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Is Roger Goodell Good or Bad for the NFL?


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Dec 21, 2012
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This is not an @rmilia type troll thread. I'm dead serious. I'm baffled by the outrage against Goodell and unless you can convince me otherwise, I'm going to stick my nose in the air and say it's the ignorance of the unwashed masses.

My gawd man, we've had posters on this board literally publicly calling for the murder of Roger Goodell. We assumed they were drunk and would back off the morning after when confronted but they stuck to it and said they wouldn't even feel bad for his family if he was murdered.

That's an extreme case but everywhere I go I see the same pattern of "hang the dude."

If Roger Goodell were bad for the NFL, why would owners with Robert Kraft leading the charge, give consensus support?

If revenue and future growth are the bottom line, then you tell me why this guy is a "fucking disaster."

I don't see it.


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In before righteously indignant Pats fans. :L


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On one hand, Goodell has done a good job marketing the NFL brand and the financial status of the NFL proves it. In fact, I'd go as far to say that it's far more enjoyable now to watch football at home than to deal with the hassle of going to a game. He has worked well with the network and cable entities to make watching football a much better experience. On the other hand, he has been very inconsistent in dealing with player suspensions, player misbehavior, drug testing, etc. The Ray Rice fiasco--for me anyway--showed that he has no idea how to deal with player behavior that damages the NFL brand. Deflategate is another screw up. Info was readily available to Goodell and the NFL before the Colts game that the Pats were deflating balls, but nothing was done until the Colts game? It seems to me that Goodell spends far too much time trying to cover his arse after the fact, then solving scandals effectively.


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Dec 21, 2012
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On one hand, Goodell has done a good job marketing the NFL brand and the financial status of the NFL proves it. In fact, I'd go as far to say that it's far more enjoyable now to watch football at home than to deal with the hassle of going to a game. He has worked well with the network and cable entities to make watching football a much better experience. On the other hand, he has been very inconsistent in dealing with player suspensions, player misbehavior, drug testing, etc. The Ray Rice fiasco--for me anyway--showed that he has no idea how to deal with player behavior that damages the NFL brand. Deflategate is another screw up. Info was readily available to Goodell and the NFL before the Colts game that the Pats were deflating balls, but nothing was done until the Colts game? It seems to me that Goodell spends far too much time trying to cover his arse after the fact, then solving scandals effectively.

He's not dumb and he's not acting alone. The final decision might be his but I guaran-damn-tee ya every single one is brooded over by a dream team of very intelligent people who are fiercely loyal to the bottom line.

Here's my thinking: the masses who hate Goodell are dumbfucks. We know this, right? It's hip to hate Goodell and blame him for making dumb decisions. Yeah, and those people are mindless morons.

If he were bad for the NFL, he'd be gone before the sun set tonight.


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my 2 cents on Goodell

The man thinks he is the only smart guy in the room. He has handled some player situations that were very tough in the worst possible way. Example Ray Rice gave him 2 games then the public outcry after the video came out he reversed course and suspended Rice indefinitely to appease the public. A leader would have said I understand your outcry and I wish I could do more but per the CBA rules in place this is what I have available to use as punishment. The heat that would have followed would have been intense but at least he would have shown leadership. Not simply swaying to the flavor of the day!

His biggest flaw is in how he hands out discipline arbitrarily. And he is influenced overly by the big city owners. Everybody's voice should be heard equally

Growing revenue is the result of some very smart minds on the Finance Committee not because of Roger Goodell.

Allowing Mara to penalize the Cowboys and Redskins over the uncapped season is another example of not showing leadership.

The list could go on and Goodell needs to go.



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He's not dumb and he's not acting alone. The final decision might be his but I guaran-damn-tee ya every single one is brooded over by a dream team of very intelligent people who are fiercely loyal to the bottom line.

Here's my thinking: the masses who hate Goodell are dumbfucks. We know this, right? It's hip to hate Goodell and blame him for making dumb decisions. Yeah, and those people are mindless morons.

If he were bad for the NFL, he'd be gone before the sun set tonight.

He is just like a politician, few will like and most will find fault and hate. Whoever they put in there, will be no better, all robots
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He's not dumb by a long shot, but his decision making skills of late leave much to be desired. Maybe he listens to too many folks? He gets lots of the same kind of flack that David Stern did running the NBA.


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He's not dumb by a long shot, but his decision making skills of late leave much to be desired. Maybe he listens to too many folks? He gets lots of the same kind of flack that David Stern did running the NBA.

Hardly anything in sports is dumber than the moron who blames everything on the refs and David Stern. They're fucking EVERYWHERE.


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One thing he might consider is to put together a group of NFL execs and former players to head a disciplinary panel. He may be trying juggle/run too many things at one time that his decision making process.


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Hardly anything in sports is dumber than the moron who blames everything on the refs and David Stern. They're fucking EVERYWHERE.
I know that Adam Silver has not been the NBA commisioner for long at this point, but he is much less of a lightning rod that Stern was.


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I know that Adam Silver has not been the NBA commisioner for long at this point, but he is much less of a lightning rod that Stern was.

Give 'em time. :L


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They need a guy like Beetlejuice as Commish, dude wouldn't take shit from anyone. Plus his half bro Terrell Suggs would have his back


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I agree that the guy just does what he's paid to do and that the next guy would do pretty much the same.

As a matter of course, he should set up an independent discipline committee. That just makes sense.


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He is incredibly good for the NFL, probably the best commissioner ever. If and only if you view the NFL as a monetary fund wholly owned by NFL team owners.

He is incredibly bad for the NFL, maybe the worst commissioner ever. If and only if you view the NFL as a competitive sporting league given special consideration by the National government due to public interest.

In reality it's both, but Goodell couldn't give a shit about fans or the end consumers except from a numbers and/or PR standpoint. On top of that he is replacing commissioners who always seemed to make the best decision in the fans interest AND grew the financial interest at unheard of rates.


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Oct 22, 2014
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I think he's good for the NFL but I think he should have been a bit more consistent during the Ray Rice situation.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Good for the pocket - bad for the image.....

Close enough to what I was going to say. Good for the owners and people making money off the league, bad for the fans and really not great for the players either.