Banned in Europe
Upside to the off day... Dotel and the bullpen get to rest their ailing arms.
Time for the Tribe to tie this AL race up!
sorry cleaves. we sent Kobernus back to the Nats. since he was a rule 5 pick the only way to keep him was to place him on the active roster for the full season or work out a trade with the nats. Nats would not accept a trade . meaning they knew he was a valuable prospect.Alex avila needs to be sent down. Santiago needs to be sent up kobernus or whatever his name is. Santiago needs to just step up and retire. Otherwise jimmy will keep him til hes 50.
Yankees shaft Brennan Boesch.
MLB Trade Rumors:
"Despite going 5 for 8 (with a HR) in his last 3 games for NY, the Yankees sent Brennan Boesch back to AAA order to add another pitcher to the lineup. According to Joe Girardi, off field events contributed to Boesch's demotion. "We found a picture of Brennan on an online site that connects him to a rather questionable photo of bunny rabbits doing inappropriate things. We are hoping a trip to the minors will allow him time to rethink his priorities."