corn train
Have some of it
Here we go, according to Brock Huard, 2 of Udub's persons of interest, Jim Mora - Bo Pelini
They started out really well, I thought they were going to go to a bowl for sure, then they shit the bed at North Texas or Texas St whatever it was and went off the cliff right after that loss
Go hate the Husky fans :phone:
I wonder if that's part of the deal. We won't fire you, we'll let you find another job.
They'd have to be bat shit type crazy to take Bo over Mora, but it wouldn't surprise me knowing Bo hates it here so much, and he did interview for a few positions already last season per the reporters
More has always said Washington would be his dream job.
Bo would only get a sniff (if that) if Mora turns it down.
while redoing our Bathroom ---I gots nailed by a spider
in a crawl space
have to go to the VA tommarow to get a look
Doc says mabey a Brown recluse er sumptin like that
its a huge red mound with a white top ??
I hope its just Aids![]()
Sounds like a brown recluse to me pops.
Had a buddy at work get hit by one years ago. Crawled up his pant leg under his desk, he felt an itch so he reached down to scratch and it bit him. Swelled up the size of a baseball with a white spot about the size of a dime right in the middle.
yea about my deal
talked with the dude in VA triage today ---said get in here ASAP !!
its on my right arm next to those big blue veins on the wrist![]()
We bug bombed the shit outta that place after that. Had us all nervous for months, constantly looking behind and under shit with flashlights.
You didn't happen to get a look at the spider did ya? We never found the one that bit him, but they told him in the emergency room it was a brown recluse.
They supposedly have like a violin on their back.
Pops, have you tried rubbing dirt on it yet?
Seriously, those things can do some damage
LOL@ rubbing dirt on bites ---naw
neosprin and bandage --Doc will get a look see and access the damage I guess
I hope they don't remove my right arm and all
that would leave me 1 glove to many![]()