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Josh Gordon to Take Time Away from Football to Focus on his Mental Health

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Yep, this is definitely a serious issue that goes beyond just choosing to smoke.

However, the only thing I'll say against him is he shouldn't have chosen to come back if he knew this was still a problem because he just put 52 teammates plus coaches in a really tough spot right now. Probably should have just stayed away.

Yeah, he should have just jumped off a bridge :L


Death by inches
Jul 21, 2018
Colorado Springs
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Is weed really that addicting? Aw fuck, who am I kidding? I know the answer.... all I have to do is go downtown and see the bums.

Golden Spur

May 29, 2012
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Is weed really that addicting? Aw fuck, who am I kidding? I know the answer.... all I have to do is go downtown and see the bums.
Could be worse -> alcoholic or crackhead bums tend to be a little less inhibited and more aggressive.


Jul 5, 2014
Jeannette, PA
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lots of people on this thread support him...I don't... he has had money and support mechanisms no one else has access to and he repeatedly slips back in to his old problems. he has pissed away several golden opportunities for a great life. lots of people with less assets and help available have stayed sober. I cannot feel sorry for this guy.(or Martavis Bryant)


Death by inches
Jul 21, 2018
Colorado Springs
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Could be worse -> alcoholic or crackhead bums tend to be a little less inhibited and more aggressive.
There's a ton of homeless tweakers in Colorado Springs. I have some friends who are police and they'll tell you the bums came to Colorado because of the weed and eventually got hooked on way more serious shit.

Golden Spur

May 29, 2012
Baker St.
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There's a ton of homeless tweakers in Colorado Springs. I have some friends who are police and they'll tell you the bums came to Colorado because of the weed and eventually got hooked on way more serious shit.
And I wouldn't believe it till I saw some numbers to back it up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Glad the Browns got rid of them when they did and they were exactly right for doing it.

Thanks for the 5th rounder! :yes:

Good thing for you it wasn't a first rounder or early pick. We all know Cleveland's track record of picks over the past decade or so:LMaybe a 5th will do you well?


Long Member ; )
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Good thing for you it wasn't a first rounder or early pick. We all know Cleveland's track record of picks over the past decade or so:LMaybe a 5th will do you well?
So was taking on another degenerate worth it? Now you are short a WR down the stretch... dumb.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Those are people who risked their lives for our freedom. They deserve the sympathy not people like Josh Gordon.

She said collectively Vietnam and Desert Storm vets were among the worst cases...I agree they deserve better in a lot of cases...I have two cousins that were in 'Nam and both came back mostly intact mentally, but they don't talk much about the experience.

Jordan has mostly pissed away his own career...the sad part is guys work so hard to get to the NFL for a better way of life and you see players like him just giving it all away. But...another guy gets a roster spot now, hopefully they take better care of it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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So was taking on another degenerate worth it? Now you are short a WR down the stretch... dumb.
It certainly did. You really are clueless when it comes to football aren't you?
A 5th and what will be less then $600k when all is said and done yes it was worth it. He's been one of the most effective WRs on the team.

Oh and Skippy go ask your grandfather about NE and it's players or should I say the lack there of heading into the playoffs.

I look at it as another hurdle that routinely sets NE apart from the rest of the league.

But hey thanks for asking.


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I am not saying we should feel sorry for him his net worth alone from the Cleveland browns puts him at about 4-5million

I think the patriots told him to come out and say that he is stepping away from football before the story of him testing hot comes out to help with the news story and force the team to figure out what to do with him.

I thank her for her service helping veterans at the VA. Just because many people are or it is a norm to be addicted to those types of drugs but you cant push someone who is dealing with marijuana or whatever substance he tested hot for. like I said when he blew up that year with the browns he probably would have been in line for a contract around 20 million similar to odell. He was willing to throw that away to become under the influence

A person with an addictive personality can make almost anything a life altering experience. I think Ricky Williams is a good ex. of guy that also liked pot and gave up some playing time as a result. He cleaned up, got back in the league until he felt he had enough cash to retire and go back to the ganja.

Wish Gordon the best, but I don't feel sorry for him, and yes, I recognize he has a problem.


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Gordon has had problems since jr high. Obviously it’s much deeper than simply wanting to get high

I think it may just be that he wants to get high more than make millions.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
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lots of people on this thread support him...I don't... he has had money and support mechanisms no one else has access to and he repeatedly slips back in to his old problems. he has pissed away several golden opportunities for a great life. lots of people with less assets and help available have stayed sober. I cannot feel sorry for this guy.(or Martavis Bryant)

Have you ever been addicted to anything??

Professional sports drug policies are stupid. You can smoke cigarettes, cigars, chew tabbacco. You can drink as much alcohol as you want as often as you want. You can gamble away $40M at the craps table and the league will turn the other way. You can be concussed as often as necessary and come back to play if the team can find a quack doctor who'll sign off on the NFL Protocol.

