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Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
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It seems the Patriots and Seahawks are getting a lot of hate these days. Does that mean we are automatically facing each other in the Superbowl?
Let's get together in Arizona and throw back a toast!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not looking past the Packers, the Real superbowl ( lol )


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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Teams that are successful in multiple years (Seattle only 1 super bowl so far, but they've surpassed what Harbaugh did with 4 consecutive playoff appearances under Carroll, 2 NFC Champs, and a SBOWL win, Pats need no explanation) are naturally hated and the fan bases are always annoying because...

Someone posts "Seattle (or New England) will LOSE this weekend" and then Seattle/NE fans (and others) are usually in their right to say, "Yah right." And then when NE/Seattle USUALLY does win, everyone has to eat crow and feels inadequate, and they just build up resentment.

Naturally because of the resentment outrageous claims start getting made (Pats always cheat, Seattle pumps in volume and illegally contacts every play!) which our fans respond with, "WTF are you talking about?" Queue flaming/trolling and there you have it.

The storied teams (Green Bay/Pittsburgh) with the CRAZY fanbases (across a lot of cities) are a little different. It's 'tradition' that those teams win/go to the playoffs, I guess. 49ers aren't too far behind.

Then you have the players. Tom Brady swears/gets angry on the sideline and Bill shows little emotion. Seattle has Carroll with his USC history and Sherman who is a loudmouth. So that fuels it a bit more whereas Rodgers is a perfect being and generally everyone on Packers has a pretty high level of integrity.



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ive been a fan of the NE posters on the main board for a while. They usually backed me or if they disagreed had valid reasons, in my arguments with trolls over the year.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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Ive been a fan of the NE posters on the main board for a while. They usually backed me or if they disagreed had valid reasons, in my arguments with trolls over the year.

I do feel like NE posters are generally pretty reasonable. They back up arguments with fairly solid logic (if not sound) and are pretty agreeable on items that don't rightfully favor the Pats.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You also have fans of storied franchises that haven't won since we went from VHS to DVD (49ers, Dallas, Oakland) getting upset when we brag about our teams but have "only" 1 SB when they have so many more, albeit sitting dusty in the trophy case. "Yeah, get back to me when you guys have <insert some number between 2 and 6>" like they're somehow smarter, cooler, or better because their team was really good 30 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I get the distinct impression from reading message boards and comment sections across the internet that fans around the league consider Seahawks and Pats fans the most "annoying"/"bandwagon-ish" fans around right now and apparently we're the most fun to antagonize/mess with because of it. Patriots fans still have to hear stuff like "Cheatriots" and "Spygate", while Seahawks fans have to hear about the "Fail Mary", and dumb elementary school stuff like Seadderal Cheathawks and pretty much every derogatory variation of Seahawks you can think of.

If both teams end up in the Super Bowl this year, I might not even bother with message boards and comment sections for a couple of weeks because it's just gonna be an orgy of hate for both teams and their fans. If the Hawks make it back to the Super Bowl, I want to be able to enjoy it and I can't do that if it means wading through the crap.


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I get the distinct impression from reading message boards and comment sections across the internet that fans around the league consider Seahawks and Pats fans the most "annoying"/"bandwagon-ish" fans around right now and apparently we're the most fun to antagonize/mess with because of it. Patriots fans still have to hear stuff like "Cheatriots" and "Spygate", while Seahawks fans have to hear about the "Fail Mary", and dumb elementary school stuff like Seadderal Cheathawks and pretty much every derogatory variation of Seahawks you can think of.

If both teams end up in the Super Bowl this year, I might not even bother with message boards and comment sections for a couple of weeks because it's just gonna be an orgy of hate for both teams and their fans. If the Hawks make it back to the Super Bowl, I want to be able to enjoy it and I can't do that if it means wading through the crap.

Dude- that's the price for being good. I live in PA where 45% Are Eagles fans and 45% are steeler fans and the rest of us cheer for whomever but when I took my 4 yr old to the mall to see Santa I'm telling you I saw more seahawk gear than I have in my whole life and it made me chuckle, same asshats that had saints gear on after Katrina I'm sure.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Fav. Team #3
Dude- that's the price for being good. I live in PA where 45% Are Eagles fans and 45% are steeler fans and the rest of us cheer for whomever but when I took my 4 yr old to the mall to see Santa I'm telling you I saw more seahawk gear than I have in my whole life and it made me chuckle, same asshats that had saints gear on after Katrina I'm sure.

Yeah, I dunno. I live in Kentucky and work with a Skins fan who recently told me something similar -- that he had never seen any Seahawks fans until after they won a SB. My comment beck to him was that I bet he had, but he just didn't know what he was looking at. Now that he does, he just notices it more. It's like if you work in a fairly large organization and you meet someone for the first time, don't you notice that you then seem to run into them or see them a lot more often? They were always there, you just didn't recognize who they were.