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Head Coach Search.


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Aug 20, 2014
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Exactly, and a perfect mentor to Duce Staley, whom we know Lurie likes, and it's been talked about Often what a young brilliant football mind Duce has.

You guys who are pimping Duce are being ridiculous. What has the guy ever done other than being a good guy? There is no indication that he has had any sort of instrumental role in game planning or anything else. I don't remember the last time a former RB or RB coach ever ascended to a head coaching spot. Its simply not the heart of what makes your team tick.


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Poor DPD. He works so hard to find shit that isn't there.
Lurie has to spend 89% of the cap between 2013-2016 just like every other owner. So, no.

Minimum spending floor could jump start NFL free agency this offseason

"If they don’t meet the 89% floor the owner of each franchise not in compliance will have to write the NFLPA a check for the difference. The NFLPA has latitude to disperse a team's shortfall to players on that team during this period. If the entire league's spending is under 95% over the 4 year period, the NFLPA can disperse that shortfall how it wants. This shortfall is secondary to any shortfall under the 89% requirement.

I’m told NFL owners would rather spend that money to improve their teams – either signing free agents or giving out extensions - than write an annual refund check (the floor comes into play in 2016 and exists every year moving forward in this new CBA)."

Huge difference between spending 89% and 100%. If you read these new salary cap rules, there also is alot of year to year flexibility which essentially allows teams to over and under spend that 89 or 100% number very significantly for several years in a row.

Funny how we have switched gears and now you are the guy defending the Eagles organization and I am criticizing it.
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Shady is the real Mccoy!
Sep 11, 2014
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Smart move imo is to hire Coughlin, whom u know can coach. Why? Its a good way to see if Howie is any good as a GM...for sure. I dont think he is but there is enough doubt out there about what he has and hasnt done that we and more importantly Jeff needs irrefutable proof.

If we still suck in 2-3 years...its time for Howie to go as well. Sorry Jeff.

If Howie is smart, he would want to hire a coordinator who has never coached. A Doug Peterson etc. That way, if we still suck in a few years..you can just blame him.

In the end, Im not confident Howie knows what he is doing and that we will hire the right guy. Im not even sure Jeff wants to really win a SB over all else. Terrible time to be an Eagle fan.

One of the most dysfunctional franchises in the NFL. Embarrassing & it points to Jeff Lurie. Compared to former Eagle owners, hes awesome..compared to great owners in the nfl..he is shit. imo.


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Aug 20, 2014
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Gase was the only name that has been floated that was at all interesting. Not surprised he chose a better situation. Who are they left with?

Coughlin - 69 years old. No thank you.
Pederson - Really?
Teryl Austin - The issue with these Defensive guys is who would run the offense?
Paul Guenther - Ditto
Ben MacAdoo - Okay
Pat Shurmur - The case for him is the case for Bradford.
Duce Staley - Not serious are you?


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Aug 20, 2014
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Smart move imo is to hire Coughlin, whom u know can coach. Why? Its a good way to see if Howie is any good as a GM...for sure. I dont think he is but there is enough doubt out there about what he has and hasnt done that we and more importantly Jeff needs irrefutable proof.

If we still suck in 2-3 years...its time for Howie to go as well. Sorry Jeff.

If Howie is smart, he would want to hire a coordinator who has never coached. A Doug Peterson etc. That way, if we still suck in a few years..you can just blame him.

In the end, Im not confident Howie knows what he is doing and that we will hire the right guy. Im not even sure Jeff wants to really win a SB over all else. Terrible time to be an Eagle fan.

One of the most dysfunctional franchises in the NFL. Embarrassing & it points to Jeff Lurie. Compared to former Eagle owners, hes awesome..compared to great owners in the nfl..he is shit. imo.

Coughlin in 19-29 over the last three seasons and finished lower than Kelly and the Eagles all three years despite having a Hall of Fame caliber QB at the helm. Over the course of a 20 year career he has 10 winning seasons. The definition of over rated. Now he is 69 years old, so at best you could expect a 5 year run out of the guy.

And the Giants have to agree to have him come here. If they thought it would be good for the Eagles at all, they can just say no. Seems they may be eager to have him come here, not have to pay Coughlin's salary next year, and figure they can add an easy couple wins to their ledge every year as they know Coughlin so well and he is so mediocre.

Really, I can't see why the Eagles are even bothering to talk to the guy. He will probably say no anyways and it just adds to the trainwreck image that this search has become.


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Sep 2, 2014
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. got to agree with DPD here. Duce was a great Eagle, but don't believe the Eagles owe him a legacy. Also agree on Coughlin, a great coach, fine gentlemen, but he's just getting too old. 100 hour weeks.....stay home and enjoy your family Tom.


