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Initial thoughts on Manning matchup


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So far this week from Seattle fans I have seen them say the Broncos stand no chance in this game against the LOB, that Peyton will be lucky to survive the game, that Lynch will easily run for 150 yards, that the Broncos receivers are mediocre, the OL is nothing but Peyton and his abilities, and many more such things. We do have one Bronco fan on these boards that is a pretty big smack talker but if you go to the Bronco board you see pretty much all giving Seattle their due and realize this is going to be a great game between two great teams.

I don't know if you're reading something into it that I'm not seeing, or if you're seeing this somewhere else and attributing it to this board. Everything that has been said about the Broncos themselves on this thread has been positive. Fans are saying things about the Broncos opponents, but not the Broncos themselves. Saying that the Broncos haven't faced a defense as good as Seattle's is 100% true. As is saying that the Seahawks haven't faced an offense like Denver's, which has also been said on this board.

So, if you want the fans here to bow down and worship the Broncos, sorry, that just won't happen. Sorry, we're not scared of the Broncos, but not being scared is not the same thing as not having respect for.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I don't know if you're reading something into it that I'm not seeing, or if you're seeing this somewhere else and attributing it to this board. Everything that has been said about the Broncos themselves on this thread has been positive. Fans are saying things about the Broncos opponents, but not the Broncos themselves. Saying that the Broncos haven't faced a defense as good as Seattle's is 100% true. As is saying that the Seahawks haven't faced an offense like Denver's, which has also been said on this board.

So, if you want the fans here to bow down and worship the Broncos, sorry, that just won't happen. Sorry, we're not scared of the Broncos, but not being scared is not the same thing as not having respect for.

One final post here just to respond to this. Haven't seen it actually on this board till this thread of any disrespect. Mostly the General Board there have been a few that just think Peyton will spend the whole game on his back and that Lynch is just going to dominate this Broncos defense.

I don't expect any of you to back down as you all have plenty of reason to not only be confident in your team for this season but it looks like for many seasons to come. I fully expect that if these teams played 10 games it would be divided right down the middle 5 games each way. I honestly have no clue who is going to win the Super Bowl. I have who I hope will win obviously but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they lost.

Now as for this conversation here it is more geared towards those thinking the OL is all Peyton and that this OL has very few skills of their own. I understand what Peyton does for the OL with getting rid of the ball quickly. I also though have obviously watched every Bronco game this season and seen this OL do just fine when Peyton doesn't get rid of the ball in 2-3 seconds. There is a reason teams have pretty much stopped blitzing him...they can't get to him plus it then provides great match ups down the field. There was 3-4 times in this last game against the Patriots that they sent around 6 guys to get to Peyton and the OL didn't crack once. He had a couple of times he could even let the play fully develop and hit a guy wide open down the sideline.

Anyway should be a great game no matter who wins.


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Apr 22, 2013
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One final post here just to respond to this. Haven't seen it actually on this board till this thread of any disrespect. Mostly the General Board there have been a few that just think Peyton will spend the whole game on his back and that Lynch is just going to dominate this Broncos defense.

I don't expect any of you to back down as you all have plenty of reason to not only be confident in your team for this season but it looks like for many seasons to come. I fully expect that if these teams played 10 games it would be divided right down the middle 5 games each way. I honestly have no clue who is going to win the Super Bowl. I have who I hope will win obviously but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they lost.

Now as for this conversation here it is more geared towards those thinking the OL is all Peyton and that this OL has very few skills of their own. I understand what Peyton does for the OL with getting rid of the ball quickly. I also though have obviously watched every Bronco game this season and seen this OL do just fine when Peyton doesn't get rid of the ball in 2-3 seconds. There is a reason teams have pretty much stopped blitzing him...they can't get to him plus it then provides great match ups down the field. There was 3-4 times in this last game against the Patriots that they sent around 6 guys to get to Peyton and the OL didn't crack once. He had a couple of times he could even let the play fully develop and hit a guy wide open down the sideline.

Anyway should be a great game no matter who wins.

that's your problem. General board is where the trolls hang out.


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Jul 9, 2013
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If the pass rush is as good as it was against the 49ers then we're going to get to him. They had to worry about over-pursuit on Kaep because he was killing us with his legs and that isn't an issue with Manning. He gets the ball out quick but we have the best press coverage in the league.

