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Dwight Howard sucks


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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He actually shouldn't even have been playing. A GSW player tore his Labrum and was out for the season around the same time. Howard played through it even without getting a training camp from his back surgery. The guy showed up and played and then his Labrum was torn. He missed minimal time with that and played through it.

Yet the team wasn't that good and he took all of the blame while Kobe played ZERO defence and his man constantly cost the Lakers on plays.

"watching him mail it in was enraging"

For a guy that mailed it in, he did pretty well considering his injuries and no training camp. He still lead the league in rebounds. I'm sure if he was healthy the whole season he would have done even more. But leading the league in rebounds is an accomplishment many guys wish they could make.

I think the biggest thing that hurt Howard's career was going to Orlando and taking on the label Superman. The comparisons to Shaq started immediately who was the previous Superman in Orlando. That put a burden of accomplishment on him that was hard to fulfil. Then when he went to the Lakers like Shaq it was inevitable that Laker fans would become frustrated in that they weren't getting Shaq 2. Truthfully under the new rules in place now even Shaq would have struggles today. It's a different game in the paint now.

What about comparing Howard to a guy like BenWallace who was another less than 7 foot Center who was a defensive presence and DPOY and rebounder. Nobody talks about Wallace like he was a failure. Would Howard winning 1 ring like Wallace give him a pass? They were close to the same player except Wallace didn't give much offence. Dwight was unfortunate in that he was instead compared to Shaq his whole career.

The point of my posts in particular was that he hasnt grown offensively. All the other bullshit that came with him in all honesty, was really disappointing. While he was injured, he still checked out, and thats what i mean by mailing it in. I guess it didnt help he had Kobe on the same team, any other team probably would have been like, yeah hes hurt. Yeah he put up pretty good numbers. Also, i believe last seasons number were near identical and if not worse. Meanwhile, he was making excuses that he could play better. He hasnt. His demeanor on the court was very irritating. You dont even know, he looked like he didnt want to be there. If he didnt thats fine, but dont let it show and expect not to get flak for it. The comparisons to Shaq were justified very early in his career. Not even close imo now. I dont know if Shaq would struggle in todays league, but i highly doubt struggle would be the word. Shaq is far superior in every aspect offensively, maybe even free throws lol.

I really dont think Wallace and Howard are on the same level of potential.

I want to add something that i noticed recently that i haven't said anything about cause i like to wait to see what happens. Dwight kept saying that his shoulder was bothering him in the year he was with the Lakers. He went off and played about the same the next year with Houston. This year Houston front office is saying that when he came in last year he was hurt. There was a story recently here in LA that Howard in talks with the Lakers mentioned that he was upset that he was allowed to take all the blame for the Lakers dismal year. To which Kobe reportedly told him to man up. Dwight dont have it in him. He cant handle being challenged in any way. We all go through these things in our lives and you have to learn to man up. Dwight instead jumped ship to where, obviously, he would be given anything he wants. The comments Houston organization made this year made me think about this. It came out around the same time of this story. And if all the first hand for the world to see baby shit Dwight does is not enough, lots of people forget that Dwight was upset Last year that the Magic didnt retire his number. What in the shit? :doh:


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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Also Dwight has this "Im that good" attitude. While Ben was a role player on one of the better teams we have seen in recent years.


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"I really dont think Wallace and Howard are on the same level of potential."

That's the problem right there. You are setting mythical standards for him. No matter what he does you can just say he isn't meeting his potential. He's much like Ben Wallace with his game. A defensive Center but he scores more than Ben Wallace. But somehow Dwight has this mythical "potential" that he isn't meeting, lol.

You guys just need to acknowledge that you don't like the guy and will use any angle to discredit him. He's not perfect but he's one of the best Centers in today's game.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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"I really dont think Wallace and Howard are on the same level of potential."

That's the problem right there. You are setting mythical standards for him. No matter what he does you can just say he isn't meeting his potential. He's much like Ben Wallace with his game. A defensive Center but he scores more than Ben Wallace. But somehow Dwight has this mythical "potential" that he isn't meeting, lol.

