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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Been there...done that....doubt I am doing thst again....
You know, I have never been married and for some very strange reason that I cannot explain, I have never felt like I missed much. Not sure why though


2021 Super Bowl Champions Rams
Aug 24, 2014
Uniontown, Ohio
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The best thing about marriage I have more time with my daughter, when divorce comes, less time , than even less time with my daughter while being poorer.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Really? Thought you were married, with kids, and grandkids....
No, I have been taking care of my mother the last ten years. She passed Four months ago in May at the age of 90 and I am now a free man. My bills are paid, my mortgage is not high and I have zero credit cards. If I meet the right one, I will consider getting married, but I'm not pushing it either. It would be nice to have kids at 56, I have consider that ship as one that has sailed. In short, I'm just taking it day by day to see what tomorrow brings and trying to enjoy living


2021 Super Bowl Champions Rams
Aug 24, 2014
Uniontown, Ohio
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No, I have been taking care of my mother the last ten years. She passed Four months ago in May at the age of 90 and I am now a free man. My bills are paid, my mortgage is not high and I have zero credit cards. If I meet the right one, I will consider getting married, but I'm not pushing it either. It would be nice to have kids at 56, I have consider that ship as one that has sailed. In short, I'm just taking it day by day to see what tomorrow brings and trying to enjoy living

Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, if you want to stay financially the way you are, don't attempt to rock that boat by getting married you just may end up sinking.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, if you want to stay financially the way you are, don't attempt to rock that boat by getting married you just may end up sinking.
She would have to bring something to the table for sure. If she has a good job and is able to contribute, then we would sit down and work out a prenupt and move forward. I am for sure not going to marry some one who could sue me a year later for half of everything. That's just a given.


Mar 12, 2015
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She would have to bring something to the table for sure. If she has a good job and is able to contribute, then we would sit down and work out a prenupt and move forward. I am for sure not going to marry some one who could sue me a year later for half of everything. That's just a given.



Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Stephen started out that sentence by saying he never spoke to KD or his family, but then claims he did. As I recall KD responded to the first statements that at no time has he or his family spoken to KD, so Stephen A Smith is kind of doing some double talk on that one - Just saying

Personally I think Smith has had some credibility issues in the last few years and didn't like it because KD called him out for it. I can see where a player gets tired of people speculating on his future and trying to put words in his mouth, but handled his response badly.

Credibility issues? When? Stephen A is one of the most credible journalist in the business. What make him so credible, is because he have personal relationships with a lot of players. Just recently, he is the one that broke the story that Brady would be suspended 4 games and announced that Kam Chancellor was ending his holdout.

Look, people hate Stephen A because he is loud and tells it how it is. Some also call him a race-baitor, which I will never understand, because he call out black people all the time.

You can hate him, but he's still very credible.


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Credibility issues? When? Stephen A is one of the most credible journalist in the business. What make him so credible, is because he have personal relationships with a lot of players. Just recently, he is the one that broke the story that Brady would be suspended 4 games and announced that Kam Chancellor was ending his holdout.

Look, people hate Stephen A because he is loud and tells it how it is. Some also call him a race-baitor, which I will never understand, because he call out black people all the time.

You can hate him, but he's still very credible.

He's not credible journalist. He's a fame whore. He gets in close with players just so he can be involved in the club scene, the celebrity factor, and the lifestyle, not for news breaking opportunities. He'll use some info here and there but its usually to his benefit to trump up some bullshit story (like this Durant stuff). The fact that he's on First Take tells you all you need to know. That show is 100% bullshit made up to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's nothing but a troll job. No true journalist would do it. But he and Skip aren't journalists (not anymore at least). They're muckrakers more interested in their own self worth. And SAS is absolutely a race baitor. Just in the last 6 months he's been at the forefront of all that Chip Kelly nonsense and also trying to spin the Floyd Mayweather hate (who just so happens to be a "close friend") as being racial and nothing to do with Floyd being a piece of shit woman beater. Stephen A Smith is scum media and the prime example of what's wrong with ESPN.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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He's not credible journalist. He's a fame whore. He gets in close with players just so he can be involved in the club scene, the celebrity factor, and the lifestyle, not for news breaking opportunities. He'll use some info here and there but its usually to his benefit to trump up some bullshit story (like this Durant stuff). The fact that he's on First Take tells you all you need to know. That show is 100% bullshit made up to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's nothing but a troll job. No true journalist would do it. But he and Skip aren't journalists (not anymore at least). They're muckrakers more interested in their own self worth. And SAS is absolutely a race baitor. Just in the last 6 months he's been at the forefront of all that Chip Kelly nonsense and also trying to spin the Floyd Mayweather hate (who just so happens to be a "close friend") as being racial and nothing to do with Floyd being a piece of shit woman beater. Stephen A Smith is scum media and the prime example of what's wrong with ESPN.

