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Dungy really???


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Jul 18, 2013
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Very surprised at hearing what Dungy said about Sam. I dont know if he was baited into the question or not, but that is not Dungy-like.


Jul 3, 2013
Chicago, IL
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I knew Dungy was a D!CK long before when he accepted an award from an Indiana organization trying to stop gay marriage! So much for compassion and being such a great guy!


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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So Dungy's a dick because he doesn't believe in the guy life style?

Think about a out of the closet gay man in a testosterone filled locker room, issues definitely will occur. If another player even thinks Sam in checking him out fights will erupt. Why would a coach want to risk dealing with that unless the player was a year probowler?


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Jul 18, 2013
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Im just surprised he came out and answered it the way he did. Dungy has always seemed like a low key guy to me. These comments , whether right or wrong, will sure set off some sparks


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Jul 3, 2013
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Im just surprised he came out and answered it the way he did. Dungy has always seemed like a low key guy to me. These comments , whether right or wrong, will sure set off some sparks
you got to remember. Dungy is a religious man. Honestly I can respect someone saying what their true thoughts are instead of hiding behind a BS answer that is typical when trying to be PC to the media.

He didn't try & degrade Sams, but he did answer the question honestly.


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Jul 18, 2013
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I agree. I respect him for his honesty. Im sure his answer was correct as well- I mean there will be more media and more questions asked- which in turn can be viewed as distractions. If I was Dungy though, I think I would have tried to clarify it a little bit more. Maybe he has since. Just the voice he has and face he is for a highly televised show, if he really doesnt like distractions then he just created a ton for him self.


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Jul 19, 2013
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So Dungy's a dick because he doesn't believe in the guy life style?

Think about a out of the closet gay man in a testosterone filled locker room, issues definitely will occur. If another player even thinks Sam in checking him out fights will erupt. Why would a coach want to risk dealing with that unless the player was a year probowler?

Here's the issue. Dungy is a black male. It wasn't too long ago where someone could say, "I won't draft Dungy because the locker room is filled with white players and I don't want to bring the drama into our team by drafting a black player. That's the issue! Personally I hope Sam turns into an absolute superstar and wrecks this league. Just as years ago we had racism put on black people our country is going through the next stage of accepting people. It's disgusting that someone would try to act like Sam isn't a man or a regular guy. I hate homophobes because the majority of gay people I've met in my life are the most stable, caring, good and generous group of people in our society. If his team mates can't accept that F them just as how if someone didn't accept Dungy cause he's black Id say F them too.

We need love and acceptance in our world not racism and homophobia.


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He is not shy about his beliefs. You can probably figure out by his religious beliefs that he doesn't agree with Sam's homosexuality. So, him saying anything similar to what he said doesn't surprise me at all. I don't think he is a d!ck because of it, but I kind of have the same beliefs in that manner as he does.

But I think if I was a coach, I wouldn't have a problem with it. If I feel he is best available fit to make the program better, I would hire him. If I don't feel he is the best fit available, I wouldn't hire him. I think that checking each other out is a crock. I think gays understand when appropriate times to check each other out are.

I don't think Dungy meant he wouldn't hire him because he is gay. I think he meant that hiring him would bring so many distractions, maybe intentional by Sam or not, that it would be too much to deal with.

-- If Sam didn't play very much, would it be because he's gay?
-- If he played more than someone else, is it because he's gay and you wouldn't want to be ridiculed?


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Jul 19, 2013
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I hear that. people acting like, "if a guy looked at me I'd beat his ass". That's so freaking ignorant. I guess if you hit on a girl who wasn't interested in you, her or her brothers should beat your ass. Talking about being insecure in your manhood.... Jeez.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Here's the issue. Dungy is a black male. It wasn't too long ago where someone could say, "I won't draft Dungy because the locker room is filled with white players and I don't want to bring the drama into our team by drafting a black player. That's the issue! Personally I hope Sam turns into an absolute superstar and wrecks this league. Just as years ago we had racism put on black people our country is going through the next stage of accepting people. It's disgusting that someone would try to act like Sam isn't a man or a regular guy. I hate homophobes because the majority of gay people I've met in my life are the most stable, caring, good and generous group of people in our society. If his team mates can't accept that F them just as how if someone didn't accept Dungy cause he's black Id say F them too.

We need love and acceptance in our world not racism and homophobia.

Very impressive :10:


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Sep 1, 2011
Iowa, US
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Here's the issue. Dungy is a black male. It wasn't too long ago where someone could say, "I won't draft Dungy because the locker room is filled with white players and I don't want to bring the drama into our team by drafting a black player. That's the issue! Personally I hope Sam turns into an absolute superstar and wrecks this league. Just as years ago we had racism put on black people our country is going through the next stage of accepting people. It's disgusting that someone would try to act like Sam isn't a man or a regular guy. I hate homophobes because the majority of gay people I've met in my life are the most stable, caring, good and generous group of people in our society. If his team mates can't accept that F them just as how if someone didn't accept Dungy cause he's black Id say F them too.

We need love and acceptance in our world not racism and homophobia.

If you talked to a black guy about sports, can you tell he is black? Obviously that is a dumb question. He cannot hide the fact that he is black, even if the situation has nothing to do with him being black.

If you talked to a gay guy about sports, can you tell he is gay? No. You are not talking about his sexual preference so you can't really tell.

