I celebrated him getting hit. Not a concussion. He deserved to get hit. He put himself in that position by trying to cheat.
I'm sorry he got a concussion. That sucks. I've had them. It's awful.
But gimme a break that Ryan went in for a headshot. He went in to the corner and separated a player who was reaching for the puck from the puck.
SO piss off with your righteous crap and remember that the only reason that play played out the way it did is because Ruhwedel thought it was a good idea to try to fool the refs and pretend he was injured.
I'm genuinely sorry he got a concussion but he deserved to get hit for acting like an idiot. Hopefully he gets well soon.
Fine, you didn't know how serious it was. We all get amped up for the big hit, I get it. Still not sure how you're 100% sure he wasn't clipped, this is the only angle I saw on Twitter:
And anyone who knows anything about hockey knows there is nothing controversial about that hit. Ruhwedel touches the puck less than 0.3 seconds before he gets hit. Ryan has every right to hit him.
Is Ryan being aggressive? Maybe more than was called for? Perhaps. That's what happens when your captain and best player gets speared twice moments earlier with no call. And it results in a goal.
Well, like someone else pointed out, Cooke on Savard was deemed legal at the time too. I was a big fan of the classic Scott Stevens hits in the day, but have changed my tune. I would prefer if players focused more on using hits as a means to regaining possession than killing someone.
Anyway, I'm probably done for tonight on this. I won't cheer if Malkin knocks Karlsson out with a legal hit.
But Chris Neil, if he plays...