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Holy Hell


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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This team is in complete disarray.

Defense looks like crap, losing Voynov really put guys in places where they shouldn't be. The Kings seriously need a Mitchell/Scuderi/Regehr veteran SAH type who has been through wars and can help because right now they look completely awful.


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Listened to a Pierre McGuire podcast last week before the season opener, and he stated that he was concerned about the D & depth down the middle about the Kings. Also said that he didn't think they'd be able to keep pace with other teams in the west. Finished by saying that there will be early signs about the team, and if so wouldn't be shocked if Lombardi started making moves.

I get that it's only 3 games into the season, but this team looks completely lost. From passes not connecting, to players being out of position on D, to Quick not making regular saves (not completely his fault obviously), it's major nervous time. I was texting a friend at the game last night, asking has this team become that predictable already!?!


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Wife is already planning my playoff Facebook profile.
We have a bet every year that once your team is eliminated from the post season you have to change your picture to you wearing the other team's jersey. Until the other team is eliminated.
She thinks I may be wearing a Ducks jersey by Pucks birthday (all star break)


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Aug 11, 2011
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The top players look invisible, variety of line combos not working, players out of sync and alot of one man v the other team. Part of it feels like this unit needs to get away from home and play some road games. Re-develop some camaraderie.


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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The top players look invisible, variety of line combos not working, players out of sync and alot of one man v the other team. Part of it feels like this unit needs to get away from home and play some road games. Re-develop some camaraderie.

I think it's bigger than that my man. The teams that won the Cup, they had been together for some time and were augmented by players like Richards, Carter, Gaborik, Regehr, etc. The team now has a lot of departures and new faces, it almost seems like there is a disconnect between the players because there is no buy in, there is no loyalty to the guy in the stall next to you. This is intrinsic, not something that is displayed on the ice.

Maybe it's just me, but that's what I have picked up on. Basically, there is no ownership, which to me falls squarely on Brown - that is a captain's duty, be the glue and hold that team together. Not only has he failed in that sense 3 games in, he has been completely unproductive and has not led by example. This is why I have always felt he is a poor captain. Guess what Brownie, they need you now, so step up.

Back on point, there is no chemistry which (and this will sound funny, especially from me) comes from love. And by love I mean backing each other up, going out there and playing for that guy next to you in the same jersey. An example, I am a little guy at 5'10"/160 pounds, I have fought for guys on my team before who are 6'4"/230 pounds who got leveled in what I felt was a dirty/opportunistic hit. But that comes from love, from the wars, from the interactions. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but every time the guy I defended knew I was there to step up for him.

I knew there was a good chance I'm getting killed but that is my locker room brother, I don't get that sense from ANY of the Kings right now. There is no togetherness, which I guess is expected when you have so much turnover but that relationship needs to be found and fast.

When that happens, I believe we will see the team come together and better play.
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Aug 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, we lost a number of key players, but you have to remember every team gets up to play us, and take the foundation down.

It happens to every winning team.


Aug 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Same goes for the Quacks - Fortunately


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Jul 30, 2015
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Of course Brown sucks, but blaming for this? no. It is interesting That Erhoff is a -5 and Muffin a -6 just 3 games in. Brown is tied for the team lead in point and assists what more can you ask for? :pound:


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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Yes, we lost a number of key players, but you have to remember every team gets up to play us, and take the foundation down.

It happens to every winning team.

The Hawks don't seem to have that problem, and they lose players every season. I think it's more than just teams gunning for them, I think the culture of the locker room has changed considerably to where it's each man for himself.


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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Of course Brown sucks, but blaming for this? no. It is interesting That Erhoff is a -5 and Muffin a -6 just 3 games in. Brown is tied for the team lead in point and assists what more can you ask for? :pound:

Only time you'll be able to say that all season!


Dumbo Rules

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I think it's bigger than that my man. The teams that won the Cup, they had been together for some time and were augmented by players like Richards, Carter, Gaborik, Regehr, etc. The team now has a lot of departures and new faces, it almost seems like there is a disconnect between the players because there is no buy in, there is no loyalty to the guy in the stall next to you. This is intrinsic, not something that is displayed on the ice.

Maybe it's just me, but that's what I have picked up on. Basically, there is no ownership, which to me falls squarely on Brown - that is a captain's duty, be the glue and hold that team together. Not only has he failed in that sense 3 games in, he has been completely unproductive and has not led by example. This is why I have always felt he is a poor captain. Guess what Brownie, they need you now, so step up.

Back on point, there is no chemistry which (and this will sound funny, especially from me) comes from love. And by love I mean backing each other up, going out there and playing for that guy next to you in the same jersey. An example, I am a little guy at 5'10"/160 pounds, I have fought for guys on my team before who are 6'4"/230 pounds who got leveled in what I felt was a dirty/opportunistic hit. But that comes from love, from the wars, from the interactions. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but every time the guy I defended knew I was there to step up for him.

I knew there was a good chance I'm getting killed but that is my locker room brother, I don't get that sense from ANY of the Kings right now. There is no togetherness, which I guess is expected when you have so much turnover but that relationship needs to be found and fast.

When that happens, I believe we will see the team come together and better play.

Time for the group hug and patty cake should have been addressed in the pre season. Dumbo should have addressed the blue line instead of picking up Lucic. He looks completely lost out there. Some of Lucic's one timers remind me of Teddy Slew foot Purcel..(Swing and a miss, or an epic whiff)...Lucic looks loss..Think about our d from 2012 and now...Ehroff is not the answer.

We had a tough, rugged d man group. We knew how to kill people in front of the net That physical presence that we do not have now, and, had crisp break out passing and could chip in some goals too.

Dumbo put this group together and right now it is not working...I do hope it changes soon.

I like Sutter as a coach, but, I am beginning to wonder if the players have started to tune him out a bit


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Jul 4, 2013
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I don't buy the whole buy in thing or an issue with chemistry. I know saying this maybe a sin in some people's eyes but, look at Chicago. They lost key players and aren't falling apart. True the D has taken a hit. But, there is no offense, the whole team is playing And that is the bottom line. These are professional athletes and they are playing like sad sacks. There is no passion.
This is just sad.


Aug 24, 2011
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How is 2 wins in 5 games for the Hawks looking good?


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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Nice run as of late King fans, I honestly thought you guys fell off earlier this season, but the Kings are proving that they're once again Stanley Cup contenders.


Suck my Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Its a long season Doob, they could just as look like the first few g as the last few. They should make the playoffs with the roster they have....who knows after that.


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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Its a long season Doob, they could just as look like the first few g as the last few. They should make the playoffs with the roster they have....who knows after that.
Yeah true, but it the Blackhawks falter, my pick for the Cup would be the Kings. But like you said, it's way too early. For all we know both teams could get injured & miss the playoffs altogether. Never know this stuff in hockey.


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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7-3 to end October is solid, 14/20 possible points for a .700 win percentage. I'll take that any day of the week.That rate won't hold all season, but if it did we would be looking at around a 52-57 win season.

Still is a long season, and December/January is right around the corner, where the Kings tend to slack off for whatever reason (too much turkey and eggnog?).

Just enjoying the ride right now, as you guys said things could change in a flash. I do expect LA to be there in the end however.


Don't be a jabroni.
Dec 2, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
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For the Brownies out there, when is that pylon Brown going to start producing? Mr. Lean Fit and Nutrition Coach looks just as useless when he was probably eating hot dogs and nachos pulling an Al Bundy on the couch.

How much more proof is necessary to see he is done and his contract will financially handcuff LA for essentially the next decade?