Out of Work Superhero
I have a somewhat unconventional idea to help here. Why not lower to max individual player salary down to say 10% of the cap, then up the floor to be within 10% of the team max salary cap?
By compressing this it gives the smaller markets a chance at retaining their big draft signing once they mature to UFA age and forces floor teams to either pay for talent or fold. If the difference between the floor and max salary is closer together, then there's no reason for any team to not be perennially uncompetitive (outside of the Leafs).
The other benefit here is that the difference between the top players and bottom players would be minimal, meaning less financial risk of gross over/underpayment for both parties. Essentially, that money needs to be spent to reach the floor anyway. Those lower-level players are assuming the same risks as the top-tier guys, why not reward them as well?
By compressing this it gives the smaller markets a chance at retaining their big draft signing once they mature to UFA age and forces floor teams to either pay for talent or fold. If the difference between the floor and max salary is closer together, then there's no reason for any team to not be perennially uncompetitive (outside of the Leafs).
The other benefit here is that the difference between the top players and bottom players would be minimal, meaning less financial risk of gross over/underpayment for both parties. Essentially, that money needs to be spent to reach the floor anyway. Those lower-level players are assuming the same risks as the top-tier guys, why not reward them as well?