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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I'm still looking for six more players in my league


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Way too early to be talking about free agents in 2016 any way and regardless of when Durant is a free agent - I think he is out Oklahoma no matter what happens. Oklahoma had the best chance they will ever have of winning a championship and instead they fucked it away be getting rid of players like Hardin, Chandler and a few others. Durant is stupid if he doesn't recognize that and I don't think he is stupid at all. Say good bye to Durant Oklahoma - you are screwed if you hold onto him

Not the smartest comments you have ever made. Anyone that doesn't think OKC has BY FAR their best chance of winning a title this season isn't paying attention. As for him staying I'd say it will depend a lot on how the year goes but at the present time the odds are about 50/50 in my mind.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I am. I was talking about in general, that he is not a race baitor, but somebody that keeps it real.

I don't see how implying that someone is racist or what they did was racially motivated is keeping it real. Stephen A. didn't come up with the "cultural thing" crap until after he started getting called out for what he said.

If it was a "cultural thing" he should have said so from the start, but he didn't. Don't forget, the whole reason Stephen A. popped off was because a black player, who was replaced with another black player, implied that his getting cut was race related.

If a white journalist had gone on the same rant about a black coach getting rid of white players, there'd have been an enormous shit storm that would have cost him his job.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Not the smartest comments you have ever made. Anyone that doesn't think OKC has BY FAR their best chance of winning a title this season isn't paying attention. As for him staying I'd say it will depend a lot on how the year goes but at the present time the odds are about 50/50 in my mind.
The reason I think that he will leave Oklahoma is because Oklahoma screwed the best chances of winning not just one title, but several by trading away some of their best players to save money. That's not a way to win titles and Durant is pretty dimwitted if he hasn't figured that out, but you're right - if things go way and they show new proimise, then yes - he might stay


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't see how implying that someone is racist or what they did was racially motivated is keeping it real. Stephen A. didn't come up with the "cultural thing" crap until after he started getting called out for what he said.

If it was a "cultural thing" he should have said so from the start, but he didn't. Don't forget, the whole reason Stephen A. popped off was because a black player, who was replaced with another black player, implied that his getting cut was race related.

If a white journalist had gone on the same rant about a black coach getting rid of white players, there'd have been an enormous shit storm that would have cost him his job.

The very first time he mentioned this, he brought up culture. THE FIRST TIME!


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Well Durant says no one in his group told Smith that and Smith says people in his circle did and that he has spoken to friends and family of Durant's in the past, so if you want to believe Smith - that's fine. I don't - I think he has had some credibility issues and has gotten some things wrong in the past. That does not mean he isn't a good reporter though - and I have enjoyed listening to him in the past. But reporters do get it wrong sometimes.

How in the hell Durant, know fasure who told Smith what?

Im sick of yall playing dumb, like this is new in sports. Player's business get leaked all the time.

Just look at the damn Redskins and RGlll situation.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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People caring what Stephen A Smith says is just plain weird to me.

How the hell can you watch that stuff?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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People caring what Stephen A Smith says is just plain weird to me.

How the hell can you watch that stuff?
Yeah - I'm done with that shit - Who gives a shit who said what. All I'm saying is that Stephen A Smith has some credibility issues and so far only a couple out everyone believes he's a credible reporter. He's right that stuff gets leaked to the press all of the time, but it's also correct to say the reports like Smith gets a lot of stuff wrong during the year. There are some valid reasons why Stephen A Smith has been terminated from ESPN and then came back and when he did come back his first stint was a radio talk show on ESPN 710 LA and I actually thought he did a pretty good job on that and I enjoyed him. That being said, Stephen A Smith is not right all of the time.


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Oct 22, 2014
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Durant to the Lakers would be a good move for the Lakers and kickstart that team's long term future.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah - I'm done with that shit - Who gives a shit who said what. All I'm saying is that Stephen A Smith has some credibility issues and so far only a couple out everyone believes he's a credible reporter. He's right that stuff gets leaked to the press all of the time, but it's also correct to say the reports like Smith gets a lot of stuff wrong during the year. There are some valid reasons why Stephen A Smith has been terminated from ESPN and then came back and when he did come back his first stint was a radio talk show on ESPN 710 LA and I actually thought he did a pretty good job on that and I enjoyed him. That being said, Stephen A Smith is not right all of the time.

Lol what are all these things he is wrong about, that you guys keep saying? And show me how he is worst than the average journalist.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Here is my big take away from this situation:

Stephen A. Smith is the classic big-mouthed bully who likes to dish it out. But, can't take it when the same is done to him.

