Kimmo Forever
ya i mean it wasn't their strongest effort of the year.. but it wasn't as bad as i think we'll see.. we gotta remember this team is going to go through growing pains.. there will be night's like tonight, and there will be nights with scores like tonight where the flyers get outplayed by a much bigger margin than they did tonight.. if lady luck is on the flyers' side that is a close game, maybe even goes up as a W for the flyers.. that's all i'm sayin
cant win every game if they're going to end up 5th in the conference
btw, i HATE craig laughlin.. he's so close to the pens announcers status that if i heard him more this season he might break in to that group
Hell, I will take 5th.
Just seeing Cooter got a goal. Nice, and also glad G is keeping up a practical goal per game