MI Nightmare
Slow Roller
2 run lead, 100 pitch count, 6 games into the season...too much for a well pitching Tillman.
Why not bring this beast of a closer out asap.
Why not bring this beast of a closer out asap.
2 run lead, 100 pitch count, 6 games into the season...too much for a well pitching Tillman.
Why not bring this beast of a closer out asap.
For the record: that was Kinsler's one AND ONLY warning. Hustle doesn't take talent, it takes an appreciation for the game. Im not asking anyone to get stupid like Puig or Harper. Just show an honest effort. (Miggy is exempt from judgement btw.)
This BP is a work in progress. ...no one believes Coke will be here through the season.....a little early for stats......sure they exploded from the 3 game ststs......lol
Just saw Papa G pitching for the Mets. Wow, maybe Coke deserves a second chance?
Detroits BP is 24th in opp avg....ERA.....and dead last in K/9.....seen that on baseball tonight last night....talking about the mess of a pen we have....
Just wondering....since the BP blew a 7-1 lead....and won 7-6. That makes another 1 run game we won....which jalopy has been judging as good for the BP....but if it wasnt for the BP, we win easily.....once again thats why the winning 1 run games is a stupid stat..
Hopefully JV keeps his pitch count down and goes 8 today....
Yeah one of those guys either jalopy or raburnriver talked about how fisters extremly good ERA before coming to detroit was crapp than turned around and talked about how great the pen was going to be. I was like uhhhh. We have guys in pen thats career ERAS are all around five and according to him fisters ERA was crappy and the pen is going to be top five. I think he may believe higher ERAS are better, lol.
Jabba and Coke.. Two fecal players from the Yankees.. FIGURES!!
Showalter did the right thing and ausmus should have did the same with max last week. You stick with your stud enterin he ninth if hes been dominating. Why risk it going to the pen? Tillman gave up a hit after getting an out (i believe) and then he pulled him. Perfectly executed.
Tiger bullpen through 5 games:
13.1 IP / 9 ER (6.08 ERA)
1 save / 2 save opps. (50%)
Long way to go, but no surprises to me so far, other than Nathan looking shaky.