Mr. Knowitall
<---- There ya go.
<---- There ya go.
If Jeff a Greek God or a Norse God??
I don't know, giving his team allegiences, it would definitely have to be a polytheistic religion.
No Greek here, talk to 46.
edit: WTF!!!! I WASTED MY 8000th POST ON THIS!?
If Jeff a Greek God or a Norse God??
Porcelain god would be my guess...
Porcelain god would be my guess...
lol...I was going to go with Teflon, but porcelain is even better.
Dont hate.
Sorry Jeff... just thought a guy like you would want to be a white god.... :p
lol... last I checked that was the case
That was well played...
ya know for a toilet.
Are you trying to say I am full of shit?
Ask me about my grand-dogs.