Sarcastic F-wad

I am not familiar with him. If they avoid the deep dive into identity politics that they did with Whittaker, I am 100% ok with it. If they make him a BLM activist, I may just bail on the franchise (finally).
I am not familiar with him. If they avoid the deep dive into identity politics that they did with Whittaker, I am 100% ok with it. If they make him a BLM activist, I may just bail on the franchise (finally).
He is. I have not watched that show at all, so I don’t have that bias going he the next dr who?? if so that is going to be hard to watch... i found Sex education to be one of the most awkward shows to watch... until i gave up on it... and i dont give up on anything...
He is. I have not watched that show at all, so I don’t have that bias going in.
While he played an lbgthuoplsr in that show, apparently he at least is not “out” irl. Though I saw a red carpet interview with him over the weekend and he had his shirt unbuttoned to the belly button and my radar was going off pretty strongly with him.
I don’t have a problem with that, either, though. John Barrowman is an openly gay actor, and he actually brought that into his Captain Jack character, and that wasn’t too bad. But the Doctor shouldn’t be gay OR straight. “He” is sexless. But they “went there” with Whittaker (of course they did), so they almost certainly will “go there” with Gatwa as well.
But, like I did with Whittaker, I will allow the show to prove to me that he is bad before I dislike him. They proved to me with Whittaker that her Doctor was hands down the worst ever. But I WANTED her to succeed. I WANT Gatwa to succeed. And with RTD at the helm instead of Chibnall, I think that is possible.
The whole Dr Lesbian arc is currently going. She is in a major flirt-mance with Yas. Super awkward and totally pointless.I didnt really think they went the Lesbian route with whittaker... i mean, she was just a man... or at least it wasnt obvious political statement... at least that wasnt... but they did a lot of women rights episodes early on in her tenure...
i havent seen this actor act in anything but sex education, so i am only imagining that character... and if it is anything like that character, it is going to be hard to watch...
The whole Dr Lesbian arc is currently going. She is in a major flirt-mance with Yas. Super awkward and totally pointless.
It was just predictable with how the show has become Dr Activist / Dr Narrative / Dr Identity rather than Dr Who with Whittaker (probably more on Chibnall, to be fair, though I suspect Whittaker is 100% on board)i mean, Dr who was married before, when IT(??) was a man... so having or wanting a love life is not pointless or out of character... and of the two sidekicks she has now, i would much rather a romance with the girl than the man... especially since he is not exactly single...
so, i disagree with you on that one... i actually thought the way they did it made sense and was very organic... sure the chemistry is not there, but thats on the actresses...
I think it is more about the fact that RTD has the reins now. He is probably looking at Tennant as a nice piece of ginger to cleanse the pallet after the huge dump Chibnall and Whittaker took on the franchise.So, brought back DT to try and revive a dying show? Might gotta give that a watch again.
US distribution of the show is moving from AMC to Disney+ moving forward. Not certain when the library will go live on Disney+, but all first runs moving forward will stream on D+. Looks like AMC’s run ended with Whittaker’s exit.
I like this. Dr Who is a good fit for Disney.
I don’t think we will see new episodes until the end-ish of ‘23. I don’t think we have getting a Holliday special this year.I highly doubt that DT return is to cleanse a pallet... if that is true then they wouldn't have Gatwa as the next one... if we hear in a couple weeks that Gatwa is no longer the next doctor, then that would make sense for that logic...
I think Tennant coming back was entirely for shock and a safe actor to handle some more significant projects I think they are planning on doing for the holiday season coming up
I don’t think we will see new episodes until the end-ish of ‘23. I don’t think we have getting a Holliday special this year.
As re the cleansing of the pallet, I meant allowing RTD to work from a familiar place starting off and allowing him to create a better lead in to the bulk of his expected work, which will be with Gatwa.