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I'm sick of the play all talk...


May 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Look, it won't make it easier on you guys, because I know you are hurting, but this play all came down to execution...

The Patriots executed on it...

The Seahawks did not..

It's as simple as that.

Brandon Browner made a fantastic play with his jam on Kearse...

Obviously, Malcolm made a fantastic play to pick that pass off...

Locket the really didn't aggressively try to make that catch, and to be honest..... Wilson stared him down, and threw the ball slightly off the mark. The second half of my statement is kind of nitpicking....put the whole concept of execution rings true.

Even a run to Lynch could have been poorly executed.

It's just part of the game....tip your hats to the Patriots and start gearing up for next season.

It was another great season for you guys......


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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So you are sick of the talk by our fans in the early aftermath of a heartbreaking loss?

If you are saying you are sick of it on the gen board then ok, but on our own team board? Just checking.

I'm sure not going to defend the opinions, but the emotions behind it are entirely understandable. Especially immediately after the game.

Now if they are still crying over this a month from now and most haven't moved on to putting it all in perspective then I'll be right there with you.

It wasn't the best call, Carroll shouldn't have allowed it, but 3 players were bad on that play and ultimately Wilson shouldn't have attempted the throw unless it was 100% open. He had downs and clock to play with. Just throw it away.

Sooner or later I hope most of my fellow hawks fans will just give that UDFA rookie his due and tip their hats to the Pats coming up with one more play that our team did. That's football.


May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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So you are sick of the talk by our fans in the early aftermath of a heartbreaking loss?

If you are saying you are sick of it on the gen board then ok, but on our own team board? Just checking.

I'm sure not going to defend the opinions, but the emotions behind it are entirely understandable. Especially immediately after the game.

Now if they are still crying over this a month from now and most haven't moved on to putting it all in perspective then I'll be right there with you.

It wasn't the best call, Carroll shouldn't have allowed it, but 3 players were bad on that play and ultimately Wilson shouldn't have attempted the throw unless it was 100% open. He had downs and clock to play with. Just throw it away.

Sooner or later I hope most of my fellow hawks fans will just give that UDFA rookie his due and tip their hats to the Pats coming up with one more play that our team did. That's football.

Interesting fans are not putting the ultimate blame on Wilson for releasing that throw whiz. Had he not lead the receiver, but put the ball on the numbers or slightly behind...NE CB probably gets called for a PI as he was moving into the slant route from the get go.

I blame Wilson more than the OC's play call and yes SHs shoulda ran it in retrospect.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Interesting fans are not putting the ultimate blame on Wilson for releasing that throw whiz. Had he not lead the receiver, but put the ball on the numbers or slightly behind...NE CB probably gets called for a PI as he was moving into the slant route from the get go.

I blame Wilson more than the OC's play call and yes SHs shoulda ran it in retrospect.

You are not allowed to criticize Wilson or Carroll up here. They are off limits most of the time. Just how it is. Not like we are saying he sucks, but he's human and made a poor judgement in throwing it at all, and not a great throw on top of it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't care though... Still run the ball with Lynch... I can live with that failure more if we didn't get it done.... We didn't go to our strength and that's what hurts the most right now.... Do you honestly think the Pats stop us 3 times using Lynch at the goal line ? I like our odds there... It hurts..


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I don't care though... Still run the ball with Lynch... I can live with that failure more if we didn't get it done.... We didn't go to our strength and that's what hurts the most right now.... Do you honestly think the Pats stop us 3 times using Lynch at the goal line ? I like our odds there... It hurts..
It wasn't going to be 3 running plays in a row. They had 1 TO. You had two chances to get it in with running plays. Would it have worked? We will never know and yes that lingering question will haunt people all spring and summer long.

All that passing play did was add a 3rd play to what they said they wanted to do. Bevell even said they weren't going to score on that play. Well IF that is true, why the fuck didn't they tell Wilson that and have him throw it away? :L

Just don't worry about having a 3rd play and run your power set out there and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It wasn't going to be 3 running plays in a row. They had 1 TO. You had two chances to get it in with running plays. Would it have worked? We will never know and yes that lingering question will haunt people all spring and summer long.

All that passing play did was add a 3rd play to what they said they wanted to do. Bevell even said they weren't going to score on that play. Well IF that is true, why the fuck didn't they tell Wilson that and have him throw it away? :L

Just don't worry about having a 3rd play and run your power set out there and see what happens.

Yeah I"m ok with a throw maybe on 4th down if it came to that... Or a play action roll out by Wilson and look for someone in the corner so if it's not there he can run it or just throw it away.... But feeding the Beast a couple times I don't think the Pats stop us.... That's gonna haunt me for a long time...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It wasn't the best call, Carroll shouldn't have allowed it, but 3 players were bad on that play and ultimately Wilson shouldn't have attempted the throw unless it was 100% open. He had downs and clock to play with. Just throw it away.

He was... Butler jt jumped the route. I don't blame Wilson (even though he is being the bigger man and taking the blame) for it at all. I understand Carroll saying on 3rd and 4th they would have run it but that was all him.... Wilson executed the best he could....If Butler was a split second later getting there then the Seahawks would be holding he Lombardi right now.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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It wasn't the best call, Carroll shouldn't have allowed it, but 3 players were bad on that play and ultimately Wilson shouldn't have attempted the throw unless it was 100% open. He had downs and clock to play with. Just throw it away.

He was... Butler jt jumped the route. I don't blame Wilson (even though he is being the bigger man and taking the blame) for it at all. I understand Carroll saying on 3rd and 4th they would have run it but that was all him.... Wilson executed the best he could....If Butler was a split second later getting there then the Seahawks would be holding he Lombardi right now.

The play was designed for Kearse to get a pick on that defender, but Browner ( I think? ) kept that from happening. And of course your rookie UDFA didn't bite on the fake move by Lockette because he didn't use proper technique to sell it. Given that, Wilson should throw it away. It wasn't 100% open play as the rub didn't work and the defender was just sitting back there waiting on that route. That was info Wilson had. It was ALL he had to look out for.

His best choice there was to throw it away and move on to the running plays. And he failed to do so.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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How can you not blame the OC? It was the 1 yard line? Beast mode ready and drooling

Oh and 1 TO