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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I would not be apposed if he gets right as a man and deals with his demons. Sometimes getting back to your roots with friend (PC) can turn it all around. It was a good fit at USC we could find the diamond in the ruff now with the coaching staff as they did with the draft...Just a thought


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Right, several of us are saying blame everyone and one group is picking just one guy as the entire problem. Not one person I've seen has said everyone but Bevell. Straw man tactics aren't going to work.

All i see are excuses for bevell, zero criticism from most of his defenders.

its not just bevell though, its cable too, and the entire offensive system they put together. they both need to go.

but of course you will say "blah blah blah this is the offense carroll wants blah blah blah".


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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All i see are excuses for bevell, zero criticism from most of his defenders.

its not just bevell though, its cable too, and the entire offensive system they put together. they both need to go.

but of course you will say "blah blah blah this is the offense carroll wants blah blah blah".
Nope, you hear what you want to hear.

The hard part about putting specific blame play to play on Bevell is you don't know what was called, if Russell changed it at the line, and did everyone run it as they practiced it.

So you can clearly criticize the overall offense and say Bevell isn't doing anything to fix it. You can question why if he's in charge of the passing game that Wilson doesn't appear to be getting any better at the weak parts of his game. You can question the formations and game plans. You can ask why he hasn't tried to add more routes that Graham came in comfortable running.

I can add dozens more, but I can add a ton more criticism for that unit on Carroll, RS, Cable, and the individual game play of the starters.

Some of you put all of the woes on ONLY Bevell, and the rest of us look at it as the large puzzle it is and say none of the people involved are doing a good job.

So try to tell us again who has the blinders on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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All i see are excuses for bevell, zero criticism from most of his defenders.

its not just bevell though, its cable too, and the entire offensive system they put together. they both need to go.

but of course you will say "blah blah blah this is the offense carroll wants blah blah blah".
I have seen most of us being not happy with our OC. We all realize there will not be changes this season, so no need for continual bashing of the O.
Your complaining has been more than just heard. It is continual and a negative vibe almost every day.

What type of offense do you think Pete wants? I will list a few things on what I think Pete's philosophy and feel free to counter any of those.
Primarily a run 1st offense.
It is all about the ball so TO's are about the worst thing an offense can do. This is paramount.
Special teams are mainly for field position.
A great D and field position will force the opposing offense to have to go the length of the field, thereby increasing the chance for the D to get TO's.
Winning by a score of 9-6 is a beautiful thing (I threw that in just for you).

I hear everything you have complained about. Honest. Yet, there is a time to get up on the soapbox and scream for somebody's head, and that is during the off season.
If you know a lot about the profession game of football, you would know that distractions can derail as season (Harvin?).
Firing a hand picked OC that has assisted in steering a team to back to back SB's would be a massive distraction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Theres no need to lay blame on every play. This offense has the same problems it has always had under bevell, last week was just another example on a large pile of examples.

You can go back to when terdvaris was qb, had the same exact issues. No red zone offense, pathetic ppg, couldnt convert key third downs.

And yet you dont seem to think anything needs to change, everything is hunky dory. Sit down and shut the fuck up is your stance.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Theres no need to lay blame on every play. This offense has the same problems it has always had under bevell, last week was just another example on a large pile of examples.

You can go back to when terdvaris was qb, had the same exact issues. No red zone offense, pathetic ppg, couldnt convert key third downs.

And yet you dont seem to think anything needs to change, everything is hunky dory. Sit down and shut the fuck up is your stance.
Is it possible for any of the Bevell haters to not mischaracterize what others say?

Where has anyone said make no changes to this offense? That's absolutely retarded.

How about PC/RS getting as lucky/good at drafting on the O as they have been on the D? Players make plays. They (as a team) have failed miserably to draft linemen on the O. Every trade they have made came up short from Rice to Harvin and so far Graham. How about finding a threat that runs the kinds of routes Wilson is actually great at?

Maybe it's time to stop the Cable experiment at assistant HC and run game coordinator?

There are lots of changes that can be made, maybe even should be made, that would actually have impact on that offense. Changing OC is far down the list of things that would have immediate impact.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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Theres no need to lay blame on every play. This offense has the same problems it has always had under bevell, last week was just another example on a large pile of examples.

You can go back to when terdvaris was qb, had the same exact issues. No red zone offense, pathetic ppg, couldnt convert key third downs.

And yet you dont seem to think anything needs to change, everything is hunky dory. Sit down and shut the fuck up is your stance.
It is my nature to look for the positives in any situation, not the negatives. I am a retired sales manager/trainer/boss. People don't excel in the industry that I was in by having a half full glass and focusing on all of the negatives.
So that is my personal makeup.
I have also said on this board I am not happy at all with being 2-3 and losing the way we have. Again, I have no problem at all if anyone voices concerns. Yet, I could not hang with a guy like you when I was working. Believe me, I heard all sorts of negative shit and I would stay away from them because they want to bring me DOWN to their level. If that happens, my productivity would tank and I will try my best to not allow that to happen. No thanks, as I will seek out those with better view points.
You will most likely be miserable this entire season no matter how well it goes. You could not find anything good to post about in our 2 wins. It is who you are, as I am who I am.