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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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This is what I was asking earlier by asking for the names of the people Stephen A spoke to. Bktbllr put a video of Durant's mom being interviewed, but that doesn't mean she said anything to him until Stephen names his sources and I get it that he doesn't want to name his sources because he knows that he will never get information from that source again, but he has to name his source

That's part of why I don't care for him. Well, that and the yelling. He hears something from one of his "sources" and decides to run with it. Then, when he gets called out and people say "Who told you that?" he "can't reveal his sources because then they won't talk to him."

I get that he doesn't want to reveal his sources because if he does, he won't have any. But it seems like he might want to start double checking or get some new sources.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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That's part of why I don't care for him. Well, that and the yelling. He hears something from one of his "sources" and decides to run with it. Then, when he gets called out and people say "Who told you that?" he "can't reveal his sources because then they won't talk to him."

I get that he doesn't want to reveal his sources because if he does, he won't have any. But it seems like he might want to start double checking or get some new sources.
I would more than agree if he had said that the Lakers could be a preferred destination depending on how quickly our rookies develop, but to quote Durant as saying he absolutely wants to come here; that really sounded stupid. I think the Lakers are another year or two years from being an attractive location for elite players, but the season is young. Durant can't say that though because no matter what he says, he would end up in the same situation Dwight Howard was in and would be crucified


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I would more than agree if he had said that the Lakers could be a preferred destination depending on how quickly our rookies develop, but to quote Durant as saying he absolutely wants to come here; that really sounded stupid. I think the Lakers are another year or two years from being an attractive location for elite players, but the season is young. Durant can't say that though because no matter what he says, he would end up in the same situation Dwight Howard was in and would be crucified

And to me, that's another part of the problem when journalists in general (not just Stephen A.) start putting these kinds of stories out there.

I mean, what is Durant supposed to say? "Fuck yeah I'm gone. I can't wait to get out of here and join the Lakers. Can we just end the season now so I can get the hell out sooner? The next flight to Los Angeles leaves in an hour." :lol:

Even giving Stephen A. the benefit of the doubt and saying that Durant really intends to join the Lakers, he still put him in a "must lie situation" and I don't blame Durant one bit for reacting like he did.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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And to me, that's another part of the problem when journalists in general (not just Stephen A.) start putting these kinds of stories out there.

I mean, what is Durant supposed to say? "Fuck yeah I'm gone. I can't wait to get out of here and join the Lakers. Can we just end the season now so I can get the hell out sooner? The next flight to Los Angeles leaves in an hour." :lol:

Even giving Stephen A. the benefit of the doubt and saying that Durant really intends to join the Lakers, he still put him in a "must lie situation" and I don't blame Durant one bit for reacting like he did.
Been in that situation before - and it sounds like you have too - When they pin your back to the wall and it's your job on the line you lie to keep yours and you lie to get the other guy fired if necessary, but you know Baskballer might not be old enough or mature enough to understand that one :lol:


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Apr 16, 2013
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And to me, that's another part of the problem when journalists in general (not just Stephen A.) start putting these kinds of stories out there.

I mean, what is Durant supposed to say? "Fuck yeah I'm gone. I can't wait to get out of here and join the Lakers. Can we just end the season now so I can get the hell out sooner? The next flight to Los Angeles leaves in an hour." :lol:

Even giving Stephen A. the benefit of the doubt and saying that Durant really intends to join the Lakers, he still put him in a "must lie situation" and I don't blame Durant one bit for reacting like he did.

I don't think Stephen A issue was Durant denying it. What else is he supposed to? There was a good and bad way to go about this. He went about it the bad way. He could have deny it and left it at that. But the whole Stephen A is a liar and I don't talk to him BS is what turned this into a bad situation


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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I am sorry but SAS looked like a complete crybaby jackass this morning when he doubled down like some B Movie villain.

Who the hell is he to threaten anyone like that? fucking Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?

Grow the hell up. You are a paid professional. Act like one D-bag.

