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Everything and Anything Superhero-Related


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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^ That new trailer just killed the Marvel universe...

I do appreciate how much darker the DC movies are. I get the look Marvel is going for, but I prefer the look DC is going with. And scripts aimed more at adults than little kids.

Beengay fudgepackers

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Not sure, but I definitely think it will be in some sort of sub-category on it's own. The clip that was leaked from this year's SDCC was very much in the vein of the comics.

I was far more intrigued by that, that anything else Marvel or DC related. As a matter of fact, the more leaks regarding the Joker that I see and hear, the more I think Leto's Joker is going to be terrible. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but it appears they basically made the Joker a doucher, not a criminal mastermind and sadistic monster, then they called it a day.

I feel a little better about Batman vs. Superman, but I couldn't have felt much worse after the first trailer. Also, so far Lex really disappoints me. Jessie looked and sounded like a weak, little bitch. I never ever thought of Lex as weak until I saw that clip. Hopefully it was a misrepresentation of his character in that movie.

The FF4 seem boring. They did come out after the Deadpool cast this weekend though, so they were probably screwed from the start. Besides that, I haven't seen an interesting clip yet. The FF4 would probably be better off if they weren't with Fox. They could potentially get linked to the Guardians of the Galaxy in a crossover down the road, which would be better off down the road for that series anyway.

I haven't checked out much for X-Men: Apocalypse yet. I heard Munn was a dud on the panel, but what else is new? That chic has been overrated for years. Hopefully she doesn't suck it up in the movie, especially since she is apparently a horseman.
Is ff4 final fantasy 4? Or did you mean f4 as in fantastic 4?


Jul 7, 2015
Manila, PH
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Marvel's movies recently are parody of their comics. There is no doubt this BvS would kick Age of Ultron's a$$ in blockbluster


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Jul 2, 2013
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Marvel's movies recently are parody of their comics. There is no doubt this BvS would kick Age of Ultron's a$$ in blockbluster

With DC vs Marvel (heck even throw in Fox) it's about quality over quantity. Marvel has brought a few heavy hitters to the table but also a lot of fluff that follow the same safe formula.

I like that superhero films from DC/WB and Fox have the balls to take risk and dare to be great. Fox as a studio is highly underrated. They have brought us X2, First Class, DOFP, Spidey 1 & 2 and now with Deadpool and X-Men Apocalypse coming out I dont see anything outside of Civil War and the Infinity War films that could match what Fox is bringing to the table. And this is without even mentioning the long awaited arrival of Gambit to the big screen.


Mountain Goat Racer
Apr 26, 2013
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I like that superhero films from DC/WB and Fox have the balls to take risk and dare to be great. Fox as a studio is highly underrated. They have brought us X2, First Class, DOFP, Spidey 1 & 2 and now with Deadpool and X-Men Apocalypse coming out I dont see anything outside of Civil War and the Infinity War films that could match what Fox is bringing to the table. And this is without even mentioning the long awaited arrival of Gambit to the big screen.

Spider-Man was Sony, not Fox.


Jul 7, 2015
Manila, PH
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Which do you guys think is better? The BvS trailer or Suicide Squad trailer?

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Which do you guys think is better? The BvS trailer or Suicide Squad trailer?
It's tout. I think they are both great, but if I had to choose, I would say BvS. However, I have been waiting for that movie since I heard about it. Suicide Squads trailer really got my attention thou. I thought that movie would be ok at best.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Marvel's movies recently are parody of their comics. There is no doubt this BvS would kick Age of Ultron's a$$ in blockbluster

From what I understand they moved the release date of Batman v Superman back a few months just to keep it away from the Captain America Civil War release. Even Warner Bros. doesn't think they're going to top Marvel's next big film.

Don't get me wrong though, Dawn of Justice doesn't look bad, it might even be really good. But it does seem like they're trying to cram too much into the film and Lex Eisenberg looked pretty lame in the newest trailer.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Spider-Man was Sony, not Fox.

True, but this is even more reason to think some of the new Fox films will be good. Those two new Amazing Spiderman films were just ass. Okay, I didn't see the second one because the first one was so terrible but I've seen enough reviews to know that it should be avoided.

I'll agree with what most are saying here though, Deadpool and X-Men Apocalypse look great from the trailers and both films did a great job with the casting. That's in contrast to the new Fantastic Four Babies movie with the CGI dog turd they're trying to pass off as The Thing.


