Stance: Goofy
It has nothing to do with Jacobs being a tight wad douchebag cocksucker all these years. I've remained faithful even when he traded Adam Oates for speaking out about his tight fisted ways, and when Bourque requested a trade to a contending team so he could have a chance at a cup because Jacobs was so cheap. It is because of what Jacobs has/is/might be doing to the league. That cheap dickhead is in the forefront of this lockout, the last lockout which cost us fans an entire season, and the previous lockouts under the Bettman rule. I'm done supporting an owner who doesn't care about the fans of his team or the league itself. That selfish prick cares only about the almighty dollar which he's made many many millions of from the suckers like me. Also, whether or not I change which team I cheer from is my decision and I could give a rats ass who questions my loyalty to the Bruins. Take a good look at what Jacobs has done and try to tell me I haven't been loyal.
So hit him where it hurts. Don't buy jerseys. Don't go to games. Don't put any more money in his pocket.
When the league resumes, I will probably buy tickets (done with season tickets for a long time though). But Jacobs owns the concessions at Nationwide. Fuck if I'm buying so much as dippin' dots.