Durant is now one of my favorite players for humiliating that tiresome sideshow act.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I am sorry but SAS looked like a complete crybaby jackass this morning when he doubled down like some B Movie villain.

Who the hell is he to threaten anyone like that? fucking Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?

Grow the hell up. You are a paid professional. Act like one D-bag.

Durant is now one of my favorite players for humiliating that tiresome sideshow act.
I agree- I listened to his rant and didn't finish it - he just kept on whining and whining.

It's real simple, if you broadcast to the entire world, what some one told you privately and not intended to be public; then expect it blow up in your face.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I don't think Stephen A issue was Durant denying it. What else is he supposed to? There was a good and bad way to go about this. He went about it the bad way. He could have deny it and left it at that. But the whole Stephen A is a liar and I don't talk to him BS is what turned this into a bad situation

What he could have done was speculate without saying why he believes Durant will leave Oklahoma. He didn't have to say anything about being told what Durant wants. When some one give you confidential information and takes it public - that is what happens


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Sep 4, 2011
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I like how I spent the weekend telling you guys that SAS is an egomaniacal muckracker that loves making things about himself and then today he throws down yet another example of that exact behavior. Most credible journalists do one of two things in situations like this: 1) They say nothing and let their reporting speak for itself or B) If its brought up, they simply say "I stand by my sources" and move on. You know, acting like professional. But not Stephen A Smith, oh no. Smith breaks a cardinal rule of journalism (making the story about himself), not that has ever cared about ethical journalism, with some ranting garbage threats like he's Michael Corleone. It's spectacle. It's exactly what he wants. If you like this guy, for your own benefit, I beg you to reevaluate your decisions. Trust me, your brain will thank you later.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I don't think Stephen A issue was Durant denying it. What else is he supposed to? There was a good and bad way to go about this. He went about it the bad way. He could have deny it and left it at that. But the whole Stephen A is a liar and I don't talk to him BS is what turned this into a bad situation

Except that he apparently doesn't speak to Stephen A., at least not outside of the occasional interview (although he probably won't be doing that any time soon either). Yet, he reports it as if it's first hand info.

Durant may have been a bit over the top in calling him a liar, but Stephen A. was out of line running with the info. without some way to verify his story.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Actually, his credibility issues have been brought up. His race baiting and then back tracking on his Chip Kelly rant are a perfect example of his credibility issues. Just because you buy the back tracking, doesn't mean he's credible.

He does the same thing over and over again. Someone that he knows in the league speculates about something. If he thinks it's something that he can use to get his name out there and stir the pot a bit, he runs with it without verifying it's validity. If he can make it about race, that's even better. It's his whole schtick and always has been.

And interviewing someone a few times and being a person that they talk to, is not the same thing.

You keep saying that he backtracked, but he didn't. From day 1, he always said this was a culture thing. Look, lets call it as it is. Black and white people will never see eye to eye on some race or culture issues. You guys see it as race-baiting, he see it as a culture issue. Whatever! His opinion on that, does not hurt his credibility because you disagree with it. Matter of fact, he reported that's how some Eagles players felt, and it turned out to be true. So again, how did that hurt his credibility?

You say, somebody tell him something around the league, then he report it? Isn't that what every single reporter do? How do you know if he verify the story or not? You have no proof how he verify his stories. So to say he don't, is just speaking of hate.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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You didn't ask specifically for an example from the NBA, you asked for examples of why he lacks credibility. You were given an example and now you want to move the goal posts. That's Wiggy level bullshit right there.

As for lacking credibility in the NBA. Kevin Durant just delivered a blow to his credibility by saying no one that he talks to has said anything of the kind to Stephen A. So whatever "source" Stephen A. has, it was apparently someone who isn't part of Durant's "inner circle."

The fact that he makes the statement and doesn't even give a name after getting called out, hurts his credibility as well.

Did you not just watch the video? How the hell Durant know for sure, that nobody talked to SAS? Lets not forget SAS know the guys from Roc Nation, who represent KD. It could be one of them, for an example.

