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Goodell's doing great; stop whining


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Aug 6, 2011
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They have stated quite a few things in the post already. Are you blind or set in your ways on this topic ?

They've said conclusions, not examples. I'm not saying there aren't examples out there, but saying he's hypocritical, inconsistent, etc. is a conclusion. Just show examples of hypocrisy, inconsistency, etc.; they're out there, I'm sure.


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Jan 19, 2012
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A lot of you are trashing Roger Goodell, and you must have unrealistic expectations about him as a commissioner.

1. The NFL missed ZERO games in the the extremely divisive CBA negotiations.
2. The NFL is being sued by every money-grubbing, entitled, litigious asshole out there. Lawyers ruin everything.
3. The NFL's popularity has never been higher, and it has beat the collective crap out of every other sport in the country.
4. The NFL has the toughest drug testing policy of all the major sports.

What the hell do you expect out of the guy?



Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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they're out there, I'm sure.

And that's enough to think he's a hypocrite or a "Satan" or flaming piece of poo or whatever people here and NFL players have called him?

Meanwhile MLB is dirtier than Michael Vick's underwear, the NBA lost 16 games and the NHL lost an entire season.
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Aug 6, 2011
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And that's enough to think he's a hypocrite or a "Satan" or flaming piece of poo or whatever people here and NFL players have called him?

Meanwhile MLB is dirtier than Michael Vick's underwear, the NBA lost half a season and the NHL lost an entire season.

No, that was just me saying I didn't want to get involved in an argument. I have nothing wrong with Goodell. I was just saying that listing conclusions is not saying anything or proving anything. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're out there, but they have to provide the examples to stick to it. Otherwise, it's just throwing around conclusionary statements to prove a bigger conclusion that he's bad.


Aug 3, 2011
Cloud 9
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You're pretty staunch about your opinion. Name 2 things you would have done differently if you were commissioner.

Or you, like everyone else, could just call him names with nothing specific to justfy them.

No, I've explained my disdain for the Commish numerous times. I'm over it.

Your only argument, however, was that "he isn't screwing it up".


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Your only argument, however, was that "he isn't screwing it up".

That's exactly his job! He's supposed to make sure nothing screws up the obscene success the NFL has had (and many are trying).

What else is he supposed to do?


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Gore $10k for socks too low, Brady $10k for trying to deliberately spike an opponent. Two different offenses, one obviously worse then the other, same fine.

That happened just this last weekend if you are looking for ridiculous fines that don't make sense. His replacement ref stance was also a fucking joke and it just further proved he was full of shit. He cared so much about the safety of the game that he wasn't willing to have the NFL fork over marginally more money in the grand scheme of things to a ref union vs having the aberration that was the replacement refs and pretending as if they were doing a good job.

The reason he was able to "broker" the CBA deal was because the amount of money being poured into the plan due to TV rights is ridiculous and he finally caved to public outcry.

The only thing that I like that he has done is hold players accountable for their actions off the field as well as on the field.


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Aug 12, 2011
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He's done just OK imo.

He mishandled the whole bounty gate scandal.

Even though I don't like it I do understand the whole new emphasis on safety in the NFL. He's got to show the NFL once they learned of the impact of concussions has taken a pro active stance in making the game as safe as reasonably possible to get in front of future lawsuits. I did think they botched the implementation early on and I thought players deserved a bit of a grace period before dishing out the fines. I also think they are still heavy handed when it comes to the fines as well since a lot of these hits they are fining there is no intent behind it.

The replacement refs debacle isn't his fault and that's all on the owners. They're the ones that didn't want to pay and since he works for them he has to side with them and spin it for that side.

The CBA mess was both the owners and players fault. Owners took a too much of a hardline approach and De Smith made it even worse by taking an antagonistic approach.

The Gore fine is excessive and as far as I know it's in the CBA so it's not like it's something that was arbitrarily come up with.

Overall I think his legacy won't be decided until the future and if his safety measures wind up protecting the league from massive potentially devastating lawsuits in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Gore $10k for socks too low, Brady $10k for trying to deliberately spike an opponent. Two different offenses, one obviously worse then the other, same fine.

That happened just this last weekend if you are looking for ridiculous fines that don't make sense.

So if Brady got $20K and Gore got $10K you would have said that was a good decision?

His replacement ref stance was also a fucking joke and it just further proved he was full of shit.

So if the NFL gave the ref's a defined pension rather than a defined contribution that would mean Goodell was doing a good job? I would say he would have been completely incompetent if that happened. Nobody in the private sector does defined pensions any more. They're irresponsible.

The reason he was able to "broker" the CBA deal was because the amount of money being poured into the plan due to TV rights is ridiculous and he finally caved to public outcry.

1. There was no public outcry. The sports media does not count as the "public." Do you see anyone boycotting the NFL right now?

2. Goodell didn't "cave." Neither did the NFLPA. They actually came to a pretty good agreement for both sides. And they did so without losing a single game (unlike the NBA or NHL).


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
Los Angeles
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So if Brady got $20K and Gore got $10K you would have said that was a good decision?

So if the NFL gave the ref's a defined pension rather than a defined contribution that would mean Goodell was doing a good job? I would say he would have been completely incompetent if that happened. Nobody in the private sector does defined pensions any more. They're irresponsible.

1. There was no public outcry. The sports media does not count as the "public." Do you see anyone boycotting the NFL right now?

2. Goodell didn't "cave." Neither did the NFLPA. They actually came to a pretty good agreement for both sides. And they did so without losing a single game (unlike the NBA or NHL).

