Hopefully some investigation is done on this. It looks pretty bad from those clips.
You've won 1 game. Don't think its over yet.OMG Becky, jealousy will get you know where.
Exactly, and I am sure if he pitches again he will be subjected to the umpires scrutiny, but this stuff has gone on in baseball forever, it's nothing new, he just got away with as many before him have and many after him will.
I'm surprised this has gotten this far.
It is a non-story. All pitchers use rosin or pin tar to get a better grip. Lester just has it on his glove. (Remember the "uproar" when Buchholz had it on his arm?)....
Hopefully by game time, no one will be talking about it.
So that's the argument? People have cheated in baseball before so who cares? Get real...
Hopefully some investigation is done on this. It looks pretty bad from those clips.
You've won 1 game. Don't think its over yet.
Cardinals are known for being thin skinned so this isnt really the kind of thing the Cardinals should push. It should come from MLB and others.
Since it was also suspected earlier in the year that Bucholz may have been doctoring the ball, I think that Lackey and all of the Boston pitchers might be subjected to increased scrutiny.
Somehow, you think MLB just missed this but you caught it?
We have plenty of excuses. Beltran injured. Craig just coming back, etc.Cardinal fans....look at it this way..........
After the Red Sox win the World Series....you Card fans will have a ready made "EXCUSE" for why you lost! You won't have to waste time finding umps to blame, pointing a finger a Kosma, or the vicious wall in right field, or even Ortiz' over-sized head. You will now have a perfect excuse to chant for the entire winter and next season. "We would have won the Series, but the Boston pitchers cheated!!!"
It sure beats what Detroit fans had after the sweep by the Giants last year. All we could say was..."OUR offense sucked the big one!"
What you're trying to say is that you have very little understanding of baseball or anything really.
You articulated it very well.
They may be but suspecting something and proving something are two different things.
I fully agree that nothing can be done about it after the fact. Boston won game 1, and I think probably would have even if Lester hadn't cheated. That's part of what makes it an even bigger shame.
Children trying to argue that what Lester did is perfectly fine are truly stupid.
Not all Red Sox fans are human garbage, though, thank goodness.
We have plenty of excuses. Beltran injured. Craig just coming back, etc.
But we also sucked in Game 1 and the Red Sox didn't. I don't think this incident had anything to do with the outcome of the game
Yeah, pretty much baseball allows cheating so it's really not a big deal. Do you really think only one side cheats?
It is over if Beltran isnt playing for the rest of the series and/or the Cards don't win Game 2. But its still a series at the momentAgreed, and as I said in another post this thing is far from over. The Cards looked on edge and IMO played nervous, afraid to make a mistake which lef to mistakes, they did not look like they were playing as if the game was natural to them.