Like you said, no reporter is going to name their source, so that point is moot.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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That's part of why I don't care for him. Well, that and the yelling. He hears something from one of his "sources" and decides to run with it. Then, when he gets called out and people say "Who told you that?" he "can't reveal his sources because then they won't talk to him."

I get that he doesn't want to reveal his sources because if he does, he won't have any. But it seems like he might want to start double checking or get some new sources.

Why would he need to get new sources? Nothing says he is lying.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I would more than agree if he had said that the Lakers could be a preferred destination depending on how quickly our rookies develop, but to quote Durant as saying he absolutely wants to come here; that really sounded stupid. I think the Lakers are another year or two years from being an attractive location for elite players, but the season is young. Durant can't say that though because no matter what he says, he would end up in the same situation Dwight Howard was in and would be crucified

Wtf? Just shut up! You have proven time and time again, you don't know what you are talking about. He never said anything close to he want to absolutely come to the Lakers. He said the Lakers would be a Primary choice for KD.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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And to me, that's another part of the problem when journalists in general (not just Stephen A.) start putting these kinds of stories out there.

I mean, what is Durant supposed to say? "Fuck yeah I'm gone. I can't wait to get out of here and join the Lakers. Can we just end the season now so I can get the hell out sooner? The next flight to Los Angeles leaves in an hour." :lol:

Even giving Stephen A. the benefit of the doubt and saying that Durant really intends to join the Lakers, he still put him in a "must lie situation" and I don't blame Durant one bit for reacting like he did.

All he said was, LA is a primary choice. That doesn't mean Washington, Miami, or NY isn't. Durant was not in a "must lie situation"

People also thought SAS was crazy when he broke the story that Lebron was going to Miami. I guess that wasn't credible either.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I am sorry but SAS looked like a complete crybaby jackass this morning when he doubled down like some B Movie villain.

Who the hell is he to threaten anyone like that? fucking Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?

Grow the hell up. You are a paid professional. Act like one D-bag.

Durant is now one of my favorite players for humiliating that tiresome sideshow act.

Another person attacking his personality and showing the hate you have for him. That cool, but how does that hurt his credibility as a reporter?


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I like how I spent the weekend telling you guys that SAS is an egomaniacal muckracker that loves making things about himself and then today he throws down yet another example of that exact behavior. Most credible journalists do one of two things in situations like this: 1) They say nothing and let their reporting speak for itself or B) If its brought up, they simply say "I stand by my sources" and move on. You know, acting like professional. But not Stephen A Smith, oh no. Smith breaks a cardinal rule of journalism (making the story about himself), not that has ever cared about ethical journalism, with some ranting garbage threats like he's Michael Corleone. It's spectacle. It's exactly what he wants. If you like this guy, for your own benefit, I beg you to reevaluate your decisions. Trust me, your brain will thank you later.

And how does this hurt his credibility as a reporter again?


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Except that he apparently doesn't speak to Stephen A., at least not outside of the occasional interview (although he probably won't be doing that any time soon either). Yet, he reports it as if it's first hand info.

Durant may have been a bit over the top in calling him a liar, but Stephen A. was out of line running with the info. without some way to verify his story.

Once again, he doesn't need to speak to Durant, and how do you know if he verified it or not?


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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What we have here, is people that hate SAS, trying to bash his credibility.

I fucking hate Tom Gaydy with a passion, but I will never bash him as a top QB.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I like how I spent the weekend telling you guys that SAS is an egomaniacal muckracker that loves making things about himself and then today he throws down yet another example of that exact behavior. Most credible journalists do one of two things in situations like this: 1) They say nothing and let their reporting speak for itself or B) If its brought up, they simply say "I stand by my sources" and move on. You know, acting like professional. But not Stephen A Smith, oh no. Smith breaks a cardinal rule of journalism (making the story about himself), not that has ever cared about ethical journalism, with some ranting garbage threats like he's Michael Corleone. It's spectacle. It's exactly what he wants. If you like this guy, for your own benefit, I beg you to reevaluate your decisions. Trust me, your brain will thank you later.

I reevaluated it my decisions and decided to still listen to Smith.