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Joe Mixon About To Get The Ray Rice Treatment

The Crimson King

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Now that you see the video, you don't recall numerous times saying she spit in his face and called him the n word.

And anyone with two eyes can see no one spit at anyone in the video. That is the first thing I looked for, because I could understand reacting the way he did if he were disrespected like that. It didn't happen. And the whole 'he felt threatened' is a joke.
Is everyone watching a different video than me? He clearly spit in her face after she shoved him. She then barely caught the side of his neck as he was already swinging the knockout punch

*actually no, he did wait for that swat on the neck to swing.. Zoomed in slow motion....he spit on her LOL
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Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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Wtf? Yeah if you're a man you should be able to stand there and take a shove from a girl half your size. Quit trying to portray some overly bravado persona. You're the real pussy.

Yep. Stand there. Take a violent shove. A smack to the face, and be a man.

Just take it.

And HE is the bad guy? GTFO.

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
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Yep. Stand there. Take a violent shove. A smack to the face, and be a man.

Just take it.

And HE is the bad guy? GTFO.
Her shove was violent yet his reaction wasn't? What drugs are you on? Again let me reiterate I am not defending her actions whatsoever.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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Her shove was violent yet his reaction wasn't? What drugs are you on? Again let me reiterate I am not defending her actions whatsoever.


The whole reality is that they both engaged and the one that started it is not the one charged.

This happens at your neighborhood college bar every night.

Did anybody really get hurt? No. Let it pass like any other "bar" fight you've seen in the last 10 years.


Fair as fuck
Oct 8, 2016
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Is everyone watching a different video than me? He clearly spit in her face after she shoved him. She then barely caught the side of his neck as he was already swinging the knockout punch

*actually no, he did wait for that sway on the neck to swing.. Zoomed in slow motion....he spit on her LOL
Your new QB's video was WAY more entertaining...

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
Tucson, AZ
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The whole reality is that they both engaged and the one that started is not the one charged.

This happens at your neighborhood college bar every night.

Did anybody really get hurt? No. Let it pass like any other "bar" fight you've seen in the last 10 years.
She broke four bones in her face? What?


Fair as fuck
Oct 8, 2016
The present
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F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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I dont know the rest of the story or if there was any previous relationship between the 2 of them but in regards to what i have seen in the video (granted with no audio), I consider this way over the top as far as the way this dude reacted. There are plenty of ways to halt an attack by a clearly smaller person, rather than punching a female in the face in this fashion. Totally out of line and extremely more force used than necessary to diffuse the situation.

Push the idiot bitch to the ground and walk away. Shove her to the floor, grab her by the throat, put her in a full nelson, arm bar or something other than punch her in the face. Reactionary response is no excuse here. I don't care much about the racial slurs she allegedly called him or the fact she pushed and slapped him, a man has to know better.

If I had reacted this way every time my ex-wife hit, slapped, punched or kicked me in the nuts, the police would have been called and I would have been found guilty of domestic violence and lost my children. The law very rarely works in the males favor when you exert more force than necessary to deal w a woman attacker.

Dude was in the wrong as much or moreso than she was and he will suffer whatever consequences come with that, and deservedly so.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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If there's ever an episode of Cops based out of Lincoln I'll keep an eye out for you.

Fuck, it won't ever be on TV. I'll be kicking so much ass the camera man isn't even safe. Hell, I'll kick your pussy ass for good measure.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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I dont know the rest of the story or if there was any previous relationship between the 2 of them but in regards to what i have seen in the video (granted with no audio), I consider this way over the top as far as the way this dude reacted. There are plenty of ways to halt an attack by a clearly smaller person, rather than punching a female in the face in this fashion. Totally out of line and extremely more force used than necessary to diffuse the situation.

Push the idiot bitch to the ground and walk away. Shove her to the floor, grab her by the throat, put her in a full nelson, arm bar or something other than punch her in the face. Reactionary response is no excuse here. I don't care much about the racial slurs she allegedly called him or the fact she pushed and slapped him, a man has to know better.

If I had reacted this way every time my ex-wife hit, slapped, punched or kicked me in the nuts, the police would have been called and I would have been found guilty of domestic violence and lost my children. The law very rarely works in the males favor when you exert more force than necessary to deal w a woman attacker.

Dude was in the wrong as much or moreso than she was and he will suffer whatever consequences come with that, and deservedly so.

Here is the thing Murph.

I GUARANTEE the gal and her table were giving Joe the "business". I GUARANTEE she was looking to make a scene to make a scene.

She got all "violent", shoved and slapped him because it would make that scene even better.

What she didn't think would happen is that he might smack her back.

Broken bones or not, sometimes you get what you deserve.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Here is the thing Murph.

I GUARANTEE the gal and her table were giving Joe the "business". I GUARANTEE she was looking to make a scene to make a scene.

She got all "violent", shoved and slapped him because it would make that scene even better.

What she didn't think would happen is that he might smack her back.

Broken bones or not, sometimes you get what you deserve.

I discount the fact that she deserved this reaction, however in this day and age a man in his position cannot react this way without understanding the repercussions that will come with it. You cannot do this kind of thing in public anymore and assume there wont be cameras, witnesses etc that will not help your cause. I do not think the video evidence in this case will lead to a beneficial outcome for Joe. Behind closed doors there are things you can get away with( stick a phone book in front of her face before you deck her ass, not to leave a mark, or throw her ass down a flight of stairs and say she was intoxicated and slipped), but you cant punch a woman in the face in this circumstance and not get persecuted for it. I have no dog here, so it matters not to me but had my daughter acted in this way towards a male, I wouldn't expect this outcome and would deal with her in my own regard, which wouldn't be much fun for her either.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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I discount the fact that she deserved this reaction, however in this day and age a man in his position cannot react this way without understanding the repercussions that will come with it. You cannot do this kind of thing in public anymore and assume there wont be cameras, witnesses etc that will not help your cause. I do not think the video evidence in this case will lead to a beneficial outcome for Joe. Behind closed doors there are things you can get away with( stick a phone book in front of her face before you deck her ass, not to leave a mark, or throw her ass down a flight of stairs and say she was intoxicated and slipped), but you cant punch a woman in the face in this circumstance and not get persecuted for it. I have no dog here, so it matters not to me but had my daughter acted in this way towards a male, I wouldn't expect this outcome and would deal with her in my own regard, which wouldn't be much fun for her either.

Somebody with some sense.

If that girl was my kid, I'd be dragging her ass home and putting some sense into her shit.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Somebody with some sense.

If that girl was my kid, I'd be dragging her ass home and putting some sense into her shit.

I have 26, 22 and 14 year old girls that would have likely never done this sort of thing against a man, for the fear of the repercussions they would have received from myself, but that doesnt mean I would expect a real man to break 4 bones in any of their faces either.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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I have 26, 22 and 14 year old girls that would have likely never done this sort of thing against a man, for the fear of the repercussions they would have received from myself, but that doesnt mean I would expect a real man to break 4 bones in any of their faces either.

Yep. I completely agree with all of that.


Robust Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Everyone wants equality until they get an equal outcome.