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Dungy really???


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Jul 19, 2013
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The difference is that your sexual conduct is a choice that you make...you race is something that you do not have a choice in...I don't see the comparison.

Your sexuality isnt your choice either. You're born that way. When your 7 years old you dont say, "I think Im going to be straight."

Murdering 10 ' s of millions of people and not wanting to accept homosexuals are so far away from each other trying to use that as a guage is simply asinine.

It isn't assinine, its an analogy. Analogies dont have to be on the same level to try and illustrate an example.

I do not think it is right for ESPN to repeatedly air Sam and his mate kissing when there are a lot of people that would rather not see that or have their children see it

I agree with a ton of what you said but America is really fucked if parents are OK with their kids spending their summer playing Grand THeft Auto and watching people get slaughtered in movies but then think it will harm their kids if the see two men who LOVE each other.

You can't hide your color. Faulty comparison. Did gays have to overcome 400 years of slavery?

No, but they still get treated HORRIBLY and its wrong. With your line of thinking it seems as if your saying its OK to be sexist or homophobic because they didnt have it as bad a black people in our country. I respect peoples religion but when its been proven that being gay is genetic and one has no say over being straight or gay I personally feel its wrong. I dont want to offend anyone for their beliefs but why are so many CHristians pick a tiny verse out of a huge book and act like they need to be anti gay. THe bible speaks to a myriad of topics but they let other topics slide. I'd waaaaay rather see my kids watch two gay people that LOVE each other then turning their back on the amount of murders they see.


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So Dungy would only show a little backbone if the payoff was worth it?

As a black man he just failed to see how stupid his comments were.

And thats exactly why he came out with a statement back pedaling on what he previously said. Today he is pro gay and would have a gay player, yesterday he didnt feel that way. THe reason why people are on his ass is because black people have been treated unfairly since the beginning of our country. It seems as he would be more sensitive towards someone who gets treated unfairly because of the way he was born.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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So Dungy would only show a little backbone if the payoff was worth it?

As a black man he just failed to see how stupid his comments were.

That's not what Kevin said. He said if the player has the talent to be a difference maker you take a chance on the distractions ha may bring. Jimmy was the same way, he treated the better players differently than he would fringe players. If John Roper was a ProBowl player Jimmy would not have cut him for sleeping.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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That's not what Kevin said. He said if the player has the talent to be a difference maker you take a chance on the distractions ha may bring. Jimmy was the same way, he treated the better players differently than he would fringe players. If John Roper was a ProBowl player Jimmy would not have cut him for sleeping.

Went and reread the post and I have to change the first line Yes I think that is what Kevin is saying but as my post mentioned Jimmy was the same way. If a player gives you a chance to win you test the water.


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Jul 18, 2013
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That's not what Kevin said. He said if the player has the talent to be a difference maker you take a chance on the distractions ha may bring. Jimmy was the same way, he treated the better players differently than he would fringe players. If John Roper was a ProBowl player Jimmy would not have cut him for sleeping.

He also cut Curvin Richards for it a RB. Curvin replied well Emmitt sleeps all the time. Jimmy said you arent Emmitt. Different rules apply


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Jul 18, 2013
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Actually Richards was cut for fumbling


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Players have hid their sexuality for years in all sports. Sometimes there may be rumblings but until they come out or are caught the rest of the team doesn't know. Hell some gays get "girlfriends" to hide what they really are. Sorry you cannot compare gay to being black.

You really think Sam could have avoided revealing his sexuality, and it would have never come out?

BTW: There are more differences than similarities when it comes to being African American and being gay in America. But there are a few similarities. Heck, you could compare being a woman and begin gay if it makes you feel better. The fact is, there is a terrible history of discrimination and hate being directed toward blacks, gays, women, and other groups. And being gay, like being black, is not something you choose. To imply that Sam and others should simply hide who they are is just silly. Should I hide my love for my wife from my co-workers?

I'm glad Sam came out. The fact is, I expect comments like Dungy's. It's part of the messy process. There will come a time real soon when a guy can be an openly gay professional athlete and only the bigots will have a problem with it.

R.J. MacReady

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You guys are missing the point.

As a black man he must remember the struggles of his own people getting into the NFL and the discrimination they faced.

For him to then turn around and say to the first gay NFL player who's people are also discriminated against, I'm not drafting you, there will too much media attention. Is the definition of a slap in the face.


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Jul 20, 2013
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You guys are missing the point.

As a black man he must remember the struggles of his own people getting into the NFL and the discrimination they faced.

For him to then turn around and say to the first gay NFL player who's people are also discriminated against, I'm not drafting you, there will too much media attention. Is the definition of a slap in the face.

Don't compare a black mans struggles to being gay. You can"t hid your color. Whether sam was straight or gay he was a seventh round talent. Blacks that were as good as other players did not get the opportunity for QB because of their skin color. Sam made the deal about his sexual preferance. I wanted to tell him who cares just play football. Being gay is a totaly different struggle. Don't tell another man what he needs to remember about a struggle unless you are he!!

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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Don't compare a black mans struggles to being gay. You can"t hid your color. Whether sam was straight or gay he was a seventh round talent. Blacks that were as good as other players did not get the opportunity for QB because of their skin color. Sam made the deal about his sexual preferance. I wanted to tell him who cares just play football. Being gay is a totaly different struggle. Don't tell another man what he needs to remember about a struggle unless you are he!!

The second you said 7th round .. I know right then you don't get it.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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You really think Sam could have avoided revealing his sexuality, and it would have never come out?

BTW: There are more differences than similarities when it comes to being African American and being gay in America. But there are a few similarities. Heck, you could compare being a woman and begin gay if it makes you feel better. The fact is, there is a terrible history of discrimination and hate being directed toward blacks, gays, women, and other groups. And being gay, like being black, is not something you choose. To imply that Sam and others should simply hide who they are is just silly. Should I hide my love for my wife from my co-workers?