I quit drinking on New years Day 1970. I haven't had a drink of hard liquor since New Years Eve 1969. In 48 years I've had three 12 oz botllesof beer, all on 95+ degree days. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1977 after smoking nearly two-three packs a day from 1969-1972 in Viet Nam and a pack and a half a day after that until 1977. I've had support every day of my life from people around me. That's the most critical thing for any addict......constant and unwavering support.

Professional athletes have way too many hangers on around them. They need that athlete to be a bit on the wild side because that last thing that they want is for some asshole to to stop him from signing all those checks and kick their ass out of the free rent mansion and use of one of the athlete's six cars every day.

Odd isn't it? Michael Joirdan could go to las vegas for a weekend, lose $6M and get a free ride back to Chicago on the casino owner's private jet. The only time you ever heard anything about him on TMZ or anywhere else was when he won a huge amount. They never said anything about him going back the next weekend and dropping the $15M he won and tossing in $5M more of his own.

Addiction is not just physical, it's mental and the healthcare industry does not deal with mental issues well at all. Why would anybody endanger a career that could potentially py them $100M and then make them a sports TV star? Because they're sick in the head and no one wants to deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2017
Decatur, IN
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Have you ever been addicted to anything??

Professional sports drug policies are stupid. You can smoke cigarettes, cigars, chew tabbacco. You can drink as much alcohol as you want as often as you want. You can gamble away $40M at the craps table and the league will turn the other way. You can be concussed as often as necessary and come back to play if the team can find a quack doctor who'll sign off on the NFL Protocol.

I quit drinking on New years Day 1970. I haven't had a drink of hard liquor since New Years Eve 1969. In 48 years I've had three 12 oz botllesof beer, all on 95+ degree days. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1977 after smoking nearly two-three packs a day from 1969-1972 in Viet Nam and a pack and a half a day after that until 1977. I've had support every day of my life from people around me. That's the most critical thing for any addict......constant and unwavering support.

Professional athletes have way too many hangers on around them. They need that athlete to be a bit on the wild side because that last thing that they want is for some asshole to to stop him from signing all those checks and kick their ass out of the free rent mansion and use of one of the athlete's six cars every day.

Odd isn't it? Michael Joirdan could go to las vegas for a weekend, lose $6M and get a free ride back to Chicago on the casino owner's private jet. The only time you ever heard anything about him on TMZ or anywhere else was when he won a huge amount. They never said anything about him going back the next weekend and dropping the $15M he won and tossing in $5M more of his own.

Addiction is not just physical, it's mental and the healthcare industry does not deal with mental issues well at all. Why would anybody endanger a career that could potentially py them $100M and then make them a sports TV star? Because they're sick in the head and no one wants to deal with it.
He knew the rules and he broke them again and again and again and again. He's had more help than any of us are privy to. He fucked up again and is paying the price. Enjoy the joint Gordon. No pity from me.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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Have you ever been addicted to anything??

Professional sports drug policies are stupid. You can smoke cigarettes, cigars, chew tabbacco. You can drink as much alcohol as you want as often as you want. You can gamble away $40M at the craps table and the league will turn the other way. You can be concussed as often as necessary and come back to play if the team can find a quack doctor who'll sign off on the NFL Protocol.

I quit drinking on New years Day 1970. I haven't had a drink of hard liquor since New Years Eve 1969. In 48 years I've had three 12 oz botllesof beer, all on 95+ degree days. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1977 after smoking nearly two-three packs a day from 1969-1972 in Viet Nam and a pack and a half a day after that until 1977. I've had support every day of my life from people around me. That's the most critical thing for any addict......constant and unwavering support.

Professional athletes have way too many hangers on around them. They need that athlete to be a bit on the wild side because that last thing that they want is for some asshole to to stop him from signing all those checks and kick their ass out of the free rent mansion and use of one of the athlete's six cars every day.

Odd isn't it? Michael Joirdan could go to las vegas for a weekend, lose $6M and get a free ride back to Chicago on the casino owner's private jet. The only time you ever heard anything about him on TMZ or anywhere else was when he won a huge amount. They never said anything about him going back the next weekend and dropping the $15M he won and tossing in $5M more of his own.

Addiction is not just physical, it's mental and the healthcare industry does not deal with mental issues well at all. Why would anybody endanger a career that could potentially py them $100M and then make them a sports TV star? Because they're sick in the head and no one wants to deal with it.
These are grown men we're talking about, not 12 year olds. He has his own decisions to make, and he routinely chose to make poor ones. Physical addiction to marijuana is more or less impossible, so that means he chose not to stop. He's not a damn addict, he's just an immature, selfish person.