Shady is the real Mccoy!
Sep 11, 2014
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Coughlin in 19-29 over the last three seasons and finished lower than Kelly and the Eagles all three years despite having a Hall of Fame caliber QB at the helm. Over the course of a 20 year career he has 10 winning seasons. The definition of over rated. Now he is 69 years old, so at best you could expect a 5 year run out of the guy.

And the Giants have to agree to have him come here. If they thought it would be good for the Eagles at all, they can just say no. Seems they may be eager to have him come here, not have to pay Coughlin's salary next year, and figure they can add an easy couple wins to their ledge every year as they know Coughlin so well and he is so mediocre.

Really, I can't see why the Eagles are even bothering to talk to the guy. He will probably say no anyways and it just adds to the trainwreck image that this search has become.

I wouldnt have even fired Chip.

When I say Coughlin is the best choice is because it will reveal how terrible Howie really is...once and for all and Lurie will have no choice but to fire him as well. Couglin may not have won much lately but that team is garbage. Has very little talent. HE also won 2 SBs. So if he fails in Philly...who will get the bulk of the blame. Imo..it will be Howie.

Do I think Howie would want Coughlin? Hell no. Lurie probably doesnt either. They IMO want a lap dog who they can keep around for many years & also blame if things dont work out. Its why they gave Chip the title for a year. They wanted to blame it all on Chip and let Howie be the guy who had no say lol.

A guy with no coaching exp. is ideal for them. Pederson is my bet.

IMO..its almost a foregone conclusion that PEderson will be the guy.


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Aug 20, 2014
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I wouldnt have even fired Chip.

When I say Coughlin is the best choice is because it will reveal how terrible Howie really is...once and for all and Lurie will have no choice but to fire him as well. Couglin may not have won much lately but that team is garbage. Has very little talent. HE also won 2 SBs. So if he fails in Philly...who will get the bulk of the blame. Imo..it will be Howie.

Do I think Howie would want Coughlin? Hell no. Lurie probably doesnt either. They IMO want a lap dog who they can keep around for many years & also blame if things dont work out. Its why they gave Chip the title for a year. They wanted to blame it all on Chip and let Howie be the guy who had no say lol.

A guy with no coaching exp. is ideal for them. Pederson is my bet.

IMO..its almost a foregone conclusion that PEderson will be the guy.

Its looking that way.


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Huge difference between spending 89% and 100%. If you read these new salary cap rules, there also is alot of year to year flexibility which essentially allows teams to over and under spend that 89 or 100% number very significantly for several years in a row.

Yes, but what you are missing is that that first salary floor window closes in 2016. That link was from spring 2015, prior to signing Murray, Maxwell and picking up Bradford's contract. It says the eagles had to spend just $33 mill in new money by the end of 2016. More than likely we already took care of meeting the salary floor. If we were waaay under the salary minimum, you could argue Lurie is being Cheap and fired Chip because he was spending too much money. The facts show, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Funny how we have switched gears and now you are the guy defending the Eagles organization and I am criticizing it.
Thats because history has shown i know when it is warranted and when it isn't. You haven't figured it out yet. You end up arguing the wrong side of everything (Tebow, Chip, the 2015 Eagles being a eyelash away from a playoff team, etc).


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Smart move imo is to hire Coughlin, whom u know can coach. Why? Its a good way to see if Howie is any good as a GM...for sure. I dont think he is but there is enough doubt out there about what he has and hasnt done that we and more importantly Jeff needs irrefutable proof.

If we still suck in 2-3 years...its time for Howie to go as well. Sorry Jeff.

If Howie is smart, he would want to hire a coordinator who has never coached. A Doug Peterson etc. That way, if we still suck in a few years..you can just blame him.

In the end, Im not confident Howie knows what he is doing and that we will hire the right guy. Im not even sure Jeff wants to really win a SB over all else. Terrible time to be an Eagle fan.

One of the most dysfunctional franchises in the NFL. Embarrassing & it points to Jeff Lurie. Compared to former Eagle owners, hes awesome..compared to great owners in the nfl..he is shit. imo.
The eagles are not dysfuctional at all. They have been a very stable franchise during Luries tenure. They hit a period of dysfunction at the end of the Rhoades Era, but that only lasted a year. They had stability most of the next 15 and made a bold move in hiring Chip in 2013. I didn't really want him, but i don't blame him for taking the chance. It just turned out that bold move was a cancer and they quickly cut it out before it completely ruined the franchise, which was wise.

If teams were hiring HC's left and right while we twiddled our thumbs, i'd be worried. But that's not happening.


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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I wouldnt have even fired Chip.

When I say Coughlin is the best choice is because it will reveal how terrible Howie really is...once and for all and Lurie will have no choice but to fire him as well. Couglin may not have won much lately but that team is garbage. Has very little talent. HE also won 2 SBs. So if he fails in Philly...who will get the bulk of the blame. Imo..it will be Howie.

