
The costume has a bit of a Baker (4) influence, with the brown and rainbow. Maybe a McCoy (7) influence with the trench coat.
I see Baker (Tom, not Colin) influences in the outfit (the sweater is Bakers scarf).Just watched the first Jodie Whittaker episode.
Quite good. She's clearly strongly influenced by David Tennant. And that's a very good thing from my perspective.
I couldn’t stand Capaldi. Smith and Tennant were both amazing, though.I like the fact that you can generally jump in the middle and not miss much
My favorite Who is Peter Capaldi of Traffic fame.
I see Baker (Tom, not Colin) influences in the outfit (the sweater is Bakers scarf).
As for story telling, I fear they are going with Pertwee influences. No TARDIS is not a good thing.
I couldn’t stand Capaldi. Smith and Tennant were both amazing, though.
I was exposed to Who in the Davidson years. He is my emotional fav. I have seen quite a few eps from 1, 3 and 4, and of course 5 and 6. I don’t think I ever saw the McCoy eps, but I have seen enough clips to know it was a train wreck. Of the originals, I would rate them in this order...I can see influences of other doctors as well... but some of the energy she brings and her dialogue are very much Tennant.
Think about it this way. Imagine other iterations of the doctor were given that same script and stage directions, minus only the references to being a woman. It clearly fits 10 best, at least of the modern doctors. I haven't seen all of the earlier doctors (and I've seen nothing of six or seven) so I can't comment as well about them.
I don't think were going to be without a Tardis. That was a one episode thing. The previews of next weeks ep indicates they'll be on a foreign planet, and Chibnall has indicated that episode 3 will feature Rosa Parks
I gave up on the show. Im left leaning and even i couldnt stand how freaking WOKE it has become. Was excited to see a female doctor(he always wanted to be reborn as one anyways) but they just went waaaaaay to far. Fuck it.I have no idea who John Bishop is. Apparently he is a semi-big name in the UK. They had Bradley Walsh and they grossly misused him. I have no faith they will do this guy any better