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impressions of your team after one whole week


Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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passing game much improved (Mett in synch with the receivers and a lot less drops, plus better pass protection)

run game is inconsistent

playcalling still mostly sucks

FG kicker looks great

defense is still very solid, but run D seemed inconsistent (depth my be an issue)

overall, fairly pleased, just wished they wouldn't have let TCU back in the game


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Jul 3, 2013
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Defense is as good, if not better than advertised. Could easily be one of the best in the Big Ten, if not the country.

Offense, Gardner still a little raw as QB. Got the tools, but needs to settle into the role a bit more. O-line/running game looks solid.

Now, this was CMU we are talking about. Will learn a lot more next week Under the Lights.


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Aug 6, 2011
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Off the top of my head...


No real rhythm

D line gave too much to an FCS school

Less penalties overall but stupid targeting. Need discipline

Vanilla play calling. Hopefully by design

Nice to see Huff step up.

Need to get Bane Lyerla involved more


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Defense looks 10x better this year. I like the 3-4 look. It seemed the opposing offense never really knew what was coming and the defense did a great job swarming to the ball. The defensive secondary looked solid too. I'm actually pretty excited about the defense today.

Offense took a while to get going, but once they started clicking the O-line did a pretty nice job. Especially with the run blocking.

Oklahoma has some damn nice running backs. The receivers need to catch a little better, but they will.

Trevor Knight: loads of talent. Does a great job reading the defense and knowing when to pull the ball down and find space. He's quick too. He was nervous as hell in the first quarter and looked really bad throwin the ball at first, but once he settled in he made some really nice passes, and defenses will have to respect his ability to run.

Overall, fairly pleased. There's some incredible talent that needs to develop some. This team should only get better, but I expect some freshman moments from knight. I can see why they picked him though. If Oklahoma can get through its first 5 games or so without a loss I think they'll be really tough


king of cake
Sep 1, 2011
gotham by way of dixie
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im holding out full judgement on the gators till after next week. defense looked good, running game looks promising, driskell looked better, but i dont think we showed a lot vs toledo.


Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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oh yeah---penalties

i'm not surprised that we had too many penalties, i just can't believe some of the dumb ones we get

like delay of game coming out of a time out (that we even called)



Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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also this is the first time since 2006 that we've had our top two WRs return


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
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Offense: hard to say because South Carolina is pretty good defensively. I hope it's not a sign of things to come though. I was extremely disappointed by the amount times we called a QB read option...our QB isn't a runner.

Defense: probably the most depressing thing I have seen in a while. I was expecting an improved defense, a team that could make tackles, and played in position. We had a few bright spots, but I assumed our secondary would've improved. When you bring back an experienced secondary you should expect improvement, but at this point I have no expectations for this team. Sorry for the rant, it just sucks spending one season looking forward to the next and then realizing that everything you've been looking forward to isn't what it's cracked up to be, and is really the exact same thing as before.


Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Defense looks 10x better this year. I like the 3-4 look. It seemed the opposing offense never really knew what was coming and the defense did a great job swarming to the ball. The defensive secondary looked solid too. I'm actually pretty excited about the defense today.

Offense took a while to get going, but once they started clicking the O-line did a pretty nice job. Especially with the run blocking.

Oklahoma has some damn nice running backs. The receivers need to catch a little better, but they will.

Trevor Knight: loads of talent. Does a great job reading the defense and knowing when to pull the ball down and find space. He's quick too. He was nervous as hell in the first quarter and looked really bad throwin the ball at first, but once he settled in he made some really nice passes, and defenses will have to respect his ability to run.

Overall, fairly pleased. There's some incredible talent that needs to develop some. This team should only get better, but I expect some freshman moments from knight. I can see why they picked him though. If Oklahoma can get through its first 5 games or so without a loss I think they'll be really tough

that's always a great feeling


Aug 14, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Very good defensively. Linebackers are one of the best groups in the country, if not THE best. Defensive line and pass rush is much improved this season, in my opinion. Secondary is good.

Special teams, as with everything else, it's hard to tell if it's the team you played, or if you're just that good/bad. We'll see in time, but as of right now, the special teams looks flawless and Christian Jones looks like our next Javy.