Do I think Howie would want Coughlin? Hell no. Lurie probably doesnt either. They IMO want a lap dog who they can keep around for many years & also blame if things dont work out. Its why they gave Chip the title for a year. They wanted to blame it all on Chip and let Howie be the guy who had no say lol.

A guy with no coaching exp. is ideal for them. Pederson is my bet.

IMO..its almost a foregone conclusion that PEderson will be the guy.
They've only been able to talk to candidates outside the organization for 6 days. you're panicking over nothing.

I'd take Coughlin in a heartbeat. A Parcells 2x SB winner that can get some discipline and structure back in our organization over the next 3-5 years. And he can mentor his successor. Sign me up!

(He's got some Philly roots too; was our WRs coach in the 80s!)


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Sep 18, 2014
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Coughlin is an EXCELLENT hire if true. You can't just point to record. That's like saying the Chiefs shouldn't have hired Reid because he was 12-20 in his last 2 years and without a playoff win in 5 seasons.

Track record means a lot when it comes to guys like Reid and Coughlin. These are guys you know can coach a winner and there is little guesswork involved in it.

old duke

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Aug 25, 2014
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Gase was the only name that has been floated that was at all interesting. Not surprised he chose a better situation. Who are they left with?

Coughlin - 69 years old. No thank you.
Pederson - Really?
Teryl Austin - The issue with these Defensive guys is who would run the offense?
Paul Guenther - Ditto
Ben MacAdoo - Okay
Pat Shurmur - The case for him is the case for Bradford.
Duce Staley - Not serious are you?

Yes on coughlin for me! He would bring knowledge, leadership, organization to this disfuntional operation. Let him coach as long as we compete for a divisional championship at least. and then stay on as the Dir. of Operations, as a resource for a young coach. Shurmur and be the OC and Spags as the DC.

I like Guenther and Austin, as they will fix the defense, and hire good coordinators.

Iron Eagle

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Sep 2, 2014
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....coughlin? Duce?

You know what, let's hire shurmur.

The punch drunk FO wants to keep Chip's coaches anyway. ..gase is gone, no interest in Jackson. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than bringing in Pederson.


Aug 17, 2014
Montgomeryville, PA
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I didn't realize 69 was dead??? I go to a gym where there are men in their mid to late 60's that pump iron daily... My best friend who I fish with often is 62 and will out work most 25 year olds. Just because the guy is 69 doesn't mean he has checked out! Damn! 69 is old, yes compared to 45 but it's not ancient! How old was Dick Vermeil when he won a super bowl with the Rams??? I'm sure he had to be around 69

Macho Grande

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Aug 20, 2014
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I didn't realize 69 was dead??? I go to a gym where there are men in their mid to late 60's that pump iron daily... My best friend who I fish with often is 62 and will out work most 25 year olds. Just because the guy is 69 doesn't mean he has checked out! Damn! 69 is old, yes compared to 45 but it's not ancient! How old was Dick Vermeil when he won a super bowl with the Rams??? I'm sure he had to be around 69

Nah. Vermeil was 63. The oldest winning Super Bowl coach is...Tom Coughlin when he was 65.


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Aug 31, 2014
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I'd be just fine with Coughlin ... but I don't think the Eagles interest in him is for the head coaching job and I'm not sure he wants to jump right back into the fire anyhoo. This is all pure speculation, but let's for the moment say Coughlin to the Birds as head coach comes true ... it brings stability back into the mix. Shurmur can stay on as OC (more likelihood Bradford comes back with a head coach of Coughlin's pedigree and his OC back in the fold). All we would need is a new DC and we're ready to roll. Does anyone really want Doug Pederson over a Tom Coughlin?


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Aug 18, 2014
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I didn't realize 69 was dead??? I go to a gym where there are men in their mid to late 60's that pump iron daily... My best friend who I fish with often is 62 and will out work most 25 year olds. Just because the guy is 69 doesn't mean he has checked out! Damn! 69 is old, yes compared to 45 but it's not ancient! How old was Dick Vermeil when he won a super bowl with the Rams??? I'm sure he had to be around 69

Wings some of these guys on this board there is just no debating with. They know it all and that is it. I would much rather a 69 year like Coughlin who is proven in putting in a program than a guy like Gase who is only a proven OC. We absolutely can't go through another Chip Kelly regime here. We need to properly build a program like we had under Big Red. I want Steeler like Stability with this team. That means we need to develop guy like Duce. Who know Eagles football, who are ready to take the next step. I can't think of a better coach who is out there right now to help us build this program right.

Don't think it will be boring, The Giants were running a tempo light offense in New York this past year. There biggest issue was no talent on defense. Coughlin has adapted over time.