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Is there a larger fanbase in the NFL that is more unrealistic than Cowboys fans?


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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No, there is not a LARGER Fanbase than the Cowboys that is more unrealistic. Plenty of smaller fanbases that are more unrealistic though...For example, the Redskins
Also the Vikings.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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I agree. Packers fans and Bears fans are quite different.
I've been to Lambeau Field and Soldier Field. Packers fans are much classier than Bears fans.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Thinking they will repeat with a rookie, an almost rookie and a total bum at QB and key players lost to FA, and let's not overlook the fact that your star player is slurring the GM and refuses to sign his contract or the FT, and is threatening to sit out....
If you don't realize how purely lucky they were to win those early games with the O playing so bad and the D wasn't great either early on, then you are delusional....
It took PM juicing up on HGH to save them from the fall....And although you will deny it all, because that's what delusional people do, it's true anyhow....
But you always have this, and everyone knows he was innocent too....

View attachment 130100 :dhd::pound::pound:

So much wrong with this post where to begin...

1) I have yet to see a Bronco fan say we are for sure going to repeat as Champions. Honestly most if not all of us don't think we will win the Super Bowl. We think we stand a great chance to win the division again and make the playoffs but the odds of us winning the super Bowl are pretty darn low. Anything can happen once you make the playoffs but the odds of things falling into place 2 years in a row even for a team with less question marks after winning the Super Bowl are pretty low.

2) If you can claim Peyton was juicing with 0 evidence to actually back that up and the fact that that company has now actually shut down after making such claims then I should be able to make claims that Ray Lewis was taking Deer Antler supplements when you guys won the Super Bowl. I mean you see how silly that all sounds? One hyped up guy claiming an athlete is juicing is not sufficient evidence to it actually happening. I mean at least with the Ray Lewis situation they have recorded coversations if I remember right about him and the guy that runs the company talking about doing whatever it took to get him back on the field.

3) The picture is ridiculous considering the Broncos went back to back Super Bowl Champs in the late 90's so to claim that was the last great run by a Bronco is just well false advertising.


Dragon's Bane
Nov 30, 2014
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Thinking they will repeat with a rookie, an almost rookie and a total bum at QB and key players lost to FA, and let's not overlook the fact that your star player is slurring the GM and refuses to sign his contract or the FT, and is threatening to sit out....
If you don't realize how purely lucky they were to win those early games with the O playing so bad and the D wasn't great either early on, then you are delusional....
It took PM juicing up on HGH to save them from the fall....And although you will deny it all, because that's what delusional people do, it's true anyhow....
But you always have this, and everyone knows he was innocent too....

View attachment 130100 :dhd::pound::pound:
My biggest problem with this post is the picture. That car chase was boring as hell.


Aug 8, 2013
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Although you don't see it right now because they suck, Niner fans can be outright obnoxious, delusional, <insert any other pompous adjective>.

Although I will say MOST of them on these boards are pretty realistic.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Seahawk fans. Well those that haven't jumped off the bandwagon and been a fan for a long time. You know way back to 2010:sherm::behindsofa::peep:


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Aug 15, 2014
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Wow. Yeah, it was my nick name in highschool too. There can't be too many of us rocking that name.
Weep weep weep weeeeeep!

Yeah, probably not.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Odd, considering you were on the hoop before him.

That shows kind of an unhealthy obsession there Manster. Dunno if I should be all aw-shucks, or worried.

Yeah, you got me. I was the long version of chf at KFFL, which was always a lame*ss name, so when I decided to change it, Beaker was already Beaker.

Aren't you awesomely glad I cleared up that confusion?!!!!


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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That shows kind of an unhealthy obsession there Manster. Dunno if I should be all aw-shucks, or worried.

Yeah, you got me. I was the long version of chf at KFFL, which was always a lame*ss name, so when I decided to change it, Beaker was already Beaker.

Aren't you awesomely glad I cleared up that confusion?!!!!


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Aug 19, 2013
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You've pretty much nailed it here. I think people rate one QB better than another because of their love or hate for a team. Cudos jarntt....well said
And I think being unable to process reality objectively and accept shortcomings from a team you are blinded by your love for leads to you attributing negative comments to hatred and reasons other than someone just forming an objective opinion based in reality. Kind of like the person that doesn't get promoted because they just aren't as good at their job as the next guy, but instead of accepting that, they claim racism or cronyism or some other fabricated excuse...have a good day:cheer2:


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Sep 2, 2014
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That made me laugh, coming from a Philly fan en sech. lel at the dream team.