I've been watching PM play since he 1st started @ TN...he's always had jittery feet when the pocket feels unsecure...that's the key to beating DEN, Manning has to feel the pressure.

Do that consistently, and SEA will win, if they don't DEN will win.
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i wanna put my two sense in here.

From what i have seen of Denver they use alot of short to intermediate passing routes to get the ball out quickly, they also run quite a bit of screens. this can slow down any pass rush. They do not push the ball down the field as often as one would think with thier scoring capability. Thier ability to run is also underestimated. even though i would not put them on same level as SF, still its not bad.

The Defense: well i think thier pass D has a bad Rep because of how much teams threw on them, which also leads to there run defense might not be as good as advertized. However, watching a few games of theres that line gets into those running lanes pretty well and attacks it. im not too big on the pass rush but i think the secondary is better than alot are giving it credit for.

Seattle: Great running game especially as the game goes on. Lynch just keeps getting better and better. RW is as good as it gets in that offense and takes care of the ball well. I dunno something about the O line just hase me kinda i dunno ehhh i thought it should have been better than what it is but still a very solid group. the one weakness i see is TE and WR, Harvin helps but how healthy is he really? i think this offense can put some drives together and if they establish the run then Wilson will have his shots off play action to really Bite Denver.

Defense: well what can you say? i mean best back 4 in the games easily. front 4 has been shaky at times but a solid overall defense. i think that speaks for itself here lol.

my prediction. Seattle cannot let this game get too a shoot out, cant score like Denver does. unless Harvin is out there doing some pretty amazing things. Seattle away from home worries me, i know the record this year was considerably better but i cannot get the Carolina and Houston games out of my head. Both of them should have ben losses if you take out critical mistakes at the end by players you think wouldnt make them. Well except Schaab. So call me cynical if you like. I think Denver is going to spread the field, use some screens and draws to offset the rush and use alot of pick pass plays and quick hitters to keep the Seattle defense on its heels as much as possible. if close Seattle has shot at end but i say 27-20 Denver.


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i wanna put my two sense in here.

From what i have seen of Denver they use alot of short to intermediate passing routes to get the ball out quickly, they also run quite a bit of screens. this can slow down any pass rush. They do not push the ball down the field as often as one would think with thier scoring capability. Thier ability to run is also underestimated. even though i would not put them on same level as SF, still its not bad.

The Defense: well i think thier pass D has a bad Rep because of how much teams threw on them, which also leads to there run defense might not be as good as advertized. However, watching a few games of theres that line gets into those running lanes pretty well and attacks it. im not too big on the pass rush but i think the secondary is better than alot are giving it credit for.

Seattle: Great running game especially as the game goes on. Lynch just keeps getting better and better. RW is as good as it gets in that offense and takes care of the ball well. I dunno something about the O line just hase me kinda i dunno ehhh i thought it should have been better than what it is but still a very solid group. the one weakness i see is TE and WR, Harvin helps but how healthy is he really? i think this offense can put some drives together and if they establish the run then Wilson will have his shots off play action to really Bite Denver.

Defense: well what can you say? i mean best back 4 in the games easily. front 4 has been shaky at times but a solid overall defense. i think that speaks for itself here lol.

my prediction. Seattle cannot let this game get too a shoot out, cant score like Denver does. unless Harvin is out there doing some pretty amazing things. Seattle away from home worries me, i know the record this year was considerably better but i cannot get the Carolina and Houston games out of my head. Both of them should have ben losses if you take out critical mistakes at the end by players you think wouldnt make them. Well except Schaab. So call me cynical if you like. I think Denver is going to spread the field, use some screens and draws to offset the rush and use alot of pick pass plays and quick hitters to keep the Seattle defense on its heels as much as possible. if close Seattle has shot at end but i say 27-20 Denver.