Seriously, his rant this morning made him look like a jilted girlfriend.

ESPN is turning into the Real Housewives and it's really sad.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Lol what are all these things he is wrong about, that you guys keep saying? And show me how he is worst than the average journalist.
I think Trojan Fan and the others already posted some of them - go back and read them. I don't have time to waste on his entire life history. Like I said before - He has some credibility issues and is not right all of the time just like he wasn't right about Kevin Durant. He obviously made it up and got called out for it. Now it's time for him to man up, and admit it and move on or he can do like most reporters and drop it and move on without admitting anything. Either one works for me since I don't listen to the guy. I think he is in New York or the east coast any way.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I'm not entirely convinced that Stephen A. made it up. I think that someone he knows in the league probably speculated that Durant will go to the Lakers if he doesn't re-sign with OKC. Stephen A. decided to run with it before doing any research to get some kind of verification, which is what he typically does.

Let's face it, whether they think FA's are waiting to see how good the Lakers youngsters look, waiting for Kobe to retire, or both, pretty much everyone believes that it's only a matter of time until the Lakers sign an elite FA. So, until they actually do, every elite FA in the league is going to be rumored to at least be interested in the Lakers.

Stephen A. was just getting an early start. :lol:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Lol what are all these things he is wrong about, that you guys keep saying? And show me how he is worst than the average journalist.

I'm not saying that he is worse than the average journalist, but that isn't saying very much FYI. There are very few that I do respect and none on ESPN

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Stephen A embarrassed Durant again lmao. Also took shots @trojanfan12 & @wildturkey in his rant.

Blah blah blah blah blah.... Man I don't see how he embarrassed Durant the first time or the second. It's his word vs Durant and Stephen does not have any direct quotes to back up his statements. If he actually had a name and an actual quote to back him up, then I would agree with you. The word rant does describe him well though - I agree on that one

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I'm not entirely convinced that Stephen A. made it up. I think that someone he knows in the league probably speculated that Durant will go to the Lakers if he doesn't re-sign with OKC. Stephen A. decided to run with it before doing any research to get some kind of verification, which is what he typically does.

Let's face it, whether they think FA's are waiting to see how good the Lakers youngsters look, waiting for Kobe to retire, or both, pretty much everyone believes that it's only a matter of time until the Lakers sign an elite FA. So, until they actually do, every elite FA in the league is going to be rumored to at least be interested in the Lakers.

Stephen A. was just getting an early start. :lol:

I think if Stephen had even one direct quote from one legitimate source, he would have legs to stand on, but correct me if I am wrong - Aren't you supposed to have direct quotes from a news source?


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Apr 16, 2013
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Blah blah blah blah blah.... Man I don't see how he embarrassed Durant the first time or the second. It's his word vs Durant and Stephen does not have any direct quotes to back up his statements. If he actually had a name and an actual quote to back him up, then I would agree with you. The word rant does describe him well though - I agree on that one

You do realize there is video proof of Durant being interviewed by this guy he never spoke to right? Video proof of Durant's mother on First take as well right?

This is about Durant lying


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
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I'm entirely sure that both Stephen A and KD both are correct here. KD probably had never vocalized to any in his camp about any desire to go to LA. Likewise, there's so much disinformation out there on player, I'm sure Stephen A. had at least one "source" who told him that KD was leaning towards LA.

One option could be KD's agent leaking information in order to make sure KD gets top dollar in Free Agency (although he would have anyways). If he has one team that is a "front runner" it means all teams have to immediately step up to their best offers to land him. It could mean the difference between a team simply signing him away from OKC, and making tons of off-season moves to put a team around KD as well for a championship run.

There's so many scenarios out there that make sense in that both Stephen A and KD were right.


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I'm entirely sure that both Stephen A and KD both are correct here. KD probably had never vocalized to any in his camp about any desire to go to LA. Likewise, there's so much disinformation out there on player, I'm sure Stephen A. had at least one "source" who told him that KD was leaning towards LA.

One option could be KD's agent leaking information in order to make sure KD gets top dollar in Free Agency (although he would have anyways). If he has one team that is a "front runner" it means all teams have to immediately step up to their best offers to land him. It could mean the difference between a team simply signing him away from OKC, and making tons of off-season moves to put a team around KD as well for a championship run.

There's so many scenarios out there that make sense in that both Stephen A and KD were right.

I agree but I think what annoyed Stephen A was his comment about he doesn't talk to Stephen A when Stephen A has interviewed him on several occasions. He invited Stephen A to his Seattle home in his rookie year.