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Eric Ebron 2015

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
Hoopla Cash
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I don't like the fact that Ebron has been so mouthy. Hopefully he matures and does not go full blown Titus on us. He had a bad start to camp but recovered nicely. He also put in better conditioning work this year too and is said to be in better shape and faster (not sure if it is Leshoure fast, but apparently an improvement). I think he may have been surprised at the speed of the NFL and maybe frustrated he could not get the separation he got in college. Hopefully that changes this year.

I expect improvement on offense this year as a whole now that they are all in year 2.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why do you think that's funny or clever? I made that statement before the draft and I stand by it- I certainly didn't want Ebron to be the pick.

Again, I don't get what you're trying to show here? You're probably all proud of yourself for tracking down that post, and, I'm sure in your steroid-addled mind it makes me somehow look bad, but the long and short of it is that you're just acting like an idiot...

It doesn't make you "look bad". It just proves you'll hitch your wagon to anyone with a Lions logo slapped on them even when you already know everyone else will hate it. You said it yourself - no one will like that pick, and you're right, no one does.

But here you are all upset about it anyways.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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I don't like the fact that Ebron has been so mouthy. Hopefully he matures and does not go full blown Titus on us.

Sure looks like he's headed that way sometimes.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think he is 1 step away from Caldwell kicking his ass.

Ebron is painting himself into an emotional corner. He's obviously intimidated by guys like Mike Evans and OBJ out shining him last year. He's distracted by the naysayers, and he admitted himself he was overwhelmed in all phases last year. He might have all the talent in the world, but if his head is a mess he will never find success in the NFL.

He needs a STRONG first 4 games or so. If not, the media and fan pressure will mount, and dude might lose it.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What in god's green earth does Pettigrew have to do with Ebron? Pettigrew rarely ran routes and was used almost solely as a blocking TE? Ebron was the polar opposite.

Soooooooooo Ebron was running routes and making all kinds of catches then? When did this happen?


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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He's been AMAZING all camp. Well, that's what I read from some guy I never met who happened to supposedly be there to watch.

Some believe what one article states because it is pro whoever. Some believe and quote articles because it's negative. Some watch the game on Sunday's and form an opinion. Then all these "somes" debate all year firmly from our collective asses because we all know what is right.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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TP -- do you not realize you do the EXACT SAME THING. There isn't a person on this board who attacks other people more than you and you are calling someone else out about it? Priceless.

This is quality entertainment.

That's your go-to, that I attack other posters, but I'm calling bullshit this time. I get into it with assholes like you and Swarm from time to time, but you guys are two of the bigger assholes in here, and regularly tear others down in your posts.

That being the case, I'd hardly call it "attacking" either of you, given the shit you guys post to provoke these "attacks." There's an old saying that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and what they mean by that is that if you're going to be a raging dickhole to the other posters here, don't go crying wolf when someone doesn't like it and stands up to you.

And that's exactly what's happening with guys like you and Swarm when you accuse me of "attacking" you- you're being little chicken punks with a serious case of start-shit-itis. You'll post something inflammatory of out-right make fun of another poster, but as soon as that's turned around on you cry that you're being "attacked.'

Start acting like a red-blooded grown-ass American man and quit crying about personal attacks when you stir the pot like it's your fucking job. Nobody here cares about your feelings, if you're going to be a dick, people are going to be a dick back. Stop trying to play both sides, there's a permanent written record here for other posters to read how you post, and I'm sure all the regulars know you're full of whit when you post something like this.

In closing, I'd like to once again call complete and total bullshit on your hypothesis that I attack others more than anyone else on this board. You go find a post where I'm "attacking" someone who isn't you or Swarm. Prove that you're not just being a full-of-shit hater. Go ahead, I'll wait...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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He's been AMAZING all camp. Well, that's what I read from some guy I never met who happened to supposedly be there to watch.
This guy you never met, who was supposedly there to watch, was none other than one Golden Tate. He's the one who went on record as saying that Ebron was having an amazing camp.

