I'll take "What are homosexuals?" for $500 Alex.
I really can't believe how crazy this situation has become...
no kidding. Im just taking any humour out of it where I can. its beyond silly now. rallys to support chik-fil-a rallys to protest them. I wonder how many of those that supported chik-fil-A have ever eaten there or care about their food and were just against same sex marriage and joined in.
its all nuts and sad.
alex: "its a video daily double"
audience: * clap clap clap *
alex: "and here it is:"
true story ... up until a couple of years ago i thought chic fil a made 70's style jeans for women
I believe it's Friday. And I'm pretty sure GLAAD asked everyone to be tasteful. So people will be standing in front of Chick-Fil-A giving each other pecks, not doing stripteases at your table.
They should do it Sunday. It will be more impactful.
They're closed on Sundays.
GD' it
Thanks for ruining the joke!