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Is there a larger fanbase in the NFL that is more unrealistic than Cowboys fans?


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Jul 17, 2013
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1) You and your butt pimple homeboy have both said things like, we don't need a good qb to win, our D won us a SB and we can plug anyone in and there is no reason why they can't do it again...

2) You did say that Ray used deer antler spray even though he had never been proven to and was never fined or suspended for it.....
And although we don't know for sure that PM took the HGH, it looks convincingly that he did and the case is still open even though he retired, but we know for a fact that Miller was smokin weed and sabotaged a pee test to hide something else, weed or PED's, got fined and suspended for it....
I guess Pat Bowlen's son didn't beat his wife up either, she just fell into his fist, right ?....

3) The picture,(for the slow and inept) is a pun about your unrealistic views....
Next time I'll post an instruction manual so you can comprehend it !!!! :rolleyes2: :tsk: :doh:

Oh goodness you always bring about a good laugh with your posts.

1) We have said that QB is not why we won the Super Bowl this past year and that the idea that having better QB play on the field this year shouldn't be out of the question. I mean we really can't get much worse. If we win this year it won't be because of great QB play. The odds of us having a top-12 QB this year are pretty slim unless our rookie develops very very quickly. I don't have high expectations of that happening.

As for the team standing a chance of winning the Super Bowl of course they do. Every team right now has a chance to win. They still have that great defense that won them a Super Bowl for the most part intact. They also still have a top-6 special teams unit intact from last year. They worked to rebuild the OL so have to see how that works out and are determined to run the football with a true Kubiak offense unlike what they tried to do last year with Manning trying run his system. IF I remember right Kubiak when he joined the Ravens took them from the 31st ranked run offense to top-5 in one season which in turn improved the QB play of Flacco not having all the pressure put on him. That is the goal for the offense so if we can improve the run game yeah we should have a chance to win a lot of games. That doesn't mean I am saying we win the Super Bowl but it also doesn't mean I think we are completely out of it either. I would be a fool to say any team is for sure out of it right now.

2) You had started a post about how the Broncos hero had cheated. I was pointing out that the Ravens haven't exactly had the cleanest house either with players getting busted for PED's, domestic violence, cheating the rules for the practices set up by the CBA, and yes mentioned after you had pointed out the whole Peyton Manning thing about Ray Lewis having some questionable activity around him too. Never said he did it just said he had some questions about that last season.

I would love to see this convincing evidence that Manning for sure took HGH. From my point of view the one guy who bragged about it has already said he was lying trying to show off for the cameras and that he was coerced into the things he said. Beyond him not a single person has even come close to making that claim. And the guy who made the claim from waht I have read didn't even work for the company when Manning was actually coming in for treatments on his nerves. But hey the Ravens are a completely spotless organization and nobody can say otherwise right?

3) Again interesting that you bring up Pat Bowlen's son when you had a player caught on video beat down his wife. I mean do you really not think some of this through and realize the dark cloud that has hovered over your own team for quite some time? Every team has some black sheep. Just how it goes. I don't expect every person connected with the Broncos to be perfect. I know that I cheer for some bad guys. I also know I cheer for some great guys as well that use their position to do a lot of good in this world. In the end though I realize what I am watching is just entertainment.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No they didn't. People argued there would be a huge drop from Manning to Buttfumble. They simply argued that Manning was awful last year and that the team leaned on the defense to win. So, unless Buttfumble is worst than he has ever been, QB is not necessarily the achilles heel for us.

But you are going to choose to live in your own reality and twist words the way you want because you are illiterate. Hence all the memes

To sum up, Ray "Murderer" Lewis was never caught using PEDs so he never did but Manning was never caught so he did?
Von Miller got caught rigging his piss test while in the illegal substance program, therefore he was covering up PEDs?
Cites Pat Bowlen's sons dumb antics, defended Ray "wife beater" Rice even after the video drops of him beating wife?

Those are some very purple shades you wear.

