Supporting Member Level 69
The Droid X is a model of phone. It has nothing to do with the Razr, or the Razr Maxx.
Jesus christ forgive me. As I said, you know what I am talking about. The RAZR MAXX was far more fragile than an iphone
The Droid X is a model of phone. It has nothing to do with the Razr, or the Razr Maxx.
lol...way to start the paragraph objectively
To the best of my knowledge, you can't do that on an iPhone. Do they allow apps that install free ringtones now? In the past, they haven't.
The average user can easily DL and install free ringtones directly from an Android. No need to plug it into anything. (I use Zedge)
To the best of my knowledge, you can't do that on an iPhone. Do they allow apps that install free ringtones now? In the past, they haven't.
My RAZR Maxx smashes on all iPhones.
Razor doesn't have Siri. Razor is fail.
Lol...does anybody even use that crap?
LOL, maybe not but it is true. It would be like someone saying "The ford 302 is better than BMW". You would probably have a brain cramp trying to figure out how an engine is better than a line of cars. Same thing here. How is an OS better or worse than a phone?
Lol...does anybody even use that crap?
but that's what google was going for....
way to go google
i use voice commands on my razr all the time and never have to repeat myself....try asking siri to navigate somewhere real quick
Jesus christ forgive me. As I said, you know what I am talking about. The RAZR MAXX was far more fragile than an iphone
You can install or rip your own in about 10 seconds. You haven't touched an iphone in a while, I'm guessing iOS 3. You used to not be able to change things like SMS and email alerts, and getting a ringtone created was kind of a pain. now you can modify any tone you want, and ringtones are very easy to create.
iOS used to piss me off with the walls they put up. Now it is a little better. I still wish for things like a bluetooth slider on the main screen so I don't have to go into settings. But it will get there.