Offensively, we know what we have in AJ, like any QB if he gets some time, he has the ability to make plays, even under pressure he can get things done, he showed flashes of that in the VT game, a couple times have to scramble around and make some hard throws, his 1 pick came when the WR fell down, so I can't fault him for that. We also know what we have in Amari Cooper, Kevin Norwood, and TJ Yeldon. Now we come to the offensive line, which at this point is a shit show. They really need to shape up and develop some chemistry quick, because the Oline is the center point for all offenses to work, especially in our power run game. In order for our offense to live up to the expectations we had for it in the preseason, this needs to get better. Hopefully a very good VT Dline made them look worse than what they are, but either way it's going to be a rough year offensively if these guys don't improve fast. No matter how good of skill players we have, if the line doesn't block, it doesn't matter.

Overall, the Oline is not where I was hoping it'd be, but we still have the best team in the country. With this defense, we're not gonna need to score a whole lot anyway, not to mention we don't play a defense as good as VT's until LSU anyway, so our offensive line has plenty of time to build there chemistry and get better as a unit.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Very good defensively. Linebackers are one of the best groups in the country, if not THE best. Defensive line and pass rush is much improved this season, in my opinion. Secondary is good.

Special teams, as with everything else, it's hard to tell if it's the team you played, or if you're just that good/bad. We'll see in time, but as of right now, the special teams looks flawless and Christian Jones looks like our next Javy.

Offensively, we know what we have in AJ, like any QB if he gets some time, he has the ability to make plays, even under pressure he can get things done, he showed flashes of that in the VT game, a couple times have to scramble around and make some hard throws, his 1 pick came when the WR fell down, so I can't fault him for that. We also know what we have in Amari Cooper, Kevin Norwood, and TJ Yeldon. Now we come to the offensive line, which at this point is a shit show. They really need to shape up and develop some chemistry quick, because the Oline is the center point for all offenses to work, especially in our power run game. In order for our offense to live up to the expectations we had for it in the preseason, this needs to get better. Hopefully a very good VT Dline made them look worse than what they are, but either way it's going to be a rough year offensively if these guys don't improve fast. No matter how good of skill players we have, if the line doesn't block, it doesn't matter.

Overall, the Oline is not where I was hoping it'd be, but we still have the best team in the country. With this defense, we're not gonna need to score a whole lot anyway, not to mention we don't play a defense as good as VT's until LSU anyway, so our offensive line has plenty of time to build there chemistry and get better as a unit.

Not convinced bama is the best team in the country, but until proven wrong they'll deservedly stay at #1. Decent opening game for the tide.


Aug 14, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,833.33
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Not convinced bama is the best team in the country, but until proven wrong they'll deservedly stay at #1. Decent opening game for the tide.

Yeah I can understand that. Offensively, we definitely didn't play like it in game 1. I'm just glad we got this bye week to learn from that first and see exactly what needs to be worked on.


Jun 2, 2011
Royal Oak, Michigan
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Virginia Tech
Positives: We had a much improved offensive line in both pass protection and run and Trey Edmunds ran well. Not too many RBs run for 132 yards against Alabama. Its amazing the leap our offensive line has made from last year if we keep this up. Last year, our offensive line was horrible against some pretty bad teams.

Our defense was pretty good and we really only got burned once despite being very aggressive on defense. Our corners pretty much locked down the Alabama WRs. Our DL and LB kept the run game in check and kept McCarron on the run all night.

Negatives: Logan Thomas wasn't amazing but he made a lot of good throws that were dropped. He certainly wasn't 5 of 26 bad. Our wide receivers were absolutely embarrassing. DJ Coles caused a pick six by stopping on a route and Knowles dropped a lot of catchable passes. I am surprised we didn't use other receivers more. I worry that we won't be able to get our run game going because our passing game is such a mess.

Our special teams were absolutely embarrassing as well. You can't arm tackle a good returners and you can't kick such a flat punt against Alabama or you get embarrassed like we did last night.
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Jul 9, 2013
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For BSU we need a new OC we only ran 2 plays the read option with NO OPTION. and a 5 yard pass play. I was ok with our D if our O could have produced 1st downs and kept our D off the field.

Bottom Line Coach Pete needs to get our old offense play book out and take charge.


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Dec 22, 2009
PTC, Georgia
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O-Line pass block = fucking A
O-Line run block = sucks teh ball sack

Pass game = good, but dropped a couple
Rush game = meh

D-line = ballz to the wall
LB's = not impressed
DB's = solid

Red zone play calling is still shit on a shingle.


Pirate At Large
Aug 28, 2013
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O-Line pass block = fucking A
O-Line run block = sucks teh ball sack

Pass game = good, but dropped a couple
Rush game = meh

D-line = ballz to the wall
LB's = not impressed
DB's = solid

Red zone play calling is still shit on a shingle.

I think you pretty much described everything to my satisfaction ... Good Job!