Man, you guys are ridiculous.
Shanahan has given you transparency pretty much unheard of in any sport. He breaks down everything he sees, almost frame by frame, in delivering his judgement, and still you bitch.
Does he always make the correct decision? No. But guess what? NOBODY WILL. It's a judgement call. But at the very least, I think this is the start of a process whereby every hit is essentially publicly reviewed and the decision process is transparent and explained in clear concise terms. That is MASSIVE progress.
On to the hit: the debate is whether or not the principal point of contact is the head. It's definitely not black and white - stop pretending it is. It's simple physics - if he had gotten mostly body, the body would have reacted a certain way. The way Eller's body spins, it's pretty hard to claim that the head didn't at least receive the majority of the force of the check. I mean, Gryba pretty much skates right through the check. If he makes significant contact with the body, that's almost impossible.
And the day of bone-crushing headshots is over - deal with it. I loved the Scott Stevens checks as much as any one. But at the time, the worst I thought it did was ruin a career. Now we know better. Concussions can ruin lives. Pronger who can't see straight. NFL and NHL players who have to deal with depression and mental disorders as a result of hits to the head. Rugby players who need to leave signs pointing to their car keys every morning. It doesn't matter if it's a suicide pass - there's no room in a sport like hockey for hits like that. You see a player in a vulnerable position? Are you approaching from the blindside? You better be damn sure it's body to body. Gryba didn't. There wasn't malicious intent, but he could have done more to avoid hitting the head.
I love knockouts. I'm a big MMA fan. But those guys go into the cage/ring knowing what they're up against, and facing their opponents at all times. You can blame Diaz for that pass all you want, but it shouldn't matter. Eller did nothing wrong, and had no way to prepare or defend himself for that hit. If he's hit full on body to body, worst he gets is winded. Maybe a dislocated shoulder, fine. Might ruin his career, but he's not dealing with headaches and impaired vision for the rest of his life.
With what we know today, there simply has to be more onus on players throwing the bodycheck to avoid headshots, it's that simple.
Hey Dacks, I have a couple of questions:
1. Are you just calling the people on SportsHoopla ridiculous who thought the suspension call by Shanny was a bad decision, or does that extend to Bob McKenzie, Aaron Ward, and Kerry Fraser of TSN who pretty much agreed with several of us that it was a hockey play that just had a terrible result.
2. If Eller manages to get up from that hit, or needs assistance from teammates or a trainer to get off the ice, but there's no stretcher or graphic bloody scene, does Gryba's hit in your opinion still warrant a suspension?
I look forward to your responses.
Anyone else think Ryan White looks like Arya on Game of Thrones? I don't mean this as mean or a goof. I really think they look alike - same shaped face.
I haven't watched the show and I've kind of been saving it.
Thanks for ruining it for me!!!
Fucking Habs fans!!!!
Hey Dacks, I have a couple of questions:
1. Are you just calling the people on SportsHoopla ridiculous who thought the suspension call by Shanny was a bad decision, or does that extend to Bob McKenzie, Aaron Ward, and Kerry Fraser of TSN who pretty much agreed with several of us that it was a hockey play that just had a terrible result.
2. If Eller manages to get up from that hit, or needs assistance from teammates or a trainer to get off the ice, but there's no stretcher or graphic bloody scene, does Gryba's hit in your opinion still warrant a suspension?
I look forward to your responses.
I agree with the inconsistencies and will "mix" both comments. I'll bring up one from a couple of years ago. Like Dacks said with blaming the pass. Do you guy's remember when Lucic ran over Miller? Some people said "He shouldn't have been out of the crease" so it's the same scenario.
Miller is a star and was injured on the play (concussed for a long period of time) Lucic made no attempt to avoid the collision. So Miller gets clobbered and concussed and there is NO suspension.
I could name a few other cases like this, It just seems like there are no set rules even when it comes to a player getting injured. Yes, Shannys job is tough and the attempt at transparency seems like a good idea (with the videos) but I'm no less confused than I was a couple years ago before Shanny got the job and the fact that HNIC, TSN and even all of us regular fans continue to discuss it and even with the new rules IMO proves we have made zero progress.
Just my two cents.
Paul Maurice countered that we have to do a better job protecting our players, regardless of whose fault it is.
1. Regarding Shanny - I'll grant you he's got a difficult job at times, but like a referee in a hockey game, all I'm asking for is consistency. There have been far too many incidents where players have committed egregious fouls that have gone unpunished (including blatant head shots) where the injured party has also missed games due to injury. Some of these incidents are not even reviewed by the disciplinary committee and I think the league/Shanny needs to do a much better job explaining why certain cases get reviewed while others are tossed aside (although my theory leads into into response 2 below).
I could name a few other cases like this, It just seems like there are no set rules even when it comes to a player getting injured. Yes, Shannys job is tough and the attempt at transparency seems like a good idea (with the videos) but I'm no less confused than I was a couple years ago before Shanny got the job and the fact that HNIC, TSN and even all of us regular fans continue to discuss it and even with the new rules IMO proves we have made zero progress.
The problem with this argument is that it was the ice that caused the injury. So the ice should be suspended two games? To protect the players?
The only illustration you need on this point is the Elbow from behind that Rick Nash dealt out that wasn't even reviewed. We have the exact same random "standards", it's just that now we (occasionally) get the infomercial with increasingly flawed arguments.
And the injury factor should not be the primary determiner in the suspension, the act itself should be. If they want to use injury as a multiplier, I guess that's fine. Chris Neil was not injured when PK Subban charged him in the same game. That foul was 10x more egregious than the Gryba hit.
But latching onto the injury first is a slippery slope. So do we punish whoever shot the pucks that hit Crosby or Staal in the face? To protect them?
No, an injury on a hockey play is unfortunate. And it happens. And a penalty is a penalty whether someone gets hurt or not. I feel bad for Eller, I really do. But he was not hit in a dirty way. The ice was more responsible for his injury that Gryba. DIAZ was more responsible for his injury than Gryba, actually.
The problem with this argument is that it was the ice that caused the injury. So the ice should be suspended two games? To protect the players?
I guess you think the boards should be suspended for boarding?
Eller was out in the air. Hitting the ice probably caused the bloody nose, and increased the damage, but if he's not knocked unconscious by the hit, he probably would have tried to, I dunno, use his hands to protect himself?