I'm glad Sam came out. The fact is, I expect comments like Dungy's. It's part of the messy process. There will come a time real soon when a guy can be an openly gay professional athlete and only the bigots will have a problem with it.

Probably not since it seems the reason he came out is the story was going to break anyway. Do you not think gay players have played years in the NFL without anyone knowing they were gay?


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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I'm not black bit I'm pretty sure gays haven't faced the same discrimination that blacks did.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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well malco & a couple others.
your argument is off base.

Say when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. Everyone was saying he didn't belong in the sport.

Dungy is not saying Sams (or anyone Gay) doesn't belong in the sport. he is saying he wouldn't want that distraction for his team. Which if all coaches were honest. Everyone of them wouldn't want the distraction for his team.

So the comparisons is apples to oranges.

On a side note. As much as those trying to drum up some kind of crusade on this subject.
No matter what it is, high ceiling talent coming out of college gets treated differently than bubble players. it is this way in all sports & on all teams.

Right or Wrong it is the way it is. (undeniably)

If Clowney was Gay, coaches would take the chance on dealing with the distraction becoming disrupting.

BTW I really don't think Sams being gay in the locker room is the distraction. (to the Rams) I think the media big dealing anything a 7th round player does & what anyone says about him, is the distraction. Anything any of his teammates say can be spun into something it isn't.


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Jul 18, 2013
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I can agree with that for the most part. Im not even sure Sam will make the team. What I do know is that no football coach ever has had to deal with this particular thing- meaning an openly gay player in this era anyway. Yes, more questions will be asked to the Rams now and Ed Werder may cover them more this season. Right now we dont know how big of a distraction this may be. I think others are trying to make comparisons but really since its never been done there is nothing really to compare it too and thats why they are associating the two minorities. Thats really the only common thing is that Jackie Robinson and Michael Sam were/are both minorities- the first black player and the first openly gay player and thats where the comparison should stop. I think PE1 is saying they are both human beings. He didnt bring up Robinson I dont think, but brought up Dungy as a player. I read that as treat everyone like a human being, regardless of their beliefs, actions, skin color, etc.
As far as distractions though, I think every team has some sort of distraction every year whether it be a DIVA player like T.O. , certain injuries, a good defense with a bad offense or vice versa- there is always something. Sure they want to eliminate them if possible. Heck for a few years, it seemed like everything Romo did off the field was a distraction whether it was golf or Cabo or Jessica.
So now the discussion has turned to you shouldnt treat superstars and average players by the same rules. I agree with that to a certain extent. Lets look at our team- we have Dez- who has curfews that have been set for him, bodyguards or security around him when he is out. We just signed Rolando MCclain. He has been arrested 3 times I think. Why doesnt he have the same rules as Dez.? Because if McCLAIN happens to mess up, he is probably done- which is kind of odd because he is actually the second highest drafted player on the team behind MO, I think.
Back to Sam- yes he was a late round draft pick and if it was Clowney , the ones against Sam would argue that Clowney is suppose to be a Superstar and a game changer. My argument to that would be well what about Riley Cooper last year, or Dante Stallworth . Heck even Josh Brent. He has been mentioned as possibly coming back. Those guys arent superstars but what they did could easily be viewed as bigger distractions.

Again, this is a first, and like Dungy said there will be things that happen. We would be crazy to think different. I havent seen any other 7th rounders with a mic in their face this yr I dont think. I have seen Sam at least 3 or 4 times now. Living in Nashville, I can pretty much guarantee Fisher has this under control and will deal with it fine.


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Hopefully this thread ends or moves to the Political Forum when TC starts on Thursday. I don't give a shit about Dungy, Sam or the Rams...

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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well malco & a couple others.
your argument is off base.

Say when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. Everyone was saying he didn't belong in the sport.

Dungy is not saying Sams (or anyone Gay) doesn't belong in the sport. he is saying he wouldn't want that distraction for his team. Which if all coaches were honest. Everyone of them wouldn't want the distraction for his team.

So the comparisons is apples to oranges.

On a side note. As much as those trying to drum up some kind of crusade on this subject.
No matter what it is, high ceiling talent coming out of college gets treated differently than bubble players. it is this way in all sports & on all teams.

Right or Wrong it is the way it is. (undeniably)

If Clowney was Gay, coaches would take the chance on dealing with the distraction becoming disrupting.

BTW I really don't think Sams being gay in the locker room is the distraction. (to the Rams) I think the media big dealing anything a 7th round player does & what anyone says about him, is the distraction. Anything any of his teammates say can be spun into something it isn't.

I would agree with a lot of what you said. Why would any coach want to deal with the circus that will come with drafting the first gay player, even if you are in full support of it.

But as a black head coach, you would think regardless of how mediocre the players was, he would go the extra mile, make a sacrifice and draft him.

It just comes off as him taking the path of least resistance and ignoring the similarities of his past struggles as a African american


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Hopefully this thread ends or moves to the Political Forum when TC starts on Thursday. I don't give a shit about Dungy, Sam or the Rams...

or the Washington redskin forum.....they tend to love to throw out politically correct opinions.

I will always dislike political correctness, it's dangerous, kills freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Puts a mussel on and limits folks from talking about important issues.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Hopefully this thread ends or moves to the Political Forum when TC starts on Thursday. I don't give a shit about Dungy, Sam or the Rams...

Yep. There is one in the political forum. I think most have said their piece on this one. Time to go to something else


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Jul 18, 2013
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Well I think pretty much everything possible has been discussed about it. Sexual preference, freedom of speech, rights, religion, and race.