I was completely anti that whole offseason. Tried to talk some sense into other Eagles' fans. Can't mercenary build a football team. No surprise it blew up.


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Jul 8, 2013
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As a true Phila Eagles fan with 50 years of misery, heartaches, wait til next year, etc... I can tell you that I am now convinced I will not see a SB Trophy in my lifetime. I root for them, I love them, I will even always stick up for them, but, something always goes wrong at the wrong time.

Lol - I hear you. This is almost exactly the way that I feel about the Washington Capitals & I have been supporting them since their initial season. They always find a way to fall short especially when they appear to be the favorites.


The Real Batman
Aug 25, 2014
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Lol - I hear you. This is almost exactly the way that I feel about the Washington Capitals & I have been supporting them since their initial season. They always find a way to fall short especially when they appear to be the favorites.
It is a hopeless feeling.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So much wrong with this post where to begin...

1) I have yet to see a Bronco fan say we are for sure going to repeat as Champions. Honestly most if not all of us don't think we will win the Super Bowl. We think we stand a great chance to win the division again and make the playoffs but the odds of us winning the super Bowl are pretty darn low. Anything can happen once you make the playoffs but the odds of things falling into place 2 years in a row even for a team with less question marks after winning the Super Bowl are pretty low.

2) If you can claim Peyton was juicing with 0 evidence to actually back that up and the fact that that company has now actually shut down after making such claims then I should be able to make claims that Ray Lewis was taking Deer Antler supplements when you guys won the Super Bowl. I mean you see how silly that all sounds? One hyped up guy claiming an athlete is juicing is not sufficient evidence to it actually happening. I mean at least with the Ray Lewis situation they have recorded coversations if I remember right about him and the guy that runs the company talking about doing whatever it took to get him back on the field.

3) The picture is ridiculous considering the Broncos went back to back Super Bowl Champs in the late 90's so to claim that was the last great run by a Bronco is just well false advertising.

1) You and your butt pimple homeboy have both said things like, we don't need a good qb to win, our D won us a SB and we can plug anyone in and there is no reason why they can't do it again...

2) You did say that Ray used deer antler spray even though he had never been proven to and was never fined or suspended for it.....
And although we don't know for sure that PM took the HGH, it looks convincingly that he did and the case is still open even though he retired, but we know for a fact that Miller was smokin weed and sabotaged a pee test to hide something else, weed or PED's, got fined and suspended for it....
I guess Pat Bowlen's son didn't beat his wife up either, she just fell into his fist, right ?....

3) The picture,(for the slow and inept) is a pun about your unrealistic views....
Next time I'll post an instruction manual so you can comprehend it !!!! :rolleyes2: :tsk: :doh:


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Apr 21, 2013
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1) You and your butt pimple homeboy have both said things like, we don't need a good qb to win, our D won us a SB and we can plug anyone in and there is no reason why they can't do it again...

No they didn't. People argued there would be a huge drop from Manning to Buttfumble. They simply argued that Manning was awful last year and that the team leaned on the defense to win. So, unless Buttfumble is worst than he has ever been, QB is not necessarily the achilles heel for us.

But you are going to choose to live in your own reality and twist words the way you want because you are illiterate. Hence all the memes

2) You did say that Ray used deer antler spray even though he had never been proven to and was never fined or suspended for it.....
And although we don't know for sure that PM took the HGH, it looks convincingly that he did and the case is still open even though he retired, but we know for a fact that Miller was smokin weed and sabotaged a pee test to hide something else, weed or PED's, got fined and suspended for it....
I guess Pat Bowlen's son didn't beat his wife up either, she just fell into his fist, right ?....

To sum up, Ray "Murderer" Lewis was never caught using PEDs so he never did but Manning was never caught so he did?
Von Miller got caught rigging his piss test while in the illegal substance program, therefore he was covering up PEDs?
Cites Pat Bowlen's sons dumb antics, defended Ray "wife beater" Rice even after the video drops of him beating wife?

Those are some very purple shades you wear.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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You'd be wallowing in delusion too if your GM was Jerrah Jones who could never be fired.