As I said before - He has some credibility issues - I was trying to be nice about it, but well said. Either way I think that Kevin Durant knows what he has said and what he wants and has considered, so if he is saying that the Lakers has never been a consideration and hasn't consider leaving Oklahoma, then that's good enough for me and I choose to believe him over Smith. As a player I wouldn't be telling anyone my plans and I seriously doubt he has either


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Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah saying Stephen A is not credible is just talking out of hate. He's been right several times. One thing Stephen A doesn't have an issue with is credibility especially when itcomes to the NBA. Some people will make up anything on an individual when they dislike that person


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As I said before - He has some credibility issues - I was trying to be nice about it, but well said. Either way I think that Kevin Durant knows what he has said and what he wants and has considered, so if he is saying that the Lakers has never been a consideration and hasn't consider leaving Oklahoma, then that's good enough for me and I choose to believe him over Smith. As a player I wouldn't be telling anyone my plans and I seriously doubt he has either

Can you read? Stephen A never said durant or anyone close to durant said any of that. Learn how to read please.

If Durant has not considered leaving OKC, why don't he just resign now? He's full of shit and i guarantee next summer he will meet with at least the wizards & Lakers. You don't meet with a team you never considered


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Credibility issues? When? Stephen A is one of the most credible journalist in the business. What make him so credible, is because he have personal relationships with a lot of players. Just recently, he is the one that broke the story that Brady would be suspended 4 games and announced that Kam Chancellor was ending his holdout.

Look, people hate Stephen A because he is loud and tells it how it is. Some also call him a race-baitor, which I will never understand, because he call out black people all the time.

You can hate him, but he's still very credible.

Sorry, not buying Stephen A. as a credible journalist. He's wrong far more than he's right. As for him being a race-baiter, he is. Criticizing someone from one's own race and race-baiting are not the same thing.

Race-baiting is doing things like insinuating that Chip Kelly was cutting black players because they're black (even though he replaced them with other black players).

Criticizing someone for doing something stupid, even when they are the same race, is just criticizing someone for doing something stupid.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah saying Stephen A is not credible is just talking out of hate. He's been right several times. One thing Stephen A doesn't have an issue with is credibility especially when itcomes to the NBA. Some people will make up anything on an individual when they dislike that person

He's wrong more than he's right. That's why he lacks credibility. I'm not saying that Stephen A. intentionally lies or makes shit up. But he does rush to be the first to report something that he's told without thoroughly checking on the validity of what's he been told.

He's not the only one guilty of that, he's just the loudest.

And exactly what has anyone said about Stephen A. that's made up?


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Yeah saying Stephen A is not credible is just talking out of hate. He's been right several times. One thing Stephen A doesn't have an issue with is credibility especially when itcomes to the NBA. Some people will make up anything on an individual when they dislike that person

That's just BS. I'm not buying that for a second. You just like Stephen A and can't think of a reason to defend him. It must be "hate" instead of the guy's own faults as a self promoting, race baiting jerk. Being right every now and then doesn't make him credible. Even Chris Broussard gets stuff right from time to time. Credible journalists don't do what he did to Chip Kelly, cowardly calling him a racist under the guise of "I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin". You don't throw that out there without hard, concrete evidence. "Sources close to sources might be saying" isn't evidence. He's a hack.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah saying Stephen A is not credible is just talking out of hate. He's been right several times. One thing Stephen A doesn't have an issue with is credibility especially when itcomes to the NBA. Some people will make up anything on an individual when they dislike that person
I believe I said some credibility issues. Yes he has been right not just sometimes, but quite a bit, but he has also been mixed up in some controversies that pissed a lot of people off. I still like his comments most of the time though. In this case, however it does not make sense to me that Kevin Durant would be telling people that if he leaves Oklahoma(which I think is a given) what his preferred destinations are. It would put him in an awkward position with the Thunder, signal other teams to possibly change their approach in a negative way and generated a lot of bad publicity, so that considered, I doubt that he said anything at all or possibly said something in confidence to some one that leaked it to the press. In that circumstance he is going to do what any one would do and just say that's wrong.

That is where he handled it wrong though. What he should have said "I don't know who spoke to Mr Smith and what they said to him, but I have not said anything about my plans are in the future" He really shouldn't have made references to his family because family will screw you over sometimes. On the other hand, he might not be old enough and mature enough to understand that family shouldn't be trusted either sometimes, but either way he had to deny it. He had no choice in order to keep the Thunder running smoothly. He over-reacted and so did Stephen Smith

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Can you read? Stephen A never said durant or anyone close to durant said any of that. Learn how to read please.

If Durant has not considered leaving OKC, why don't he just resign now? He's full of shit and i guarantee next summer he will meet with at least the wizards & Lakers. You don't meet with a team you never considered

I read and Stephen Smith stated that he did speak to people in Durant's circle and Durant called him out on it. It would not surprise me to find out that some one Kevin knows did betray his confidence, that's what family will do sometimes, but I also am pretty sure that he hasn't said anything to any one that was meant to be public which means on the record he had to deny what Stephen Smith says

You say that players won't meet with teams that they have never considered? I call bullshit on that one - I have entertained job offers from other companies many times in order to get a raise at the job I am at. It's called supply vs demand in economics 101 in college. Take it sometime and learn something. When a player has just received a contract offer for 5 million or 10 million more than what the Thunder has offered, his value and the price for him goes up because when the demand for a product goes up, so does the price. That's how the oil companies manipulate the price of gasoline which is at an all time low. The price is lower now because countries like the United Arab Emirates are trying to bankrupt American oil companies by flooding the market with oil so that the price will drop below the American's cost of producing it. The supply goes up, the demand goes down, the price goes down. That doesn't mean Aldridge, Kevin Durant or Dwight Howard to name of a few ever had the Lakers considered. It's just part of business