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How much does Ray Allens' 3 mean if Lebron doesnt go for 38 points and 18 rebounds that night?
or average about 35 points in that series?
Yeah, it was all Ray Allen
3 points... Simple

How much does Ray Allens' 3 mean if Lebron doesnt go for 38 points and 18 rebounds that night?
or average about 35 points in that series?
Yeah, it was all Ray Allen
Sure it's a team game, but Jordan would't let his teams lose 5 times in the finals, he just wouldn't, because he's the better player, PERIOD...
At the same time, Michael couldn't get his team past the conference finals (or worse) in 9 of his 15 seasons.
I love the logic used by some on this board - apparently it's more impressive to not make the finals than lose in the finals because the finals record isn't hurt if you don't make the finals.
I definitely think using championships as the barometer has merit (and I do think MJ > Lebron), but I don't see the logic of placing heavy emphasis on finals losses, because it tends to give the impression that making the finals and losing is better worse than not making the finals at all.
That logic is hilarious. Amazing how stupid some on here are. It will always be better to make the finals instead of being eliminated prior to the finals
At the same time, Michael couldn't get his team past the conference finals (or worse) in 9 of his 15 seasons.
I love the logic used by some on this board - apparently it's more impressive to not make the finals than lose in the finals because the finals record isn't hurt if you don't make the finals. If Lebron were 3-1 in the finals as opposed to 3-5, his legacy isn't any better since when you think about it, he got to the finals less with the 3-1 record and didn't win any more.
I definitely think using championships as the barometer has merit (and I do think MJ > Lebron), but I don't see the logic of placing heavy emphasis on finals losses, because it tends to give the impression that making the finals and losing is better worse than not making the finals at all.
So with that said, Jordan only earned 4 then. Paxson bailed him out against the suns and Kerr bailed him out against the Jazz. Horry bailed out Kobe, Shaq, and Duncan in the finals as well. Because we all know those aforement mention superstars did not placed their teams in a position for other players to make THAT shot.
I do, Lebron has had chances to step up and lead his team to victories and he hasn't gotten it done, Jordan went Jedi so many times in the finals hitting game winner after game winner, leading his team, one time while sick to finals victories literally taking over the basketball game.... This talk about Lebron being at Jordans level is seriously crazy talk...
Wait, so you think losing in the finals is worse than losing in an earlier round?
Now this was a respectable attempt to debate. I have two points to disprove your logic.
1.) Kobe and MJ didn't bail on their teams to go join their opponent superstars on other teams. Now if Kobe would've bailed and joined say TD and if MJ would've bailed and joined the Pistons or knicks or whoever the elite teams were then you would have a point.
2.) Ray's shot was on a broken play off a missed shot to end a the Finals series. Horry's buckets were off set plays many from good Kobe passes and I don't believe any of them were to clinch a finals series.
Dude, if don't like LeBron, that's fine. But he bailed this and he bailed that, come on man, that's crazy. You're willing to give everyone but him credit on winning.
Yep, that's what we call the "NFL-SOLOMON" school of retardation.
Wait, so you think losing in the finals is worse than losing in an earlier round?