Don't compare how blacks were treated and how gays are treated. Blacks don't need to reveal they are black for people to know. I don't get why gay people feel the need to reveal their homosexuality to think they are treated like everyone else, when before their revelation that are treated like everyone else.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Ive never walked in those shoes before so I cant answer that question. I imagine its a huge burden on some, hiding the truth. Im a baseball coach. My best players father is gay. I ve coached this kid for 5 yrs. The dad comes to every game , goes on our trips , but he has never come with his partner. This man gave up his life as a dad to two boys and a husband to beautiful lady to be gay. He can now see his kids every other weekend, but they cant stay overnight with him. Maybe living a lie is a whole lot harder and deeper than we think. As far as Sam goes, I respect the heck out of him for what he did. People can call it publicity all they want and maybe it was , but he took a chance , knowing his draft status would likely take a hit and also knowing that he may not even be able to fulfill his dream of playing in the NFL. He did it because thats who he is first.
As far as Dungy goes, I dont necessarily think he is a dick, however I do think he made a huge mistake. He spoke his true mind and I admire that but I dont have to agree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The stuff about being a distraction is probably true, but I seriously doubt any season goes perfectly smooth without distractions. This year will definitely be a test case for Jeff Fisher, but I seriously dont think he gives a damn what a media member might think if Sam plays 50 plays a game or 5. He is in it to win football games. Now the distraction may be too big and hurt the team. Nobody knows. I think though at the end of the year, Fisher will have dealt with a lot more worse distractions than one of his players being gay. Thats just my opinion. Dungy, on the other hand, told his feelings about the situation. Was Michael Vick a distraction? Dungy went to bat for him and was arguably his biggest supporter. I havent looked at Vick as a criminal in a long time. I had pretty much forgotten about it. I cant wait for the day we look at Sam as a football player instead of a gay football player. Dungy's religious beliefs probably go against homsexuality, but I bet they go against murder, adultery, premarital sex, stealing, etc. as well. Im sure some of those have been distractions to him as a coach.


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Jul 15, 2013
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This is a simple issue that is being blown up into a complicated issue. We are being force fed that only complete acceptance of the " LGTB " lifestyle is acceptable. Anything but that is unacceptable and means you are intolerant.

WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Why can I not disapprove of the lifestyle and just get along. It is kind of like the old Model A that Henry Ford sold and you could buy it in any color you want as long as it was Black.

My issue is not with anybody that is LGTB it is with being force fed that it must be completely accepted and that no other viewpoint is allowed period. That sure seems intolerant to me.

Dungy spoke his mind on his convictions and his opinions. When did it become automatically divisive to speak your mind and espouse your thoughts and beliefs with no tolerance from those that believe different ? You see that flag fly's both ways and causes a complete blockage to sharing viewpoints.

On Sam's I don't care about his skin color or his sexual preference as long as he can play Football. But to think that his sexual preference wont raise awareness, distractions or issues is naïve at best and dumb at worst.



Creedence Fanatic
Jul 2, 2013
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I don't agree with Dungy at all, but to blast the guy for expressing his opinion is wrong. He has every right to say what he did.


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
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:omg: Dungy had the balls to speak what he feels and not be a PC sheep like were supposed to be these days. I'm not a huge Dungy fan but kudos for not being a sheep for the PC police. :clap:


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Aug 19, 2013
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Here's the issue. Dungy is a black male. It wasn't too long ago where someone could say, "I won't draft Dungy because the locker room is filled with white players and I don't want to bring the drama into our team by drafting a black player. That's the issue! Personally I hope Sam turns into an absolute superstar and wrecks this league. Just as years ago we had racism put on black people our country is going through the next stage of accepting people. It's disgusting that someone would try to act like Sam isn't a man or a regular guy. I hate homophobes because the majority of gay people I've met in my life are the most stable, caring, good and generous group of people in our society. If his team mates can't accept that F them just as how if someone didn't accept Dungy cause he's black Id say F them too.

We need love and acceptance in our world not racism and homophobia.


just kidding


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Aug 19, 2013
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I agree with most of what PE1 said. Well, at least before he started generalizing others and lumping them together. Fact is I have no problem with Dungy or anyone else thinking a certain way even if it is a little hypocrtical based on what PE1 said - It's acting on it that becomes an issue. But, If he wants to be viewed as this guy that is caring and fair to all he can't say things like this and then go trying to tell everyone how Michael Vick is a good guy...Who has Michael Sam hurt?

Scratch part of that last statement. I didn't even hear what he said, so it's partly stupid of me to comment. I'm speaking more in generalities. I just don't get why people care so much. Howard Stern said it best: 'Of course gays should be allowed to get married. They should be as miserable as the rest of us!!!'


Jul 18, 2014
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I'm all for gay rights but we can't expect every person in the public eye to agree as well. It's just not realistic.

UK Cowboy

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Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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IMO, Michael Sam has every right to lead a Gay lifestyle as well as play in the NFL. Dungy also has the right to say the things he did, and shouldn't be ripped for them


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Here's the issue. Dungy is a black male. It wasn't too long ago where someone could say, "I won't draft Dungy because the locker room is filled with white players and I don't want to bring the drama into our team by drafting a black player. That's the issue! Personally I hope Sam turns into an absolute superstar and wrecks this league. Just as years ago we had racism put on black people our country is going through the next stage of accepting people. It's disgusting that someone would try to act like Sam isn't a man or a regular guy. I hate homophobes because the majority of gay people I've met in my life are the most stable, caring, good and generous group of people in our society. If his team mates can't accept that F them just as how if someone didn't accept Dungy cause he's black Id say F them too.

We need love and acceptance in our world not racism and homophobia.

I guess I'm a dick too them because if I'm a football coach I wouldn't want to have those same issues boiling up in my locker room. When blacks were first allowed into professional sports coaches and managers had to deal with the race issues on their locker rooms. It took awhile for the league to finally except it, same thing with fans in the NFL it will take years before it is fully excepted, if it ever will be.