Shero hopes Jagr “meant what he said by wanting to right by Mario” - Chipped Ice
That's a good take on it from Shero. Calms down the psychos out there who've made up deadlines from Shero, agreements, random offers, etc. for you Jags.
If anything, I would think this latest wishy-washyness and attention whoring would make you guys want him less. You have a really really good team. This is SO not worth even the slightest potential risk.
‘Jagr Watch’ goes from silly to stupid as Svoboda opens his client’s options
by George Malik on 06/30/11 at 09:27 PM ET
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So Petr Svoboda, Jaromir Jagr’s agent, has essentially held the Red Wings and Penguins in suspense while, in the words of a probation officer who raised me, [blanking] around with their time, and what does he say on the eve of free agency, to ESPN’s Scott Burnside?
More teams are in the running now, and there are no guarantees that Jagr will decide whether to join them by Friday, which is essentially a drop-dead date for Detroit and is, to a lesser extent, a hard deadline for PIttsburgh:
“There’s a lot more teams now we’re talking to,” Svoboda told Thursday evening.
As for getting a deal done somewhere by the time the free agency period opens at noon EST Friday, that plan appears to have gone by the boards as well. Jagr, 39, will make a decision “in the next few days,” Svoboda said.
“I’m not going to put a time frame on it,” he added. “Basically we have nothing new and I can’t tell you anything,” the agent said.
This will come as disappointing news to the Penguins who have been told by Svoboda that Jagr is definitely interested in returning to Pittsburgh where he won two Stanley Cups in the early 1990s.
The Red Wings remain interested too although they had no new information to report Thursday evening about whether they were still being considered by Jagr.
Unreal. Svoboda claims that Jagr’s in New York and he’s in Montreal, too, but who the hell knows anymore.
Update: Equally silly, per the Free Press’s Helene St. James, the Canadiens are apparently back in the mix:
The Detroit Red Wings remained in a holding pattern with Jaromir Jagr tonight, still awaiting word on his future.
The former hockey superstar wants to return to the NHL after three seasons in Russia’s Kontinental Hockey League, but the offers he has received from the Wings and the Pittsburgh Penguins aren’t what he could make if he stayed in Russia.
His agent, Petr Svoboda, told the Free Press today that he was still negotiating with both teams, as well as Montreal.
Svoboda said something would have to go wrong for Jagr to head back to the KHL.
...if he comes to the Pens then he followed his heart and took less money, and is 'doing right by Mario'.
Yohe also saying that Svoboda is driving the Pens nuts and he feels the guy is incompetent and shouldn't be the agent for a superstar. AGREED.
Not mad with Jags, but Svoboda is clearly a prick.
What other client of Svoboda's is a superstar?
Sometimes driving a team nuts as an agent is actually doing your job for your client.