You guys just need to acknowledge that you don't like the guy and will use any angle to discredit him. He's not perfect but he's one of the best Centers in today's game.

He has met his potential to you?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hoople, I am with you 100%. The dude is leading the league yet it is never enough. The dude played hurt (while Lakers own Nash is golfing, dont see a post about that eh?) for their team, unlike a Rose or Nash yet they smash Dwight down, even several years later after he and his team are much better.

Some of you need to take a deep breath. You behave like Kobe haters just with a different shirt on.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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Hoople, I am with you 100%. The dude is leading the league yet it is never enough. The dude played hurt (while Lakers own Nash is golfing, dont see a post about that eh?) for their team, unlike a Rose or Nash yet they smash Dwight down, even several years later after he and his team are much better.

Some of you need to take a deep breath. You behave like Kobe haters just with a different shirt on.

Hes leading the league in field goal percentage.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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Hoople, I am with you 100%. The dude is leading the league yet it is never enough. The dude played hurt (while Lakers own Nash is golfing, dont see a post about that eh?) for their team, unlike a Rose or Nash yet they smash Dwight down, even several years later after he and his team are much better.

Some of you need to take a deep breath. You behave like Kobe haters just with a different shirt on.

Be thankful you dont have nerve issues.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Hoople, I am with you 100%. The dude is leading the league yet it is never enough. The dude played hurt (while Lakers own Nash is golfing, dont see a post about that eh?) for their team, unlike a Rose or Nash yet they smash Dwight down, even several years later after he and his team are much better.

Some of you need to take a deep breath. You behave like Kobe haters just with a different shirt on.

Says the Kobe hater. You and Hoople aren't fooling anyone. Run along and worry about your Celtics. Your acts are wearing thin.

Neither of you like the fact that we don't agree with you so it's, "Lakers fans or just too emotional" rather than actually dispute anything that's said with fact. If Lakers fans are "too emotional" to be reasoned with, then don't post with us and stay out of Lakers related threads. Pretty simple really.
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Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nope, Trojan, on this subject its yours. You continue to go over this subject over and over and over.

Dwight is not the horrible non committed player you feel compelled to disprove, two years worth I might add. I mean two years later and your still having this argument.

This anti bashing Lebron or Kobe or Dwight is getting old


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I was pretty clear on my points especially about Lakers management not getting anything back for Dwight or losing him in the first place. I in no way tied that comment in with Dwight's improvement which shows why you are a waste of time to debate with. You ignore the points that are made and don't address them and others you try to twist like you just did there.

Laker fans don't like Dwight. We get it. He left and proved that not everyone wants to be a Laker just like all of the big name free agents blowing off the Lakers this summer proved it. Lakers fans will always hate Dwight now because he made reality crash in on their sub-conscious in a painful way. So it's a waste of time to debate this subject with you guys. Just like the Kobe haters are a waste of time to debate.

Again, Lakers management has nothing to do with the conversation. It's just your attempt to deflect away from the fact that you're wrong.

Whether Lakers fans like Dwight or not has nothing to do with the very real and obvious flaws in his game nor your inability to refute them with even a shred of logic. Since it's a waste of time to debate with Lakers fans, I'd suggest that you stay out Lakers related threads and avoid debate with us then.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Nope, Trojan, on this subject its yours. You continue to go over this subject over and over and over.

Dwight is not the horrible non committed player you feel compelled to disprove, two years worth I might add. I mean two years later and your still having this argument.

This anti bashing Lebron or Kobe or Dwight is getting old

Like I said, if you have a problem with my or any other Lakers fans opinion on Dwight or anyone else, feel free to stay out of Lakers related threads and avoid discussing anything with us. You're not going to spend another season trolling Lakers fans claiming we're "too emotional" because we don't agree with you.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Trojan, so because I am disagreeing with you and you continue to disagree with me, your calling me out as a troll? You cannot handle the fact that your wrong on this topic, and unless I agree with you, you will call me a troll. Nope. Your way off this time. Learn to accept others opinions. That's why it's a chat room, right?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The other thing that people need to see is Dwight is super consistent. How many centers deliver time and time again each game. Now all that said, I would,love to see him shoot outside like a Kelly O, but it's not him. Neither was it with Shaq, or Russell. He is just not that type of player


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Trojan, so because I am disagreeing with you and you continue to disagree with me, your calling me out as a troll? You cannot handle the fact that your wrong on this topic, and unless I agree with you, you will call me a troll. Nope. Your way off this time. Learn to accept others opinions. That's why it's a chat room, right?

