Gibson's are great. My dream guitar is a Gibson Les Paul with a 60's neck. Played one at Guitar Center once and it was the best I had ever played. Unfortunately they go for about the cost of a decent used car... $$$
Sweet. Looks like something Brian Setzer would rock.
check the pawn shops JR .. sometimes you can get a decent deal at em .. some will hagel with ya too ..that pawn america in anoka gets some decent guitars in from time to time .. I picked the daught up a couple of nice peavy amps there cheap ... now she wants a Kustom amp
Hey Misk & PC - That's some pretty good stuff you guys were talkin' there about the bands & all. The biggest thing I miss down here in Ft. Myers is the band scene that Mpls-St. Paul has. Misk, you ever go to Whiskey Junction, Bunker's, Famous Dave's, or Mnnesota Music Cafe? Those Places were my faves when I lived up there. R&B was my hot-button...still is. PC, you ain't gonna believe this but there's a guy on the Fox Sports Twins site that used to be in the Rolling Stones but he got tired of Mick & Keith continually doing things wrong so he adiosed. Now he hangs out with Gardy and the Pohlads but he told me privately that those guys don't know what they're doin' either. Just thought you'd like to know....
Those little practice amps by Kustom put are pretty cool. You can get a pretty damn good sound out of those things.
they are nice .. but she wants the padded tower 2 piece one ...
hiya buck .. I have been to daves
If you are still into the music scene & late nites & all, check out Bunkers & Whiskey Junction too. 'Course, all of this depends on the music you like. If City Pages is still available that paper (web site) has all the schedules, etc., about what's playin'. I been gone 10-yrs. so what do know anymore, but there are still some bands playin' that I always followed. Damn, I miss that scene sometimes!