Stupid people like you shouldn't have access to a computer....But thanks for proving my point BroncosrOCPD..
"Most Unrealistic Fan base" for sure.. :clap:

Your Hero....
You're Welcome !!


Dragon's Bane
Nov 30, 2014
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Children, children, daddy loves you both equally.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh goodness you always bring about a good laugh with your posts.

1) We have said that QB is not why we won the Super Bowl this past year and that the idea that having better QB play on the field this year shouldn't be out of the question. I mean we really can't get much worse. If we win this year it won't be because of great QB play. The odds of us having a top-12 QB this year are pretty slim unless our rookie develops very very quickly. I don't have high expectations of that happening.

As for the team standing a chance of winning the Super Bowl of course they do. Every team right now has a chance to win. They still have that great defense that won them a Super Bowl for the most part intact. They also still have a top-6 special teams unit intact from last year. They worked to rebuild the OL so have to see how that works out and are determined to run the football with a true Kubiak offense unlike what they tried to do last year with Manning trying run his system. IF I remember right Kubiak when he joined the Ravens took them from the 31st ranked run offense to top-5 in one season which in turn improved the QB play of Flacco not having all the pressure put on him. That is the goal for the offense so if we can improve the run game yeah we should have a chance to win a lot of games. That doesn't mean I am saying we win the Super Bowl but it also doesn't mean I think we are completely out of it either. I would be a fool to say any team is for sure out of it right now.

2) You had started a post about how the Broncos hero had cheated. I was pointing out that the Ravens haven't exactly had the cleanest house either with players getting busted for PED's, domestic violence, cheating the rules for the practices set up by the CBA, and yes mentioned after you had pointed out the whole Peyton Manning thing about Ray Lewis having some questionable activity around him too. Never said he did it just said he had some questions about that last season.

I would love to see this convincing evidence that Manning for sure took HGH. From my point of view the one guy who bragged about it has already said he was lying trying to show off for the cameras and that he was coerced into the things he said. Beyond him not a single person has even come close to making that claim. And the guy who made the claim from waht I have read didn't even work for the company when Manning was actually coming in for treatments on his nerves. But hey the Ravens are a completely spotless organization and nobody can say otherwise right?

3) Again interesting that you bring up Pat Bowlen's son when you had a player caught on video beat down his wife. I mean do you really not think some of this through and realize the dark cloud that has hovered over your own team for quite some time? Every team has some black sheep. Just how it goes. I don't expect every person connected with the Broncos to be perfect. I know that I cheer for some bad guys. I also know I cheer for some great guys as well that use their position to do a lot of good in this world. In the end though I realize what I am watching is just entertainment.

Well gee whiz Wally, you don't have to write a novel, we can tell from 1 or 2 lines that you are in total denial....
You really should take a course on reading and comprehending, everything has to be explained to you and you deny everything you previously said if it don't support your newest post...
You need to put a warning on your posts," if you question me, my response will be like reading War and Peace"...

e8d7b335-fd8a-46de-9c43-ef52efa6acb9_zpsco9ddup4.jpg :pound::pound::pound:


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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If you don't realize how purely lucky they were to win those early games with the O playing so bad and the D wasn't great either early on, then you are delusional....
What are you talking about? How was the D not that great early on? Our defense literally outscored the Ravens offense week one 7-6.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
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No they didn't. People argued there would be a huge drop from Manning to Buttfumble. They simply argued that Manning was awful last year and that the team leaned on the defense to win. So, unless Buttfumble is worst than he has ever been, QB is not necessarily the achilles heel for us.

That's tough as the Bronco's D had a historic playoff run and amazing season. When you look at teams that said that before (who needs to upgrade from Brad Johnson/Trent Dilfer), their teams didn't repeat. Defenses took a step back towards their mean, and while their D's were still really good, they weren't close to repeating (7 wins for Tampa, 10 for Balt). That's kinda where I pick Denver to most likely finish unless Sanchez really shines.

