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Joe Barksdale 'Hands to Face" Bad Rap


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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They called face mask Greg Robinson.

Rondae Barber says it's actually Joe Barksdale for hands to face.

In fact was Devin Joesph for face mask.

Just to clear things up.



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Jul 12, 2013
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I saw the penalty. It was pathetic. He literally touched his face for a split second and put down his hand. Such a chicken sh*t call. That whole reffing crew needs to be fired!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I saw the penalty. It was pathetic. He literally touched his face for a split second and put down his hand. Such a chicken sh*t call. That whole reffing crew needs to be fired!
Yeah, reminded me of the 5 yarder they use to call but that too would have negated the penalty.

Even though there wasn't a Joe Barksdale penalty, there was hands to the face by Joe Barksdale. Maybe looking past both was too much to ask for with this group of refs. After all, this group of Refs lead the league in penalties called by far and were officiating a defensive game. What can we really expect.

Hell Jacob, they called a holding penalty the Rams when actuality two Bolts collide and one ends up getting held up by the other. Closet Ram to the same team hold.....Marshall McFadden. I'm sure he was thrilled! :gaah:

That play called corretly would have resulted with the Rams at 1st & Goal at the 5 because Austin went out at the 10 and half the distance on the illegal block and the Rams are in business. Needing to burn more time, the Rams absolutely take 3 rushing downs and kick a field goal if necessary.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Bottom line. We got screwed a number of times by the refs especially on the McFadden return. That was so blatant that it became quite clear the refs' bias was directed at the Rams and they should be called to the carpet for that demonstrative lack of impartiality.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Retro, we had a face mask on Joseph and a hands to the face on Cook to negate both of those 2 TD passes by Hill. We could have got another hands to the face penalty on Barksdale on the same TD where we had a face mask on Joseph.

How many TD's or game changing plays have been called back for hands to the face this year? :noidea:

I think this penalty is quickly becoming a lot like the "NBA flop" or better yet akin to a combination of that and the penalty they recently changed in the NBA to no longer be called a foul that Kobe was so good at...

You know, when the offensive player can go to his dribble and is outside near 3 point line in an ISO type situation. The offensive player then held the ball low and waited for the defender to extends his arm out in front of him. At that moment the offensive player would swing his arms up and though the defenders extended arms to get the automatic foul.

The hands to the face is becoming like that.

I see some trench players now getting good at swinging through extended arms of the opponent so the defender's hands go up towards their neck and then they throw their heads back to draw the flag.

It's a practiced technique and I'm sure it's being taught.

I think both the Cook hands to the face and the Barksdale hands to the face were a result of this practice.
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I agree Vita. They "sell" it and the refs are buying into the theatrics. We should have had at least two more TDs against SD because of those calls.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I agree Vita. They "sell" it and the refs are buying into the theatrics. We should have had at least two more TDs against SD because of those calls.
It's a disgrace to the profession Retro!

Faking should only be in football to fool your opponents, not the refs!

I'm all good with fake punts, fake kickoffs, fake returns, fake handoffs, fake blitzes, fake defensive sets hell even pump fakes but trying to fake a penalty?

No way!

It's :lame:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
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TBH we're not the only team that has been complaining about the refs this year. Honestly every team complains about it. However the rams are on the different level when it comes botched calls from the Refs.

Bernie actually spoke about this on his weekly show. He said the Rams have put themselves in this position by being the most penalized team 3 years running. He said refs discuss teams and know which teams are the most penalized thus creating a big fat target on the Rams back.

At this point I really can't blame the refs. Fishers teams have always had that "discipline issue" and until he figures it out it will never get better. Our team either has to learn to overcome these penalties or find new representation.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with both Vita and jacobarch. Faking penalities has no place in the game as Vita stated and the integrity of the game takes a beating because of it. That's thug ball territory. Going back to the McCleod on the Denver receiver. That was such a perfect form tackle by the safety McCleod that the refs didn't know how to frame it because MacDonald had the same sort of stick to the chest area several series later and no flag was thrown. They threw the flag because of a hit on defenseless receiver was the infraction which is a complete bullshit call because they should have thrown the flag on the MacDonald stick as well if that is the case.

They threw the flag because the cause has already been mentioned. They had it in their heads from talking amongst themselves that the Rams are the most penalized team and that predisposed the ref team to look more intently for fouls. If there is the appearance of a foul, even if there is no foul the ref teams literally create fouls to support their predisposed biases. In the Austin out-of-bounds call and the McFadden foul, those were both examples of this hypercritical eyes the refs appear to have with the Rams that leads to the inability be able to control and stop their desire to penalize.

It has reached blatant levels and ref teams should be instructed to knock it off but I doubt that will occur especially for the Rams.
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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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At full speed it looked like it could've been helmet to helmet, depending on the ref's angle. The violence of the hit, along with that, resulted in a bad call.

Conspiracy is a bit much, other than bad teams are expected to make bad penalties.


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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The Refs have been way too involved this season. Let them play! The league is ruining their own product if you ask me. The first thing I would do as the NFL commissioner is to move the ball back to where it was on kickoffs....the most exciting part of the game "the kickoff return" just disappeared from the game over night. The second thing I would do is make the officiating crews permanent full time employees and make them practice their craft during the off season.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
Fav. Team #1
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The Refs have been way too involved this season. Let them play! The league is ruining their own product if you ask me. The first thing I would do as the NFL commissioner is to move the ball back to where it was on kickoffs....the most exciting part of the game "the kickoff return" just disappeared from the game over night. The second thing I would do is make the officiating crews permanent full time employees and make them practice their craft during the off season.
:agree: Except maybe pay them piece work and pay them well for their good calls in calling a game and dock them hard for bad calls and the blatant missed calls! :suds: