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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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As I said there was a good way and a bad way to respond to this. The good way is just to say something a long the lines of " I haven't even thought about FA yet as my focused is only on the OKC Thunder". The bad way is the tantrum he decided to throw.

Trust me when I say this. SAS will not be the last person to speculate on Durant's future before the end of the season.

No doubt that this won't be the last of the speculation. However, just as there is a right and wrong way for Durant to react, there's also a right and wrong way to report what he heard, especially since he didn't hear it directly from Durant.

What Stephen A. said was more than just speculating.

Speculating would be something along the lines of "I'm hearing that if KD doesn't stay in OKC, that he has a short list of the Lakers, Wizards, Heat and Knicks."

However, Stephen A. chose to say that going to the Lakers would be his "primary objective." That makes it sound like he's out of OKC and going to the Lakers is all but a done deal.

Like I said, as a Lakers fan, I want nothing more than for Stephen A. to be right about this. I just don't think he's credible enough to put much stock in it.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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No, a cultural issue would be not understanding something because it's a "black thing" or a "white thing" or an "asian thing" etc. All races have a culture that is unique to them and there are parts of it that other cultures don't completely understand. That's not what Stephen A. was referring to. The player he quoted was butthurt and implied it was racial. Stephen A. went on a rant about it and clearly implied that Kelly was getting rid of players because they were black. I'm not the only one who says this. In fact, you and bks are in a small minority of people who don't think he was race baiting.

Also, Stephen A. doesn't have a credibility issue because I disagree with him. That's a bullshit statement and you are better than that. Stephen A. has a credibility issue because he reports shit that turns out to be wrong and he does it often.

I know he didn't verify what he said because Durant called him out for it and because he has a history of running with self serving bullshit that he can't back up.

I also love how people criticizing him are just "haters" in your mind rather than considering the possibility that he is wrong.

And no, every single reporter doesn't report what they are told and certainly not in the way Stephen A. does. Do you know why Adrian Wojnarowski is arguably the most respected and credible NBA source? Because he doesn't report anything without verifying it with at least one or 2 other sources. That's why he is rarely wrong.

Why in the world would SAS be mad because he got rid of black players, when he replaced them with other black players? That logic people keep using, don't make sense at all! Of course, me an and BK are in the minority. Most of the time, when there is a black person making these type of claims, white people can't relate. By majority of fans and media being white, it's understandable we will be in the minority. That's not my main issue, because im not even 100% sure how Chip feels. It's people trying to discredit SAS's credibility.

Yall keep saying he has a history of reporting things and being wrong, yet, I haven't heard any of them.

So, your evidence is, he didn't verify it became Durant called him out right? Once again, how in the hell do KD know who said it? I can't believe, someone who been watching sports, before I was even born, like you, don't understand this type of ish happens all the time.

As far as him being right or wrong, that still don't prove anything, because he never said this is what KD' s thinking or will do, he said someone "told" him that.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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This is from a highly recognized sports website for those that hate Smith

Smith actually makes some good points in that video, at least if you can look past the vague threats. He doesn’t need to speak to Durant to report on Durant, and Durant doesn’t necessarily know which of his friends and family talks to Smith.

This is just common sense!


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Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, who the hell needs to get a quote from the person they're quoting? That would be a lot like responsible journalism and we certainly don't want that.

And I've explained how I know he didn't verify it.

Yeah, because Woj and othe reputable reporters, get direct quotes from the players. You guys are for some reason holding SAS to a higher standard.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Is it not a valid point? You think Durant knows every single person in the media that all of his family and friends speak to? Use common sense here

The way how these guys are talking, you would think KD have recorders on everybody he knows, to keep track with them.


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Credible reporters don't usually threaten athletes lol. In fact, I can't recall a time a reporter has ever uttered the words "you don't want to make enemies with me". SAS and Skip are entertainers, they aren't credible reporters. Why do you think they disagree on pretty much every topic on First Take? Because it would be boring if they agreed with each other or had discussions where they didn't yell at the top of their lungs. I can't believe there are still people who take them seriously.

That's his personality that you don't like. It doesn't take away from his credibility. Lets not forget, SAS been reporting things way before First Take existed.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I'd say he has a better idea than most. I also think that like most most people, he has an inner circle that he trusts and those are the only people that he would share something that potentially inflammatory with. So, while he may not know every single person in the media that his friends and family talk to, I'd bet he knows who those that are closest to him talk to. So no, it's not a very valid point.

Common sense tells me that he knows who in the media the folks he'd share that kind of information with talk to and that Stephen A. isn't one of them.

It's one thing to trust people. It's another thing to actually know if they broke your trust. We hear stories all the time about player's family and friends betraying them.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Durant is still under contract, do you guys seriously believe he's going around telling everyone what he's going to do in free agency a year from now? If he has discussed it, it is most likely only a couple of people who he is very close with and knows for a fact that they wouldn't go to the media with this information. He'd be very careful with that information, he's well aware of the unwanted attention that would result from something like that leaking out. It's like you guys think he's ordering food at a restaurant and telling the waiter "Hey, I'm going to the Lakers next season!". It's silly.