When you look at the team health I struggle to see that D playing on the same level as last year. In the SB the Bronco's had all 11 of their week 1 starters on D starting. Just dinged up injuries (Ware, Ward, Wolfe) for a few games here and there during the season. I don't see that happening either.

And for whatever reason, Wade Phillips defenses really regress after a great season like clockwork.

I really believe their QB play has to be much improved to get that team in the double digit win category.


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i think a better question is what fanbase on tHoop is the most delusional, you can usually tell by reading the team boards


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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That's tough as the Bronco's D had a historic playoff run and amazing season. When you look at teams that said that before (who needs to upgrade from Brad Johnson/Trent Dilfer), their teams didn't repeat. Defenses took a step back towards their mean, and while their D's were still really good, they weren't close to repeating (7 wins for Tampa, 10 for Balt). That's kinda where I pick Denver to most likely finish unless Sanchez really shines.

When you look at the team health I struggle to see that D playing on the same level as last year. In the SB the Bronco's had all 11 of their week 1 starters on D starting. Just dinged up injuries (Ware, Ward, Wolfe) for a few games here and there during the season. I don't see that happening either.

And for whatever reason, Wade Phillips defenses really regress after a great season like clockwork.

I really believe their QB play has to be much improved to get that team in the double digit win category.
Actually it was even better than that: the week one defense was missing Ward and Wolfe due to suspension, they were both back for the Super Bowl.

But that's not to say Denver didn't suffer through defensive injuries. They didn't lose anyone on defense long term (except for Bruton, but that wasn't until near the end of the season), but at one point they literally signed Keo off the street because they were so thin at safety. And they did lose Ware and Shane Ray for several weeks in the middle of the season, and Chris Harris, Jr. was severely limited in the playoffs due to a shoulder injury. Where Denver was fortunate was that those injuries occurred where the team had great depth, so they didn't really miss a beat.

But yeah, you look at Denver, and I think 2001 Baltimore is a good barometer. Double digit wins and made it to the divisional round of the playoffs. I think that is a reasonable expectation for a follow up to winning the Super Bowl.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
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But yeah, you look at Denver, and I think 2001 Baltimore is a good barometer. Double digit wins and made it to the divisional round of the playoffs. I think that is a reasonable expectation for a follow up to winning the Super Bowl.

Well I think Bucs are a good barometer too, lots of similarities there too (new coach brought in to do what the old one couldn't with a team built to win now). I'd put their high expectation there at 10. Their low at 7.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Actually it was even better than that: the week one defense was missing Ward and Wolfe due to suspension, they were both back for the Super Bowl.

But that's not to say Denver didn't suffer through defensive injuries. They didn't lose anyone on defense long term (except for Bruton, but that wasn't until near the end of the season), but at one point they literally signed Keo off the street because they were so thin at safety. And they did lose Ware and Shane Ray for several weeks in the middle of the season, and Chris Harris, Jr. was severely limited in the playoffs due to a shoulder injury. Where Denver was fortunate was that those injuries occurred where the team had great depth, so they didn't really miss a beat.

But yeah, you look at Denver, and I think 2001 Baltimore is a good barometer. Double digit wins and made it to the divisional round of the playoffs. I think that is a reasonable expectation for a follow up to winning the Super Bowl.

I don't, our D was better, and our qb had thrown for 4000 yrds the yr before with KC.....
Buttfumble and his rookie minions won't get that much between all 3 including pre season....


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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1) You and your butt pimple homeboy have both said things like, we don't need a good qb to win, our D won us a SB and we can plug anyone in and there is no reason why they can't do it again...

2) You did say that Ray used deer antler spray even though he had never been proven to and was never fined or suspended for it.....

:rolleyes2: :tsk: :doh:



Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
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kick it around, greg hardy style…

Yeah, I can think of one. Where ya been mitzi? Couldn't keep you off the board last year, but this year crickets.

Raiders fans are trying really hard to reclaim their former title of most delusional. Or maybe it's just me looking across the web.


Post #2 here is pretty funny too.
