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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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SAS suspension by ESPN says something about his credibility since you all asked:2cents:


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Wassup guys...I'm gonna throw my 2c in here. I'm on Stephen A's side, minus the threats. When it comes to b-ball, it's either Woj. or Stephen A. for me. Stephen A. knows these guys, is plugged into the NBA, and he's always breaking big stories before they happen, so Durant's claims of him being a Chris Broussard, and making stories up is out of line imo. Plus all he said was that LA was merely a consideration, so I don't see the big deal. Lastly, I can see this now. Kevin Durant is on his way to a Lebron esque way of making himself look bad during these free agent talks, stories, and speculation. There won't be a decision or whatnot, but I see his image taking a hit by the time he signs a new contract


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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao

I also said that I could see LBJ going back to Cleveland with no sources. Guess I should be a reporter too.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao
Durant leaving Oklahoma not exactly breaking news at this point though. There is the business of playing the entire season and finding out how Oklahoma responds to his determination to be a free agent. Like I said before - I said he has some credibility issues. The race baiting was one, He got Suspended for some crap, Durant flat out says he never said that and neither did any one that is in his circle. Some credibility does mean he still has plenty. He's a good reporter - I just don't believe him(SAS) on this particular issue.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Once again, SAS never said it came from his inner circle.

You have no clue what was verified. Nobody does.

If it didn't come from KD's inner circle or KD himself, then he didn't verify it with a credible source. Not sure what's so hard to understand about that. Verifying information with someone who is likely to actually know, is pretty much Journalism 101.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao

Lol, oh, he even broke some recent NFL stories too. Tom Brady's 4 game suspension and Kam ending his holdout. But he's not credible lol.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Im using the common sense that he used, as far as anybody could've told SAS.

If you're using Cowherd common sense, then I don't know what to tell you other than, may God have mercy on your soul.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Wassup guys...I'm gonna throw my 2c in here. I'm on Stephen A's side, minus the threats. When it comes to b-ball, it's either Woj. or Stephen A. for me. Stephen A. knows these guys, is plugged into the NBA, and he's always breaking big stories before they happen, so Durant's claims of him being a Chris Broussard, and making stories up is out of line imo. Plus all he said was that LA was merely a consideration, so I don't see the big deal. Lastly, I can see this now. Kevin Durant is on his way to a Lebron esque way of making himself look bad during these free agent talks, stories, and speculation. There won't be a decision or whatnot, but I see his image taking a hit by the time he signs a new contract

I don't see how KD's image taking a hit happens if he handles it correctly. If Lebron had properly informed Cleveland from the beginning that he wasn't going to resign and then handled his press conference more discreetly He would have been okay. He just didn't handle it all that good. The players have the right to test free agency and get the best job offer they want. That's why contracts have a time duration.


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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao
He also broke the Doc to the clippers story way in advance. He reported that it would be a trade and he took some heat for that. Boston did indeed try the trade but it fell through for whatever reason if I remember correctly


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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If it didn't come from KD's inner circle or KD himself, then he didn't verify it with a credible source. Not sure what's so hard to understand about that. Verifying information with someone who is likely to actually know, is pretty much Journalism 101.

1) How do you know it didn't come from the inner circle for sure?

2) How do you know anybody from that inner circle, told a close friend or family member that told SAS?

3) Don't SAS know the Roc Nation guys?


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Apr 16, 2013
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Wassup guys...I'm gonna throw my 2c in here. I'm on Stephen A's side, minus the threats. When it comes to b-ball, it's either Woj. or Stephen A. for me. Stephen A. knows these guys, is plugged into the NBA, and he's always breaking big stories before they happen, so Durant's claims of him being a Chris Broussard, and making stories up is out of line imo. Plus all he said was that LA was merely a consideration, so I don't see the big deal. Lastly, I can see this now. Kevin Durant is on his way to a Lebron esque way of making himself look bad during these free agent talks, stories, and speculation. There won't be a decision or whatnot, but I see his image taking a hit by the time he signs a new contract

Exactly I don't know where these guys are coming up with this nonsense about Stephen A not being reliable/credible.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The haters on here will never recall that SAS and not Woj is the one who broke Lebron to Miami. He was also the one who said early in the 2013-14 season that there was at least a 50% chance that LBJ goes back to Cleveland but he's not credible lmao

Talk about desperation. Is Stephen A. paying you? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

No one said that Stephen A. is always wrong. We've said that he lacks credibility.

I bet you wouldn't defend a girlfriend or your Mom the way your defending Stephen A.

But hey, you and L+USC just keep throwing shit at the wall. Hell, something is bound to stick.


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He also broke the Doc to the clippers story way in advance. He reported that it would be a trade and he took some heat for that. Boston did indeed try the trade but it fell through for whatever reason if I remember correctly

But he isn't credible and always make shit up lol.

4 days later and still no evidence of this


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Apr 24, 2013
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I don't see how KD's image taking a hit happens if he handles it correctly. If Lebron had properly informed Cleveland from the beginning that he wasn't going to resign and then handled his press conference more discreetly He would have been okay. He just didn't handle it all that good. The players have the right to test free agency and get the best job offer they want. That's why contracts have a time duration.
Oh I don't have a problem with him having a right to be a free agent, but if he's uptight this early, I hate to see what he'll be like when these stories gain steam around the playoffs


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Yes, I'm sure it happened exactly like that. :L

Or maybe not.

Maybe some aliens who were looking to destroy our planet were monitoring various conversations around the world and they just happened to be listening to Kevin Durant when he said he wanted to play for the Lakers.

Well, those aliens, being big NBA fans, got all excited, went to Stephen A. and told him what they heard him say. Then they told him of their plot to destroy the earth, but said they wouldn't if he reported what they heard and didn't tell anyone who told him.

My God!! We should all be praising and thanking Stephen A. He saved the world!!

You can stay closed minded all you want. Everybody is trustworthy around KD, in your eyes.


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Talk about desperation. Is Stephen A. paying you? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

No one said that Stephen A. is always wrong. We've said that he lacks credibility.

I bet you wouldn't defend a girlfriend or your Mom the way your defending Stephen A.

But hey, you and L+USC just keep throwing shit at the wall. Hell, something is bound to stick.

Tell me the times Stephen A has not been credible or just flat out made shit up? When did he ever go Broussard on us? Just 1 example please


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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1) How do you know it didn't come from the inner circle for sure?

2) How do you know anybody from that inner circle, told a close friend or family member that told SAS?

3) Don't SAS know the Roc Nation guys?

Already addressed all of this. This argument has officially become circular bullshit. Feel free to continue defending Stephen A. and believing everything he says. The rest of us "haters" will just continue to laugh at him and his so called "credibility."