I imagine THAT inning will be played on a screen when Leyland and Lamont are inducted into the HOF.
Smitty how are you doing with the baby steps
If Verlander gives up 2 more runs, I say we bring in Valverde.
okay so garcia is good enough to play CF the first 6, but kelly needs to come in and play center for the last 3 ? is JL the only one in the world that thinks DK is better in center than garcia ?
okay so garcia is good enough to play CF the first 6, but kelly needs to come in and play center for the last 3 ? is JL the only one in the world that thinks DK is better in center than garcia ?
Garcia isn't a center fielder. He gets lousy jumps. And is too big anyway. Kelly is by far the best defensive outfielder on this roster, currently. (no hunter and no Ajax)