Really amazing in modern times and post CBA rules


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The Lakers make way more money. Shit, they've lost most of their games this year and are still selling out, combined with the TV deal and Kobe's marketability, why should Kobe ever take less? It shouldn't be too much of a problem to pay the luxury tax.

I don't think the big market teams like the Lakers, Dallas, used to care about the luxury tax and just paid it. I think when the Repeater Tax was adopted it changed the behavior of even the large market teams. Those penalties can become severe.