Not saying that means anything, but given all the Ebron hate floating around I figured I'd clear that one up.

Sorry for "attacking" you because we don't see completely eye-to-eye on this, but the 'Hoop is a cut-throat kind of place. I know I should be making you cookies and celebrating your opinion and telling you how you can never-ever be wrong, but I didn't go to Charmin Soft Preparatory school like TrustMe did, so I'm just that asshole that can't help but attack others...


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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you go find a post where I'm "attacking" someone who isn't you or Swarm. Prove that you're not just being a full-of-shit hater. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Sorry you had to wait 1 entire minute.

Typical Jayfan response. If there's something negative to be said about his "favorite" team, you can bet he's all over it. If there's something positive to be said about them, though, you can bet he's nowhere to be found.

I think the Lions could trade a 7th round pick for Brady, Gronk, and the ghost of Vince Lombardi, and you'd still find something to bitch about...


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You go find a post where I'm "attacking" someone who isn't you or Swarm. Prove that you're not just being a full-of-shit hater. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Here is good one where you attack rolling thunder for not being gaga over the draft:

And how does this "block poster" feature work? I think I've found my first one I'm actually going to have to block.

I thought I actually missed rollingthndr, but apparently his goal is to be nothing but negative about the Lions now that he's on this site.

I can't understand how so many of our own "fans" get so much enjoyment out of trolling like this. Yes, people respond a lot when you type garbage about our team, but it's our of annoyance/anger, not because they respect your opinion and want to discuss it.

Let's look at all the negative things you've had to say just in this thread alone:

1.) He plays a lot like JJ Watt, if he doesn't get there, he will get his hands up. Avril or KVB NEVER did that.

Our coaches specifically coached them not to, because their theory was that it slows down the pass rush. I'm not kidding either, I was floored when I read those comments last year (I believe it was from SLH, who seemed a little pissed off that he was getting in trouble in practice for getting his hands up).

KVB was good two years ago, but time caught up with him hard last season. Avril was a good pass-rusher, and that's all he was asked to do in the wide-9. His ability against the run was an unknown because he wasn't asked to play the run, just rush the QB as hard as he could on pretty much every play. He became the scapegoat last year when he held out over his contract, and suddenly his play took a huge nosedive in the view of a lot of fans who weren't accustomed to players holding out...

2.) 4)D. Taylor- Not very athletic but has great length. Hopefully he gets coached on technique and can become a quality backup.
We already covered why this one is simply wrong. I'm going to guess that you knew that, though, and just wanted a rise out of somebody.

3.) 5) Punter- Straight up Millen pick.
Covered this one too. Being that you're a casual fan, I suppose I can see why you'd be upset that we drafted a punter. Not understanding the finer points of the game makes drafting a punter a little confusing, I'd imagine.

6.) My point is you don't draft a DII punter, period. We could of signed him in free agency and drafted an Andre Ellington,Ricky Wagner or Bacarri Rambo, instead. Nobody was going to draft that kid (let alone 5th round!), let's be serious.
Building on #5... A- He's not a DII punter. No wonder you're so upset, you don't even know what school the kid went to. I'll let you in on a little secret: the internet is full of info about players. That way you don't have to fill in the gaps in your knowledge bank with incorrect guesses and look like even more of a troll on here because of it! Try that next time... B- How do you know nobody was going to draft him? Because Mel Kiper didn't have him getting drafted? These "expert" analysts that get some of you to hang on their every word are analysts because they're not good enough to be real NFL personnel people. They sound like they know what they're talking about and look good on TV, but a whole lot of their job is just selling us guesswork and informing us about prospects.

7.)Sorry, guess I never noticed him except for an occasional sack during unimportant times of a game. That is why he went to free agency and got squat. Only the Lions would pay that guy 10 million a year.
Could have stopped after "Sorry, guess I never noticed..." because that sums up a lot of your issues with the team. You operate on assumptions and snap-decisions/opinions made by watching a guy do poorly on a single play, then he's a scrub forever in your book it seems.

