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Kiffin already making a positive impact on recruiting

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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I'm sure Coker coming has more to do with it than anything.


The most eubillicant poster.
Aug 5, 2011
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How many QBs does bama need? 10?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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If he will buy into the "process", keep his nose clean from a personal standpoint and develop the work ethic that Saban demands he will be fine. I do think what will make or break him is that he is used to calling the shots, not answering to anyone and lets face it Pete Carroll is not Nick Saban when it comes to being demanding so that comes into play. If he can work his ass off and not need a lot of "positive reinforcement" to boast his ego he will be fine. However God help him if he doesn't want to work hard.

You know this, how?

Kiffin's problem has never been his work ethic. In fact, he was known to sleep in his office quite a bit during the season. This includes when Pete Carroll was the coach. His problem has been running his idiot mouth whenever some reporter put a microphone in front of it.

Also, it's not as if Kiffin has never had to answer to other coaches. He started as a graduate assistant at Fresno St., then became OL coach at Colorado St., then was a Quality Control Assistant for the Jacksonville Jaguars before becoming the TE Coach at USC and working his way up to OC and eventually HC. It was when he became an HC that he had his issues.

Just because Pete Carroll wasn't stoic like Saban and actually looks like he enjoys his job, does not make him any less demanding than Saban. It just seems like it because he's having fun.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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1. Calling the shots and taking orders two very different things.
2. Carroll and just about everyone on earth more laid back than Saban. I'm not knocking Carroll.

If you read anything else in that post that's your issue. He is a huge transition phase from top guy, for quite sometime, to assistant and the guy has proven he has an ego if want to ignore that fine but it does factor.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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1. Calling the shots and taking orders two very different things.
2. Carroll and just about everyone on earth more laid back than Saban. I'm not knocking Carroll.

If you read anything else in that post that's your issue. He is a huge transition phase from top guy, for quite sometime, to assistant and the guy has proven he has an ego if want to ignore that fine but it does factor.

That's my point. He's not being asked to call the shots. He's being asked to run the offense. That's what he was asked to under Carroll and there were no problems. I would be very surprised if he had any issues at Alabama.

As Saban said: "His issues were from things that we're not asking him to do". Kiffin is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. It's a pretty safe bet that he knows that if he screws this opportunity up, he won't be able to get a job as waterboy for a Pop Warner team.

As for me "reading something else into it" and that being "my issue". Perhaps you should look into how you post. You make a statement that someone else knows to be incorrect, it gets pointed out to you and suddenly they are "reading something else into it and it's "their issue". Seems to happen to you quite a bit on here (but that's probably everyone else's problem too).


Jul 16, 2013
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Not worried because Saban is in charge. His biggest problem is usually making an ass of himself with the media, something he will never have a chance to do because Saban doesn't allow them to speak to the media except 1 time a year.

I have a feeling Kiffin is here to learn and will keep his nose down while he is here. And if he does cause problems, Saban will have no trouble showing him the way outta town.

He has a lot of problems, this is one amongst many. I think his biggest problem is his inability to lead. He lacks respect, players/young men didn't respect him...he is not a leader. My opinion.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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He has a lot of problems, this is one amongst many. I think his biggest problem is his inability to lead. He lacks respect, players/young men didn't respect him...he is not a leader. My opinion.

He's not our head coach.


Jul 16, 2013
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He's not our head coach.

He's your OC. A leadership position amongst young men. All coaches are. Enjoy having him, ND fans are sad he's gone and USC are happy he's not around.

My ass does not hurt. You are an ass. :L Really, really bad. Where is red corn hole rocket and his bringing value to the board spiel?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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He's your OC. A leadership position amongst young men. All coaches are. Enjoy having him, ND fans are sad he's gone and USC are happy he's not around.

My ass does not hurt. You are an ass. :L Really, really bad. Where is red corn hole rocket and his bringing value to the board spiel?

So how did he have such good recruiting classes despite being reduced on the number he could give? He had problems as the head coach, I don't know why but my guess is lack of discipline. I'm not a Kiffin fan by far, but it's funny how people such as yourself want nothing more than to assure everyone else it's going to be a nightmare. If you really thought that, I think you'd just sit back and enjoy. But instead you just want to troll about it.

As for my bringing value to the board - lol, I was here long before you and I will be here long after you. I've went rounds with many others on here, but most people you learn their arguments and eventually both parties gain a bit of respect towards another. You on the other hand I doubt will ever achieve that status.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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He's your OC. A leadership position amongst young men. All coaches are. Enjoy having him, ND fans are sad he's gone and USC are happy he's not around.