So the Broncos on a neutral field in possibly bad weather will hit Seattle up for more points than either San or the Pats at mile high ? Who are ranked 23rd and 26th in total defense… Your theory has holes… I say Lynch has a big day and Wilson takes advantage of the Broncos secondary… Everyone keeps talking about the Seattle D vs the Broncos O but flip that around and explain to me what Seattle has to fear compared to what they've faced the last 5 weeks… Should be a good game but I feel Seattle's physical play will pay dividends as the game rolls on… Seattle and the 49rs are the 2 most physical teams in the league as you found out first hand… Niners really beat you guy's up in every aspect….
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So the Broncos on a neutral field in possibly bad weather will hit Seattle up for more points than either San or the Pats at mile high ? Who are ranked 23rd and 26th in total defense… Your theory has holes… I say Lynch has a big day and Wilson takes advantage of the Broncos secondary… Everyone keeps talking about the Seattle D vs the Broncos O but flip that around and explain to me what Seattle has to fear compared to what they've faced the last 5 weeks… Should be a good game but I feel Seattle's physical play will pay dividends as the game rolls on… Seattle and the 49rs are the 2 most physical teams in the league as you found out first hand… Niners really beat you guy's up in every aspect….

oh yes i saw that very well. i just i dunno i live here in Portland so i get to see alot of Seattle games from a neatral perspect. my opinion is based on "if" Denver has success with thier short passing game and time consuming drives like they did against SD and NE. But i just dont see the firepower in seattles offense to score enough if the Broncos can establish thier game and score. but if it is low scoring and close, i think Seattle has a better chance. just my prediction Seattle defense could do to Denver what the did to NO, it is well within thier potential to do it. i just dont see that happening with 2 weeks to prepare is all


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Apr 23, 2013
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Let's face it, Manning is the Denver Broncos. I am not taking the rest of the team for granted, because they have some fine players, but Manning is what makes them good and what it all revolves around. Our team is built to stop teams like this, so we do not have to alter our normal gameplan. We have not faced an offense like this all season and the closest to them was Brees and the Saints. Obviously other factors weigh into who the top offenses are like what defenses they played, but Denver was head and shoulders above everyone else from a pure points perspective. This is the perfect team for the Hawks to prove themselves against. Denver's defense is, well, to coin a phrase, "pedestrian."

1. Keep Manning on the sideline - Our running game needs to be firing on all cylinders and just grind out clock chewing first down after first down. Our run game is built to do this. 3rd down conversions will be key to keeping the clock ticking. I have seen teams play him this way, and he is the most capeable QB of firing back in less than a minute, so point 2 is also key here.

2. Turnovers - Manning is the player responsible for half of Denver's turnovers. 10 Interceptions and 3 fumbles. Our team is built to protect and take away the ball. Takeaways being the primary stat there. Time and time again we win the turnover battle. The Hawks are +20 in T/O margin and Denver is 0. Manning was at his worst on 1st down and in the 4th quarter as far as turnovers are concerned.

3. Move Manning in the pocket - Manning has not been sacked much and credit is due to the Denver O-Line. We must send blitzing LBs to move him off his spot, much like we did to Brees. Luckily we do not have to assign a LB to spy on him like Kaep, so the Leo or whomever is free to find a hole and go get him. Our defense is designed to do just this. Also, our defense is designed to stop short timing patterns with the press coverage. This will make Manning hold the ball longer allowing our pass rush to get there.

As I have said, the Hawks are built to take on this type of team. It won't be easy, but I think they can step up to the challenge. If Denver wants to beat us, they have to stop the run which is not a huge strength for them. They have to contain RW and stop the air attack. They only have 20 sacks on the season and 5 of them came in the last two games of the year against Houston and Oakland. They have to win the turnover battle which is not a strength for them, and they have to be successful through the air against the best pass defense in the NFL. They have played Houston (3) and NYG (10), but Houston was a defeated team in week 16 and New York was losing often so teams ran the ball on them. Indy (13) was the best pass defense they faced realistically.

These are my initial thoughts. There are others, like playing the pic and bunch formation plays properly to ensure Welker does not scorch us coming across the middle, and not abandoning the run defense since Knowshon is pretty good.

Your thoughts?

Not to toot my own horn here, but toot, toot!

I got a couple things wrong in my analysis of the Broncos. Their run defense is pretty good and I mis-read their sack totals on the season. Other than that,



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Jul 3, 2013
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I was confident our D's physical play would get through to Manning… I didn't expect what I saw but I was confident going in….