8.) Can't see him making the team over Bush,Bell or Lesuck.
There's a great example of those... um...unusual opinions I just mentioned above. Mikel Leshoure had over 1,000 yards from scrimmage and 9 TDs in his ROOKIE SEASON and he already sucks according to you? These are the kind of fans I have no patience for. Good lord, the kid was coming off an injury that used to be a career-ender, still has a productive rookie season, but he he's "Lesuck"... wow.

9.) I haven't seen his combine numbers but I watched a couple games on you tube after we drafted him.

Do I even have to respond to this? You insulted yourself for me...

I initially was glad to see you finally made it over here. But apparently you're on a mission to be a royal douche bag, so I recant my initial gladness. Now I hope kharma gets you for being such a dickhole about the team you're supposed to like and support, and you get an ear infection, or someone backs into your car or something else harmless yet really inconvenient...

Need more?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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It doesn't make you "look bad". It just proves you'll hitch your wagon to anyone with a Lions logo slapped on them even when you already know everyone else will hate it. You said it yourself - no one will like that pick, and you're right, no one does.

But here you are all upset about it anyways.
It doesn't prove a damn thing except that you're an idiot with a very tenuous grip on reality.

I didn't like the pick. However, he was the pick none-the-less. I'm not one of you proud assholes who hated the pick so now you'll never, ever even give him a chance because he wasn't your guy.

Regardless of the fact that I didn't like the pick, Ebron is now a Lion and I want him to succeed as such. I'm not so crazy-proud like a few of you that I'm rooting for Ebron to fail because I wanted someone else. I think it's crazy that so many of you are so tickled pink by his shitty rookie season because you get to dance around like little kids at Christmas and say "I told you so!"

Have all the years of losing fucked you guys up that bad that you derive joy from hating certain Lions players and celebrating when they do poorly? You can hem and haw and backtrack all you want to, but that's exactly what you're doing with Ebron.

And no, I haven't "hitched my wagon" to shit. I'm a Lions fan, Ebron is a Lion, therefore I want him to do well, despite the fact that I wish we had picked a number of other players instead. The difference is that I'm not so proud that I got all butt-hurt over the pick like you did and am still holding onto it over a year later...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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I think he is 1 step away from Caldwell kicking his ass big time.
I think you're going more on the rumors in here than you are on actual Ebron behavior...

When has he gotten mouthy? That one Twitter exchange this offseason? Am I missing a bunch of other stuff?

You gotta remember, Old Lion, you're posting on a board full of a bunch of guys who absolutely hate Ebron, so they'll take even the smallest thing and blow it up way out of proportion and then keep bringing it up over and over as if it were some new piece of news.

Don't base your opinion of Ebron's behavior on what is said on here- these guys are the TMZ of everything Lions- they don't want truth or facts or anything of the sort, they just crave gossip and have to hate on others to build up their own fractured egos...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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btw, thanks for the compliment. I knew you were sneaking around checking out my pics. Fehg.
What pics?

You're a self proclaimed amateur body builder with massive anger issues.

I was just stating the obvious.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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I didn't like the pick. However, he was the pick none-the-less. I'm not one of you proud assholes who hated the pick so now you'll never, ever even give him a chance because he wasn't your guy.

Dude, it's been repeated over and over and over again that Ebron sucks now, but he can still prove everyone wrong. You're being a dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's your go-to, that I attack other posters, but I'm calling bullshit this time. I get into it with assholes like you and Swarm from time to time, but you guys are two of the bigger assholes in here, and regularly tear others down in your posts.

You can call whatever you'd like. There is a reason why people have called you repeatedly for doing the exact same thing and why some of your "friends" have flipped on you. It has nothing to do with your stance on anything related to the Lions. But hey -- you believe whatever you'd like.