My ass does not hurt. You are an ass. :L Really, really bad. Where is red corn hole rocket and his bringing value to the board spiel?

Not true. He had zero problems as a position coach and as an OC when he was at USC. His problems were strictly as a head coach. If Sark had announced that he was bringing him back as our OC, I'd have no problem with that.

The fact that Saban was even willing to consider hiring him, says a lot about his abilities as a coach. Saban is interested in one thing and one thing only....winning football games. He isn't going to bring in any coaches or players who he feels will not help with that.

Saban didn't have to hire him and even in choosing to hire him, didn't have to make him OC. He could have promoted one of his position coaches and hired Kiffin as a position coach. The fact that he hired him as OC, says that he believes Kiffin can help him win in that position.

Plus, it's Saban. If Kiffin steps out of line or fails as an OC, he will be gone so fast, it'll look like he was never there.


Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So how did he have such good recruiting classes despite being reduced on the number he could give? He had problems as the head coach, I don't know why but my guess is lack of discipline. I'm not a Kiffin fan by far, but it's funny how people such as yourself want nothing more than to assure everyone else it's going to be a nightmare. If you really thought that, I think you'd just sit back and enjoy. But instead you just want to troll about it.

As for my bringing value to the board - lol, I was here long before you and I will be here long after you. I've went rounds with many others on here, but most people you learn their arguments and eventually both parties gain a bit of respect towards another. You on the other hand I doubt will ever achieve that status.

Yeah but you are a fucking douche, don't care how long you've been here. Your whole 2nd paragraph makes you proud, yet you still don't get it. Anyways...

To the other paragraph, Lane Kiffen is yours...enjoy it. He is not good.

Pacers are on now. Catch up with your douchebag ass later, buddy...


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Yeah but you are a fucking douche, don't care how long you've been here. Your whole 2nd paragraph makes you proud, yet you still don't get it. Anyways...

To the other paragraph, Lane Kiffen is yours...enjoy it. He is not good.

Pacers are on now. Catch up with your douchebag ass later, buddy...

Maybe I just don't like you for some reason.


Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not true. He had zero problems as a position coach and as an OC when he was at USC. His problems were strictly as a head coach. If Sark had announced that he was bringing him back as our OC, I'd have no problem with that.

The fact that Saban was even willing to consider hiring him, says a lot about his abilities as a coach. Saban is interested in one thing and one thing only....winning football games. He isn't going to bring in any coaches or players who he feels will not help with that.

Saban didn't have to hire him and even in choosing to hire him, didn't have to make him OC. He could have promoted one of his position coaches and hired Kiffin as a position coach. The fact that he hired him as OC, says that he believes Kiffin can help him win in that position.

Plus, it's Saban. If Kiffin steps out of line or fails as an OC, he will be gone so fast, it'll look like he was never there.

You atleast give valid points, the douche doesn't...

...let me get back to this. Gonna watch this game.

Lane Kiffen to Bama, FUCK YEAH!!! :suds:


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Maybe I just don't like you for some reason.

Oh my, the internet tough guy...ha.

Maybe I think your mom, sister and old lady is cute...don't know, internet dude.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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So how did he have such good recruiting classes despite being reduced on the number he could give? He had problems as the head coach, I don't know why but my guess is lack of discipline. I'm not a Kiffin fan by far, but it's funny how people such as yourself want nothing more than to assure everyone else it's going to be a nightmare. If you really thought that, I think you'd just sit back and enjoy. But instead you just want to troll about it.

As for my bringing value to the board - lol, I was here long before you and I will be here long after you. I've went rounds with many others on here, but most people you learn their arguments and eventually both parties gain a bit of respect towards another. You on the other hand I doubt will ever achieve that status.

From what I've been hearing since he left, it was almost like too much discipline for his players and coaches, but not enough for his mouth.

What I mean by that is, he became so paranoid about the sanctions, that he was over controlling everything. When the interim head coach instantly raises morale by bringing desserts back to the training table and giving the assistants a day off, it says that he was trying to control too much.

Combine that with the fact that he irreversibly pissed off the L.A. media and managed to say something stupid every time a reporter put a microphone in front of him and you get a pretty negative environment.

Saban has presented Kiffin with an excellent opportunity. He can hit the "reset button" on his career while learning from the best in the business, all while possibly being part of an NC or 2. Saban isn't doing this because he has a kind heart and feels bad for Kiffin. He's doing it because he believes Kiffin can improve his offense. If he screws this up, he deserves whatever happens to him.