You guys are right about one thing though, Durant did react pretty strongly when he could have just denied it and left it at that. Calling Stephen A. out for being a liar just tells me that it really is fabricated.

Ok, now, what if somebody in that circle, told one of their close friends and expecting them not to tell anyone? That friend might know SAS and probably told him.

You also hear stories all the time, how people in the organization, or people that work at the arenas, leaking things.

You never know!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Gotta take these one at a time.

Why in the world would SAS be mad because he got rid of black players, when he replaced them with other black players? That logic people keep using, don't make sense at all! Of course, me an and BK are in the minority. Most of the time, when there is a black person making these type of claims, white people can't relate. By majority of fans and media being white, it's understandable we will be in the minority. That's not my main issue, because im not even 100% sure how Chip feels. It's people trying to discredit SAS's credibility.

No one said that Stephen A. was mad. A player who was cut by Chip Kelly made a statement that implied that it was race related (even though he was replaced by a black guy). Stephen A. then chose to go on his "Chip Kelly's kinda guy" rant which pretty much everyone except you and bks said was race baiting. And stop with the "we're black, so we're in the minority all the time" bullshit. That doesn't play here and you know it. No one is trying to discredit his credibility, he did that to himself years ago.

Yall keep saying he has a history of reporting things and being wrong, yet, I haven't heard any of them.

Then you haven't been listening or reading because it's been laid out.

So, your evidence is, he didn't verify it became Durant called him out right? Once again, how in the hell do KD know who said it? I can't believe, someone who been watching sports, before I was even born, like you, don't understand this type of ish happens all the time.

The point isn't whether or not Durant knows who supposedly said it. The point is that Stephen A. ran with something that, according to Durant, didn't come from anyone that he talks to. In other words, no one from his inner circle. Also, this stuff doesn't happen all of the time. Reporters used to actually follow up and verify information before running with it, instead of just trying to be first to report it. You never see Woj's credibility questioned. Do you think maybe that's because he cares more about being accurate rather than first? Or is that just hating on Smith?

As far as him being right or wrong, that still don't prove anything, because he never said this is what KD' s thinking or will do, he said someone "told" him that.

:L That's EXACTLY what he did. He said going to the Lakers would be his "primary objective." That's not just speculation. If he was just speculating, it really doesn't matter if he's wrong, as bks said, there's going to be speculation all year. But the way Stephen A. reported it, if he's not right, it's another shot to his credibility.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Yeah, because Woj and othe reputable reporters, get direct quotes from the players. You guys are for some reason holding SAS to a higher standard.

No, we're actually trying to hold Stephen A. to the same standard, he just doesn't measure up.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It's one thing to trust people. It's another thing to actually know if they broke your trust. We hear stories all the time about player's family and friends betraying them.

Of course it's possible. However, it's far more likely that it was someone who isn't part of KD's inner circle. What you can't see is that you are doing essentially the same thing that you're accusing everyone else of. The difference is, you like Stephen A., so you call anyone who questions him a "hater" rather than consider the possibility that he fucked up and others may have a point re: his credibility.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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My ex girlfriend told me she like girls. She told me not to tell anybody and that 3 of her friends and I are the only ones that know. She trusted us, not to tell anyone. I also trusted my brother, when I told him, not to tell anyone. His dumbass told his girlfriend. His girlfriend and my girl got into an argument over facebook. During the argument, his girl said "shut your g ay ass up, yeah I heard you like girls."

That could easily happen in KD's situation.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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My ex girlfriend told me she like girls. She told me not to tell anybody and that 3 of her friends and I are the only ones that know. She trusted us, not to tell anyone. I also trusted my brother, when I told him, not to tell anyone. His dumbass told his girlfriend. His girlfriend and my girl got into an argument over facebook. During the argument, his girl said "shut your g ay ass up, yeah I heard you like girls."

That could easily happen in KD's situation.

Yes, I'm sure it happened exactly like that. :L

Or maybe not.

Maybe some aliens who were looking to destroy our planet were monitoring various conversations around the world and they just happened to be listening to Kevin Durant when he said he wanted to play for the Lakers.

Well, those aliens, being big NBA fans, got all excited, went to Stephen A. and told him what they heard him say. Then they told him of their plot to destroy the earth, but said they wouldn't if he reported what they heard and didn't tell anyone who told him.

My God!! We should all be praising and thanking Stephen A. He saved the world!!

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Stephen A Smith might not have been angry about the Kelly rant, but he was really pissed about Durant and actually threatened him with stuff like "you don't want to make an enemy out of me" and other shit. For some one who should be used to responses like what Durant made, he really took it personal. He would have sounded more believable if he had just called Durant's response typical for some one in his position. Has any one hear the saying in ancient times "Me thing thou doth protest too much"? Smith took it very personal, way to personal. I also notice that one person has suggested that players are getting tired of Smith and he does. Eventually I think more and more players will begin to shut him out of their circle. If I was in Durant's position, I would. I would be careful what I said to others and say nothing to Smith who would be left wondering. It's that simple


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Apr 16, 2013
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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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No, we're actually trying to hold Stephen A. to the same standard, he just doesn't measure up.

Once again, SAS never said it came from his inner circle.

You have no clue what was verified. Nobody does.