Dude, your hypotheticals in defense of the Commish are bullshit considering that you asked for specifics as if they didn't exist. The Gore/Brady fines are a microcosm of the inconsistent actions that come out of his office. You attaching numbers to a specific action asking if the particular fines would make things wholly better is silly.

I have a HUGE problem with him publicly stating how much he cares about player safety then almost in the same breath singing the praises of replacement refs as if they were doing a great job when in reality their Division III experience
made it obvious that they were in WAY over their heads, hence making the game more dangerous. You are talking about the NFL as a private sector business as if it isn't different. It is a multi-billion dollar industry that makes its bones on the backs of players risking their lives while being officiated by the best in their field. If either of these things are different, the integrity of the sport ceases to exist. This isn't like you could hire another mail clerk to fill in for the one you just fired and everything just keeps on rolling.

Lastly, there was no crazy public outcry bc the holdout didn't cancel regular season games. If it had, you bet your ass you would have seen it. If you argue otherwise, take a look at 1987 attendance numbers and percentage based ticket prices.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Gore/Brady fines are a microcosm of the inconsistent actions that come out of his office. You attaching numbers to a specific action asking if the particular fines would make things wholly better is silly.

Wrong. You have no room to criticize a decision if you don't give a better one. he Brady / Gore fines were not inconsistent. They're two seperate kinds of offenses. One is 100% cut & dry, the other one is a jugement call. We're lucky Brady got a fine at all.

This isn't like you could hire another mail clerk to fill in for the one you just fired and everything just keeps on rolling.

Referees are not replaceable? I don't agree with that at all. I would have loved it if the referee agreement happened sooner. We all would have. That could have gone a lot better. But the referees were asking for something that has gone the way of the dodo bird. It was never going to happen.

Lastly, there was no crazy public outcry bc the holdout didn't cancel regular season games. If it had, you bet your ass you would have seen it. If you argue otherwise, take a look at 1987 attendance numbers and percentage based ticket prices.

This is exactly my point. The NFL avoided a potentially critical blow to the sport. Goodell was a big part of that happening despite the players calling him things like a "devil." Goodell was classy, the players (at least the vocal ones) acted like school children.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, Goodell is doing an excellent job of following Taglibue's blueprint to turn the NFL into the WWE


Aug 4, 2011
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I don't like that they steer certain teams into the playoffs with favorable officiating just because if those teams show up their high volume of fans spend more money. That business side of it sucks, and it reminds me of the WWE. The NFL's only saving grace is that sometimes a team like the Giants comes along and fucks up their scripted story. Shit, the Giants did it twice... 2007 and 2011.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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I don't like that they steer certain teams into the playoffs with favorable officiating just because if those teams show up their high volume of fans spend more money. That business side of it sucks, and it reminds me of the WWE. The NFL's only saving grace is that sometimes a team like the Giants comes along and fucks up their scripted story. Shit, the Giants did it twice... 2007 and 2011.

Ok, this I can agree with.


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
Los Angeles
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Wrong. You have no room to criticize a decision if you don't give a better one. he Brady / Gore fines were not inconsistent. They're two seperate kinds of offenses. One is 100% cut & dry, the other one is a jugement call. We're lucky Brady got a fine at all.

Referees are not replaceable? I don't agree with that at all. I would have loved it if the referee agreement happened sooner. We all would have. That could have gone a lot better. But the referees were asking for something that has gone the way of the dodo bird. It was never going to happen.

This is exactly my point. The NFL avoided a potentially critical blow to the sport. Goodell was a big part of that happening despite the players calling him things like a "devil." Goodell was classy, the players (at least the vocal ones) acted like school children.

First off, I can criticize all I want without providing you a sliding scale of exactly which offense should cost what. You demanded some semblance of proof of something that Goodell has done that was inconsistent. I pointed out that a fine for a slide tackle with his cleats up pointing towards a defender should not be equal to a fine that a player wearing his socks a foot too low would get. Somehow you are now defending that by attempting to add numbers to it? It is NOT a judgement call. Watch the film. Brady goes into his slide cleats up with a defender near him. That was the action that happened and frankly, you cannot dispute that. A cut and dry uniform violation being the same as a player safety violation is a joke and if you are defending that, I feel bad for you.

Your assertion that the referees are replaceable is absolutely astounding to me considering what the world JUST FUCKING WITNESSED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON! Those D III refs were terrible. You don't throw a group of people with no experience, at the level in which you are demanding them to work, to the wolves with the expectation that things will be the same. If you do, your business will ultimately fail. The sticking point was money, not crazy pensions. Those pension numbers were part of preliminary talks, which EVERYONE who has ever successfully negotiated a deal in their favor who do as well. The bottom line is that the amount of money difference was something like $180,000 per owner per year that Goodell was balking at. That's couch cushion cheddar for a multi-billion dollar business.

Sick, you are crazy if you think the players should have acted any differently. If you make $50k and your multi-millionaire boss told you that you were getting paid too much and that you should only get paid $40k, wouldn't you be pissed?!? The difference is that without the players, you have no league. You could try to make the argument otherwise, but there is a reason why every knock-off football league from the USFL to the XFL has ultimately failed.


Jul 30, 2010
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:L Goodell perhaps the lack of examples are due to people not feeling like writing an 8 page novel do you have any idea how long it would take me to list all the reasons Goodell sucks


Jul 30, 2010
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Draft tie breakers decided by coin flips genius games neo.g decided by mistakes by officials let's just apologize its all good