Unexpected Member
Also going to be interesting to see how Theon and a small group of Iron Islanders are going to try to save Yara.
BTW, nice job getting and actor who looked almost exactly as Viserys playing Rhaegar. Good casting there.
Could have been same guy, but he seemed bigger than scrawny vicerys.Could have been the same actor. Different makeup and camera angle. Hard to tell.
Yep, he seemed bigger and stronger, I hope they didn't "cheat" by using the same actor.Could have been same guy, but he seemed bigger than scrawny vicerys.
I don't think you guys are getting deep enough into the game though. They want to 'out' LF, but Bran's word ain't going to be good enough to the Lords of the Vale.
They need the Vale's Knights/heavy horse.
If Arya just kills LF, they lose the Vale.
If they out LF, then the Vale guys line up to carve a chunk out of Petr.
I have a feeling the Sansa-Littlefinger-Arya plot-line has run its course and will be shut down pronto...perhaps even in the upcoming season finale this week.
I finally think Bran will come forward to Arya and/or Sansa and reveal a bunch of visions he's experienced regarding the treacherous acts Littlefinger has committed over the years...including his conspiracy plot with Lysa Arryn to poison hand-of-the-king Jon Arryn.... and then pushing Jon Arryn's wife Lysa out the Moon Door.... and of course his betrayal of Ned Stark.... and also his conspiracy plot with Olenna Tyrell to poison Joffrey and allowing Sansa & Tyrion take the blame for it.
Methinks Littlefinger is a goner.
I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Royce of the Vale demands Littlefingers head.
Nice! Great episode, and nice to see Jaime giving his back to Cercei at last. Loved every bit of this one.
Sad for Tormund, I don't see him surviving that, right? Same for Beric.
I think they made it to the side that didn't collapse. No twlling what happens when they meet up with the dead though.
He's taking what's left of the Lannister army, plus the forces they have in the riverlands.So Jamie is heading North to keep his word, by himself? Wasn't super clear on that.
BTW, nice job getting and actor who looked almost exactly as Viserys playing Rhaegar. Good casting there.
He's taking what's left of the Lannister army, plus the forces they have in the riverlands.
But he left by himself... seemingly on bad terms with tje Queen. So are you saying she gave in to him?