Yes, I'm calling you out as a troll because that's what you're doing. You get struck on one thing and when someone disagrees with you start your "you guys are just too emotional" bullshit rather than actually discuss the issue.

I love how you try to pull the "learn to accept others opinions" bullshit too. Yet, here you are claiming Lakers fans are "just too emotional" because we don't agree with you.

Like I said, you're not going to be pulling your bullshit all season long again. If you have a problem with that, there are lots of "chat rooms" out there. You may even get lucky and find one where the Lakers fans aren't "too emotional" for you.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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The other thing that people need to see is Dwight is super consistent. How many centers deliver time and time again each game. Now all that said, I would,love to see him shoot outside like a Kelly O, but it's not him. Neither was it with Shaq, or Russell. He is just not that type of player

Personally i didnt argue his consistency. I argued his Offensive skillset. And i dont see anyone proving otherwise cept going off on tangents.


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Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, I'm calling you out as a troll because that's what you're doing. You get struck on one thing and when someone disagrees with you start your "you guys are just too emotional" bullshit rather than actually discuss the issue.

I love how you try to pull the "learn to accept others opinions" bullshit too. Yet, here you are claiming Lakers fans are "just too emotional" because we don't agree with you.

Like I said, you're not going to be pulling your bullshit all season long again. If you have a problem with that, there are lots of "chat rooms" out there. You may even get lucky and find one where the Lakers fans aren't "too emotional" for you.

Don't even bother Trojan, according to Logicman, if you take more shots at a higher FG% you are less "efficient" lol. This guy is clearly in his own world.


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Oct 22, 2014
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No he doesn't, he's actually a pretty good player.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The other thing that people need to see is Dwight is super consistent. How many centers deliver time and time again each game. Now all that said, I would,love to see him shoot outside like a Kelly O, but it's not him. Neither was it with Shaq, or Russell. He is just not that type of player

Now that you're actually discussing basketball again. No one has said Dwight needs an outside shot nor has anyone claimed that he isn't consistent. The problem is that, while he puts up numbers, they are fairly empty numbers. He gets his rebounds and he gets his points off of those rebounds and some lob type plays.

What he lacks is any sort of "go to" post move like pretty all great bigs have/had. Russell wasn't much on the offensive end either, but when the Celtics needed him to be, he could come through because he actually had post moves.

Dwight can't be used late in close games because he doesn't have a move that he can use to get a decent shot any time he wants (think Kareem's "Skyhook" or Hakeem's "Dream Shake") and even if he did, he can't hit free throws, so teams just foul him. End result, he can't be counted on when it really matters.

I said these exact same things about him when he was in Orlando and I said they were things he would need to work on when he was a Laker and that he would have access to one the greatest bigs ever to help him. When he went to Houston, everyone said he'd have Hakeem and McHale, yet there is no noticeable change in his game.

The above are facts and have nothing to do with "emotion".


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Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nope, you guys just hate that he left.

When you argue Shaq's points advantage per game, take a look at how many shots per game he averaged to get those points vs Howard. Howard is damn efficient! He just does not shoot as much as Shaq did.

Shaq took almost twice as many shots per game during his peak years.twice as Dwight!

They are not the same size either. Dont start adding 75 pounds onto Dwight....it aint there. Maybe that make him a better rebounder and defensive player, even with less weight.

ok, we all get it, Dwight left. But lets stop making the league leader in doubles doubles to be so horrible.

Its similar to the anti Kobe and anti Lebron peeps. Emotions

Funny how Shaq has a higher career FG% :L

If you want to start using size as an excuse then you might as well admit that Dwight has no business being compared with Shaq. Keep digging that hole Logic.