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McFarlane announced he finished the first draft for Spawn. Spawn will be R rated.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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McFarlane announced he finished the first draft for Spawn. Spawn will be R rated.
I hadnt heard they were revisiting this property. Will it be a reboot or a sequel?


Jul 7, 2015
Manila, PH
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From what I understand they moved the release date of Batman v Superman back a few months just to keep it away from the Captain America Civil War release. Even Warner Bros. doesn't think they're going to top Marvel's next big film.

Don't get me wrong though, Dawn of Justice doesn't look bad, it might even be really good. But it does seem like they're trying to cram too much into the film and Lex Eisenberg looked pretty lame in the newest trailer.

I don't think that's the primary reason. Batman v Superman, two most iconic superheroes ever, first time on BIG SCREEN, and Warner Bros don't think this one won't top the Cap 3 where people have already seen Ironman and Cap several times, and add to that was the failure of Age of Ultron compared to The Avengers?

They moved BvS mainly because they want to top the list of Highest Grossing Films of All Time or be in that conversation imo. They are maximizing the gross they will be gaining when the movie is released. Obviously, you'll gross more on a week without a major competitor around.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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I don't think that's the primary reason. Batman v Superman, two most iconic superheroes ever, first time on BIG SCREEN, and Warner Bros don't think this one won't top the Cap 3 where people have already seen Ironman and Cap several times, and add to that was the failure of Age of Ultron compared to The Avengers?

They moved BvS mainly because they want to top the list of Highest Grossing Films of All Time or be in that conversation imo. They are maximizing the gross they will be gaining when the movie is released. Obviously, you'll gross more on a week without a major competitor around.

That's what I'm saying though, they moved because they didn't want to compete. Yes part of it is that they'd have significant competition but part of it is also the specific film that they were going to compete against.

I'm not sure that people are going to be any less enthused with Civil War just because they've seen Captain America and Iron Man before. The appeal is much the same as Batman v Superman. It's Cap vs. Tony Stark. Only there are a slew of great films staring the current versions of Cap and Iron Man ( only Iron Man 2 and 3 weren't great) and one sort of meh film with the current Superman. Although I will say that Man of Steel was better than I thought it was going to be.

And I guess maybe you can call Age of Ultron a relative failure compared to the Avengers but you're still comparing the third highest grossing film of all time to the sixth.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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DC does not care about breaking Marvel. They care about breaking the bank. They will break more bank if they are not directly competing with another HUGE comic book movie.

Simple as that, I think. Nerds have time and money that they want to give to the studios. Why make it more dificult for them to do what they want to do?


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This fan boy warfare only exist between fan boys. Warner Bros execs are not feuding with Marvel/Disney. They're probably happy every time a Marvel film makes good money. It's continuing the trend for Superhero films and garnering more interest.

Batman V Superman moving to March is purely a smart business decision. If this film is as good as it is hyped up to be then it will make avengers/avatar money.

Cap going up against Iron Man definitely has my interest but Batman vs Superman is a whole different league. We're talking about the Michael Jordan and Jerry Rice of Superheroes on screen for the first time together.

Regardless though 2016 is going to be a great year

Batman V Superman
Captain America Civil War
Suicide Squad
X-Men Apocalypse
Doctor Strange

And by then we would have probably seen first looks/trailers for Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and possibly a official photo of The Flash. Guardians of the Galaxy 2's trailer as well.


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
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I do appreciate how much darker the DC movies are. I get the look Marvel is going for, but I prefer the look DC is going with. And scripts aimed more at adults than little kids.
I don't know I'm not a fan of DC. But I don't think I could say DC is darker. The new Spider-Man movies are spot on. Right down to the death of Gwen Stacy. XMen first class didn't pull punches either tho


Jul 7, 2015
Manila, PH
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This fan boy warfare only exist between fan boys. Warner Bros execs are not feuding with Marvel/Disney. They're probably happy every time a Marvel film makes good money. It's continuing the trend for Superhero films and garnering more interest.

Batman V Superman moving to March is purely a smart business decision. If this film is as good as it is hyped up to be then it will make avengers/avatar money.

Cap going up against Iron Man definitely has my interest but Batman vs Superman is a whole different league. We're talking about the Michael Jordan and Jerry Rice of Superheroes on screen for the first time together.

Regardless though 2016 is going to be a great year

Batman V Superman
Captain America Civil War
Suicide Squad
X-Men Apocalypse
Doctor Strange

And by then we would have probably seen first looks/trailers for Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and possibly a official photo of The Flash. Guardians of the Galaxy 2's trailer as well.

More like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James (this generation of NBA) of Superheroes