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Hey Gents, just for fun....


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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I`am sure most of you are playing or are aware of the NFL.com "Perfect Challenge" for a chance at a mil if you predict the highest fantasy points each week. You pick a QB, 2 rbs, 2 wrs, Te, kicker and a D. It is prob right up there with winning lottery, but hell its free and, ya never know. I have mine pkd and thought it would be fun to see what you guys picked or would pk if you are or would play for this weeks games. So far ( I always seem to change at last min and get more screwed than norm) my pks are..
QB- Brees
RBs-Forte and Pierre Thomas
WRs- Calvin Johnson and D. Thomas
TE- V. Davis
K- Ryan Succop
D- Rams
Thought we could start a little fun contest each week and see who scores the most
points and who knows, maybe somebody gets in or current player, and they win a cool
mil! Hey, think would be fun to compare and it at least fills in some time during the slow
non football days. What think Gents, lets see how close ya get or.....:omg::suds::bullshit:


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Jul 12, 2013
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Didn't see your thread till after the Thursday night game, Randy. I probably would have picked both Brees and Graham, so it's nearly certain that I wouldn't have won. Not too surprising, since I consistently leave my own top scorers on my bench!

Picking the top scorer at every position seems really unlikely. Has anyone ever done it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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I saw this a couple weeks back, but I really didn't understand it. So, you just pick a player at each position, and if each of those players is the highest scoring player at that position for the week, then you get $1 million? I'm sure this is highly unlikely, but the chances have to better than winning the lotto :nod:

In my Yahoo league this year I have Manning, Jordy Nelson, DT, Forte, AP, Julius, Carolina D and Hartley. My bench sits Victor Cruz, James Jones, Pierre Thomas, Rashad Jennings (FA pickup), Phyllis Rivers (only played Denvers bye, obviously.....and he's still a major douche) and a couple others.

Needless to say....I've been killin' it in that that league to the tune of a 10-1 record. I still never got close to perfect though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Hey TD,Doc. Thanks for feedback. I was beginning to think that I might have been black listed or excommunicated for something:) I guess my proposal didn`t go over so well,huh. Anyway, thanks guys. Well TD,As far as I know ( only 2nd yr playing) nobody has won yet. It does require some major luck no doubt but I still enjoy the site and the challenge for sure. Like I said, its free,so WTFN?:) I too thought Brees would have much bigger gm but I think Graham could still holdup at least:) You can still go there and make a cool mil before Sunday buddy:)

Doc, first off congrads on 10-1 record. Killin it for sure. I am really tanking it in my FF?contest stuff this yr:doh: Hey, not a bad line-up really except Hartly prob wont lead Kickers:). Your right on the format also. The site is well orchestrated and hell, I think it a kick just trying to pick a few top players/positions. Certainly don`t see any harm in going for a free mil that only takes a couple a mins to play. I guess by all the views and no comments except for you Gents, they disagree or think I`am an idiot:L. Maybe I am but if I win a mil, I`ll bet they`ll want to be my friend! JK!! Go give it a try guys, I think youll enjoy givin it a whirl anyway. Have great day guys and Go Denver Sun nite!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Hey sorry randymon I am off on an elk hunting trip so limited internet access.