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Free Agency/Off Season Thread


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Jun 9, 2013
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Yes, the Heat now can offer Bosh the max but not sure they will or that they feel comfortable enough doing that - its no knock on him, but he does have short-comings to the point that a max contract for him might be setting him up for failure.

It would be great for the Heat to be able to keep Bosh and Wade and build around that with some of the current guys and other guys returning and quality new pick ups and young guys we develop.

We will recover from this. I just hope the Heat dont decide to start tanking seasons to try and speed the rebuilding process - they can stay the course as a quality team and build for the future.
Paolo - thanks for the update. Can't believe Lebron did not call or tell Riley face to face. A shame as I thought that he had grown up. Oh well, he was a free agent. Explains Arison's tweet. He was always going home. The real question is what the heck does the Heat do going forward? We don't have draft picks and all we have is a bunch of cap space in an era where free agents are getting overpaid....


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Jun 9, 2013
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Reports that Bosh is working final deal with the Rockets....wonder if Wade also leaves at this point. Would Chicago or OKC take him? What the heck does Riley do to give him a roster with a shot. Could be bad with his knees and the franchise breaking down...


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here is where Riley deserves some criticism and blame. All these years we have been in this win now mode and have completely neglected the draft - yes, we got a few steals in Napier and maybe Ennis and Hamilton - But we also gave away picks and sent guys oversees over the years, that sadly havent had very relevant careers , but not much of a chance of having either.

Again, what the Heat has to do is try to bring back Wade and Bosh and hope that some of the guys from last year return along with the young guys we have now and the FA we signed and can add a few more players via FA for the time being - Next draft, try to do a better job at valuing it. Lets build through the draft, I dont think we have to tank and become a lottery team for any amount of time to try to get back in the hunt. We can continue to try to get as far as we possibly can and rebuild at the same time.

Riles and the Heat have a way of developing players on and off the court to be quality NBA players and people - For those who follow the college game and even the HS level of basketball know there is a great deal of talent out there to be had - We can now go after those guys. We can develop some of these guys and make them into one of our own to have for many years like we have done with UD, Wade and many others in the history of this great franchise.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dont know if you guys have run into the same stuff, but if you want any idea of how clueless this fan base is, there are people out there blaming Spo for this - if anything that is the one guy we should all feel sorry for - He has gotten so much criticism over the years and not an ounce of praise. This will be the truest of test for Spo moving forward but I have a good feeling that he will be successful in keeping the heat on track and relevant soon and often.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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woj reporting Chicago is talking to Wade.... also reports that Riley is offering MAX contract to Wade.. dont know which is worse.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Im just glad im not one of the ones needing to burn a jersey today. Queen James did a lot for the team but not enough or for long enough to have me spend money on his jersey. You have to earn that right and do it over time and consistently - the moment you fail and bail , as Queen James did, that cycle has been broken.

Still have my Caron Butler, Dwade, UD, Timmy , Zo jerseys they are among the many guys that have come across this organization and given it all they had while here.

I know its highly unlikely to happen,but I hope Wade pulls a KG on Queen James and decides not to talk to him for a while after this - especially if Wade stays - Queen James not only bailed on the Heat but also his so called best friend.

Once again, when the going got tough, Queen James flopped and disappeared on those closest to him.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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woj reporting Chicago is talking to Wade.... also reports that Riley is offering MAX contract to Wade.. dont know which is worse.

I have been critical of Wade in recent seasons, and I can admit I will probably continue to do so - This is no disrespect to him, but Riley offering the max to Wade at this point is a desperation move. Wade cant allow himself to be still attached in the same sentence as Queen James in that he is just in it for the money. Wade has to put his ego aside and realize hes just not worthy of that kind of money. He needs to realize he is better suited taking a pay cut so that the Heat can add as much as help as possible so that the final years of his career are as successful as possible. That said, if max contracts are given to Wade and even Bosh, that still leaves a lot of quality FA’s out there we can get that will help us remain a respectable team.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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According to Ethan Skolnick, Queen James had spoken to Mike Miller a few days back - the outcome now revealed: Mike fully expected for The Queen to go back to Cleveland after their talk. Further proof that he had this planned all along and was only letting it drag on for the attention and to make sure his former team could do little to bounce back. Expect more proof of this to continue to come out as the days go.


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tough day to be a Heat fan. first you lose James now possibly Wade


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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One last thing, I know they are struggling and look to be left for dead, but I hope some of you who are also Marlins fans will join me over on the Marlins board to get things going over there - At least they have no divas on their team and play hard from start to finish, every single game no matter the time of the season.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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if Miller knew of this a few days ago, how did Wade not know? and if Wade did know, why not tell Riley so we could have made other moves


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just ran into this: The Cavs have a first round pick next season that belongs to the Heat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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if Miller knew of this a few days ago, how did Wade not know? and if Wade did know, why not tell Riley so we could have made other moves

Great question. We may never know if Wade knew or if Pat knew, but who is to say that even if they did know that they were willing to do all of what the queen was asking for them to do - I am sure that like the Heat made their pitch to him, Queen James also made his pitch to the Heat and just maybe it was more than the Heat were willing to do - I wouldnt blame the Heat in that regard. I go back to the report of Queen James wanting a max contract - Riles and the Heat have other priorities, a max contract given to any of these guys would have gotten in the way of that.

Im not saying you are doing so, but I dont think we need to or should try to find ways to put this on Riley or Wade - Queen James is all about him and having the spotlight on him - His plans will always be to his benefit and no one elses -Today, the best thing that could possibly happen did happen - big 3, big 2 or not, the Heat now have the flexibility to better move forward in the future.


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Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wade deserves the deal he opted out of that was done for the benefit of the franchise. Lebron knew he was going back to Cleveland since 2013. It is what it is. At least that first round pick is protected in 2015 and 2016. Such is life. Wonder if Wade stays on this old Heat team. If he has ego, he will accept the challenge and fight. He now can not talk about sacrificing. He will have max and be top Alpha male. Poor Grainger and McRoberts...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I dont trust or believe in SBnation like I do other sources but here it is. Now, if it is Bosh who the Heat offer a max contract to , im for that. the guy is inconsistent by also highly under-apperciated. I have no doubt that he will prove deserving of the contract if really given to him.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Smells of desperation

When someone bolts on you like Queen James did to the Heat, there is nothing left but desperation moves to be made.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I like Bosh. Can rally around him. Hope he stays...would be fun to see what the offense looks like running through him.