Sarcastic F-wad
I love regen episodes as a rule. I don’t think I have seen one yet that hasn’t gotten the feels a-flowin’. And this one is no exception.Kinda ambivalent about the Giggle honestly. Not great, not awful. NPH's performance as the toymaker was the best part. So far Gatwa looks like he'll be a fun and watchable doctor, but it's very early.
Still wouldn't be surprised if they pulled that Valeyard twist with Tennant. They have to do something with the Valeyard eventually, and this setup is as close as they will ever have to making it easy to pull off. Plus, we know Tennant plays a great villain from some of his other roles.
The story itself it a bit meh, but that is Doctor Who, so I can’t really blame the dog for barking.
I need to find and watch the trial arc of 4. I have seen a ton of analysis’ of it, but I have never actually watched it myself. Hard to have a real opinion of the Valeyard or the Timeless Child without watching that arc. Arguably the most important arc in the history of the show.